Now that I'm gettin' older, so much older...

Started by sundari, Jun 13, 2011, 08:49 PM

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That live JGB record is one of my Desert Island Five, and "Waiting for a Miracle" is one of the best tunes on there. I remember loving "If I Had a Rocket Launcher"so much when it was released, and hearing it now is almost even more powerful.
"'s gonna be great -- I mean me coming back with the band and playing all those hits again"


Quote from: Crispy on Jun 14, 2011, 06:06 PM
That live JGB record is one of my Desert Island Five, and "Waiting for a Miracle" is one of the best tunes on there. I remember loving "If I Had a Rocket Launcher"so much when it was released, and hearing it now is almost even more powerful.

YouTube has several really good live versions of "Rocket Launcher". I like his solo acoustic version perhaps best.

Dan Aykroyd does the intro here:

Bruce Cockburn - If I Had a Rocket Launcher


Quote from: Jaimoe on Jun 14, 2011, 05:37 PM
I forgot to mention that I still like the original Van Halen and haven't got sick of hearing some classic Canadian rock from the likes of Triumph, April Wine and Rush. And as I get older, I appreciate the music and guitar playing of Canadian treasure, Bruce Cockburn, more and more. Oddly enough, I'm only the faintest fan of Canada's biggest domestic band, Tragically Hip, although I'm from their hometown and saw them in concert before their first-ever EP came out. Another classic Canadian band I never really got into is Max Webster, who made a nice companion to Rush (Geddy Lee was involved with them and leader Kim Mitchell became a Canadian icon in his own right; he had a US solo hit with "Go For Soda" in the '80s). MW was a comic/poor man's Zappa.

It's odd how I was really into the Hip for about 3 1/2 years when I lived in Syracuse, then the minute I was further than 100 miles from the Canadian border it stopped being relevant.

That, or I just thought World Container sucked donkey balls and stopped listening after that
I'm surrounded by assholes

Jon T.

I guess this fits here... I just willingly bypassed pit tickets in favor of a first row balcony ticket. My 18 year old self would have kicked  my 33 year old ass for pulling some weak shit like that.


Quote from: Jon T. on Jun 15, 2011, 01:49 PM
I guess this fits here... I just willingly bypassed pit tickets in favor of a first row balcony ticket. My 18 year old self would have kicked  my 33 year old ass for pulling some weak shit like that.

/shakes head sadly/

"'s gonna be great -- I mean me coming back with the band and playing all those hits again"

Jon T.

Quote from: Crispy on Jun 15, 2011, 02:05 PM
Quote from: Jon T. on Jun 15, 2011, 01:49 PM
I guess this fits here... I just willingly bypassed pit tickets in favor of a first row balcony ticket. My 18 year old self would have kicked  my 33 year old ass for pulling some weak shit like that.

/shakes head sadly/


I know, I know - such a disappointment.


Quote from: Jon T. on Jun 15, 2011, 02:34 PM
Quote from: Crispy on Jun 15, 2011, 02:05 PM
Quote from: Jon T. on Jun 15, 2011, 01:49 PM
I guess this fits here... I just willingly bypassed pit tickets in favor of a first row balcony ticket. My 18 year old self would have kicked  my 33 year old ass for pulling some weak shit like that.

/shakes head sadly/


I know, I know - such a disappointment.

While I do love to be up front, my 42-year-old ass will be pretty happy to make an easier trip to get a beer from my balcony seat this Friday. As well as sit in it before the show.
"'s gonna be great -- I mean me coming back with the band and playing all those hits again"


Quote from: Jaimoe on Jun 14, 2011, 07:34 AM
Quote from: sundari on Jun 13, 2011, 08:49 PM
How have your musical tastes evolved as you have gotten older?  Do you still like music you liked when you were younger, or have you moved on to another genre/type entirely?

Yes, evolved and devolved.

I still love the artists of my early youth (age 5-12) such as Led Zeppelin, Beatles, Stones, Who, Hendrix and Neil Young, but can't really stand most other classic rock, including prog and art rock. When I hit my late teens to early 20's, I started loving the Allmans (I liked the Dead before high school) and moved onto jam bands, but I can't stand that dead genre anymore (except for the aforementioned pioneers). I always liked blues, but became more of a fan in my mid '20s (same with jazz). My love of blues and like of jazz won't ever go away - same with funk (everyone should own Maggot Brain). I started loving Zappa when I was around 26 (I'm in my early 40s now).

However, my taste in blues, folk and rock has devolved over the past decade. I love rawer music now such as the White Stripes, Black Keys, Junior Kimbrough, Stooges, Tool and Muddy Waters over slicker stuff that rots all genres. 

I finally got into punk and some important '80s bands about 15 years ago thanks in some ways to my punk-drumming roommate (he was in a punk band that had a bit of a run on the indie Canadian charts in the early '80s and his group opened a few shows for the Ramones). I liked the Clash in high school, but it took me awhile to understand and embrace other great punk bands. I used to brush off the '80s as garbage, but I didn't really have a good outlet for important bands and was pretty ignorant of the greatness of The Replacements, Pixies, Galaxie 500, Sonic Youth, Husker Du (and a few others) in the '80s; I was too busy "evolving" back then to care. Idiot.

I think many of us 40somethings on this board could share similar musical tastes as those described by Jaimoe. 

I will say, I am grateful I did not brush off the 80's as garbage and I still have a heavy listening rotation to bands you listed as well as other 80's gems such as Miracle Legion and The Feelies.

Unlike Jaimoe though, R.E.M. was probably the 80's band that started it all for me (up until they released GREEN that is... :embarassed:).  And pre-Document R.E.M. is till heavy on my listening rotation as well. 

And when talking about bands like R.E.M. and Galaxie, I don't know how you could mention them without talking about the Velvet Underground.  I guess they would fall into my classic rock band...  :P

I, like Jaimoe discovered the Dead in high school and have been and continue to be a HUGE fan of their music.  I got into Phish in college and while I'm a fan of their, I never connected with them in the same way as I did with the Dead.  And, until I discovered MMJ, no band has come close to filling the void left when Jerry died as what MMJ does.

As for how my taste in music is evolving, I don't see myself mellowing too much.  There's a lot of good music being made today by many good bands and I really like what I'm hearing.  But, at the same time, I don't think I'll ever tire of the music of my youth.

Quote from: Crispy on Jun 15, 2011, 02:57 PM
Quote from: Jon T. on Jun 15, 2011, 02:34 PM
Quote from: Crispy on Jun 15, 2011, 02:05 PM
Quote from: Jon T. on Jun 15, 2011, 01:49 PM
I guess this fits here... I just willingly bypassed pit tickets in favor of a first row balcony ticket. My 18 year old self would have kicked  my 33 year old ass for pulling some weak shit like that.

/shakes head sadly/


I know, I know - such a disappointment.

While I do love to be up front, my 42-year-old ass will be pretty happy to make an easier trip to get a beer from my balcony seat this Friday. As well as sit in it before the show.

LOL!  I went to see Band of Horses last fall at the House of Blues in Cleveland, my wife and I chose to sit in the balcony seating as opposed to getting close on the floor.  Well, we went to see Iron & Wine this spring also at the HOB and much to our dismay, we found that the balcony seating was reserved so we had to go to the floor.  Not that that was a bad thing, just my old tired body can't take it like I used to be able to do.

I will say though, that we will be in the pit for MMJ in Detroit, although I am also resigned to chilling on the lawn in C'bus...  8)


I'm in my early 40s too and grew up listening to The Beatles, Dylan, & Led Zeppelin, the Stones and The Who, Hendrix, Clapton, Neil Young, etc and pretty much any rock from the 60s and 70s (Yes, Rush, Pink Floyd).  I've always been into music that came out before my time.  I spent the 80s avoiding almost all modern music listening to older stuff (except Tom Petty, U2 and early REM and uncharacteristically, Kate Bush and Peter Gabriel as well as a brief metal phase when I loved Judas Priest, Ozzy, Dio, Yngwie Malmsteen etc),  or stuff that sounded older (when Stevie Ray Vaughan, the Georgia Satellites and the Black Crowes came out, I let out a huge "Hallelujah! its about fuckin' time guitar rock came back!"). 

I got into Bob Dylan because of reading about him in books on the 60s and The Byrds covering him.  I'd never been into drawling vocals or twangy folky guitars, but getting heavily into Dylan led me to all kinds of rock based in American roots music (The Grateful Dead, The Band, The Allman Brothers, etc), which is probably my greatest love still today.  Over the years I've gotten into classic country and Stax/Motown music from the 60s and '70s, mostly because of covers played by many of the bands I've mentioned.  I saw the Dead about 100 times in the late 80s and early 90s and I've seen the Black Crowes dozens of times.  I follow a Chico, CA band called the Mother Hips and have seen them about a hundred times, too.  MMJ and Wilco are newer discoveries of mine and IMO they are a couple of the only current bands that can hold a candle to the great masters of live rock from the 60s and 70s. These days I don't listen to much metal or 70s prog rock anymore, but I never ever get tired of Zeppelin, Sabbath, Who, Stones, Beatles, Dylan, Petty.  I also listen to lots of certain roots rock bands like The Jayhawks and JJ Grey and Mofro.  I've never gotten into punk or rap or club music, I like melodies and well-crafted songs too much.  I think 1969 1970 may have been the best two years ever for live rock music, its incredible how many great bands were at or near their peak for live performance in those years.  I'm still delving deeper into those years with stuff like Humble Pie and other stuff that doesn't get played on classic rock radio that much.
"Some like their water shallow, I like mine deep"


Quote from: Shug on Jun 16, 2011, 07:56 PM
I follow a Chico, CA band called the Mother Hips and have seen them about a hundred times, too.

YES!!!  8) Someone else here to talk about the Hips with! I'm not the only one!  ;D

Hey Shug, do you live in Northern California?
"I'm able to sing because I'm able to fly, son. You heard me right..."


In the late 80s through the 90s I lived in Sonoma County and then Chico for a few years.
Yeah, you find some Hips fans here and there, we're small in number but big on stoke for our band!
"Some like their water shallow, I like mine deep"