Poly Styrene / X Ray Spex

Started by mahg33ta, May 16, 2011, 12:12 PM

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the punk rock thread inspired me to post this.

RIP Poly Styrene, who died recently.    :(  :( :( :(

Germ Free Adolescents was the first album I bought* and became the first album I knew every word, note, and quirk of.   I was 9 years old and used to stare that album cover for hours, mystified and entranced by her voice and views.    I bet now I could still sing along to every song.

That album had a huge influence on me musically - even socially.   She was just the coolest cat I could imagine.   I find myself being fairly stunned by her death.

* Actually on that fateful store trip in 1978 I bought 2 albums.   The other was Christmas in Smurfland by Father Abraham (seriously).



I think that's pretty bad ass that you were buying records at 9 years old.  I had a video game soundtrack record that I played on my Fisher Price turntable over and over again when I was around 7 but I'd like to think my 1st record I "helped" buy with my older brother was Run DMC's Raisin' Hell when I was 10. 8)

I guess I should check out a little X Ray Spex?
Can You Put Your Soft Helmet On My Head