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All Good Festival

Started by e_wind, Jun 09, 2011, 11:47 AM

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After the depression that sets in post-wakarusa (or any festival), we're all trying to volunteer at this. To me, Furthur, Toots and the Maytals, and Beats Antique were enough to sell me. Anyone ever been here? Whats the atmosphere like?
don't rock bottom, just listen just slow down...


Aaaaaahhhhhhh well I hit Allgood nearly consecutively from 2005-2009 or so... kind of blurry...

But I don't know what to say about it!  A handful of my friends are still planning to go this year, but anymore I seem to find myself just grumbling about the uncomfortableness that always seems to overwhelm things there...  So many people there nowadays, always a far parking experience because of the growth in popularity, no shade (unless you climb super-vertical hills somewhat far away to get into the tree-zone...) Long traffic waits of course... again, no shade..... somnambulists all over, littering and polluting things with nitrous balloons....

Erg, I don't like to groan, it could still totally be a great time if you're still game to party and sweat and not sleep  8), I think I just had my own personal share of it!  I even got in free the last time I went, via volunteering for the Venture Outdoors booth, but I still wasn't that impressed with the overall experience.... would be a kickass experience if it was still just a few thousand people though, and not, well... 30,000.......
Daylight is good at arriving in the night time


I went first year of college a few years back to see the Flaming Lips and String Cheese.  Don't really remember much because it's, don't know how to put this, um, very "heady".  I know we camped there, fires weren't allowed I remember that much.  Awesome area for a festival though.
Sometimes when I get in my zone, you'd think I was stoned, but I never as they say, touched the stuf

capt. scotty

30,000 Woody?! Now that I think about it, I guess the last time I was there must have been '05 at the latest, and Id say there was 5k tops there.
The thing is, Bob, it's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care. - Peter Gibbons


kotch, you reminded me about the no-campfire situation there!  Probably a good idea now that it's so huge (and there's no wood around to make fires anywho! hahah)  But a bummer when you just want to mellow down at night and get a good stare going at the flames...  ???

And!  I was at the Flaming Lips and String Cheese Allgood too!! I loved it then!!  It was still really new to me and I was kind of numbed in the "first time" experience of everything....  then I guess it just wore on me a tad... The Flaming Lips blew my mind that night though, it may have been the first time I saw them. There were two huge sumo wrestler blow-up bubble-men on either side of the stage, I think. And Wayne had that damn camera on his mic that magnified his face, and I was so Spaced that whole weekend that I just could not figure out where the camera was at in order to be so close to his face!! Hahahahah sorely confused... took them forever to come on, but it was one of the last "late night" shows I ever stayed up for at Allgood hahahah super glad I did though...

Yeah though, Capt, I think it's around the 25,000-30,000 marker these days, just gauging from what I've heard people working the gates saying and a few people I know that're pretty involved in vending... it's just too much for me at the moment... maybe if it's still goin on in a few years and it dies down a little I'll be up for it again....... but til then I always way prefer Nelson Ledges in Ohio!!  8)  Allgood lineup always makes me choke up a bit though, I'd love to see Further (and DSO!! John will HAVE to play with them if Further's there too!!) and Toots and Primus and fuckin' Keller I love that man... and Yonder AHHHH where'd that vomit emoticon go at......
Daylight is good at arriving in the night time


The heat in general sucks at these things, but at Wakarusa I found it okay because we camped in shadded areas. I don't mind the crowd, as every festival except one that I've been to are major festivals. The line up is good enough, and I plan on volunteering, so we'll see. thanks for the reports dudes.
don't rock bottom, just listen just slow down...