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Started by foomex, Jun 15, 2011, 12:59 PM

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Hi, didn't see any intro threads (didn't made a full search tho).

Just wanted to say hi, I signed up to find luck for the Boston show, still no luck.
I'm a beginner fan, don't own any records, but have downloaded a fistful of songs since "It Still Moves", and own Okonokos. Looking to get the whole discog starting with Circuital.

I got into them -I think- because Dave Grohl once mentioned them, recommended them, or maybe MMJ opened for Foos? Not sure, but I know it was Foo induced for me.

Yeah, I'm an intense Foo fan and... well that's it, just wanted to say hi. Oh, and I'm from Mexico


Welcome!  :thumbsup:

Try to get some bootleg shows from this fantastic blog:
Cow temperature.


Heya foomex, welcome, and I think the thread you were looking for was this one:

I can thank Dave Grohl for introducing me to MMJ too -- here's my entry in that thread poking a little fun about it:

Quote from: Crispy on Apr 04, 2011, 07:42 PM
Quote from: Ru-day on Apr 04, 2011, 03:44 PM
   I first discovered Y.Y from "I'm not there yet". The emotions that his voice struck in me where incomparable to anything before, I was blown away. I immediately left the theater and walked into Virgin to by the soundtrack... From that point on it was history; I became a huge fan of MMG and of course of the man (Yim Yames). I might have a small crush on Yim Yames...OK maybe a big one.

I first heard about My Morning Gasket when I was thumbing through the latest issue of Gearboy back in 2004, and read a remark from Dave Grill  in a poll of famous mechanics about new parts they had been enjoying lately. He said something like "My Morning Gasket makes some really great seals for when you're hungover," and I was intrigued. So I checked out some of their stuff that I found on the internet like The Tennessee Tire, Chocolate and Grease, It Still Drives, and I was hooked. It wasn't long before everything I could find at Napa was in my own grimy paws.

So glad I finally found this thread!

::) ;) ::)

"'s gonna be great -- I mean me coming back with the band and playing all those hits again"


Hey there kydiddle and crispy.
I found what PERHAPS made me look into them. Back from 2002, last question on the first page.
Quote from: On The Table with Kurt Loder
Loder: What band have you seen recently, maybe live, that you thought, well, maybe they'll be all right and they knocked you out?

Grohl: My Morning Jacket. ... I think they're from Tennessee or something like that. It's a great record.


bowl of soup

Jaimoe from's Mexico too...Upper Mexico.  Sorry.  No, I really am - I kid because I love.  Go Cannucks?
I'm not saying it's easy...walking into sweet oblivion.


Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.