Phrases that annoy you...

Started by Jon T., Jul 01, 2011, 09:08 AM

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Do people who use "quotation marks" with their hands count?  I hate those mofos.


Honetly.... i hate it when people their sentences like "honestly, thats the dumbest thing i've ever heard."


When people complain about a movie they didn't like - "that's two hours of my life I'll never get back". Two hours is such a miniscule amount of time in one's life, plus half the time it's a movie I like.
That's motherfuckin' John Oates!


Quote from: ManNamedTruth on Jul 03, 2011, 07:21 AM
When people complain about a movie they didn't like - "that's two hours of my life I'll never get back". Two hours is such a miniscule amount of time in one's life, plus half the time it's a movie I like.

However, save some of your hard-earned dollars and precious outdoor, drinking and bbq time and skip all of the current summer blockbusters not named Super 8.


Quote from: Jaimoe on Jul 03, 2011, 03:33 PM
Quote from: ManNamedTruth on Jul 03, 2011, 07:21 AM
When people complain about a movie they didn't like - "that's two hours of my life I'll never get back". Two hours is such a miniscule amount of time in one's life, plus half the time it's a movie I like.

However, save some of your hard-earned dollars and precious outdoor, drinking and bbq time and skip all of the current summer blockbusters not named Super 8.

I'm not really into summer blockbusters. I haven't seen anything this summer so far.
That's motherfuckin' John Oates!


Quote from: ManNamedTruth on Jul 03, 2011, 04:23 PM
Quote from: Jaimoe on Jul 03, 2011, 03:33 PM
Quote from: ManNamedTruth on Jul 03, 2011, 07:21 AM
When people complain about a movie they didn't like - "that's two hours of my life I'll never get back". Two hours is such a miniscule amount of time in one's life, plus half the time it's a movie I like.

However, save some of your hard-earned dollars and precious outdoor, drinking and bbq time and skip all of the current summer blockbusters not named Super 8.

I'm not really into summer blockbusters. I haven't seen anything this summer so far.

Well, the new Woody Allen movie may be right up your alley. It's very good.


Quote from: Jaimoe on Jul 03, 2011, 04:45 PM
Quote from: ManNamedTruth on Jul 03, 2011, 04:23 PM
Quote from: Jaimoe on Jul 03, 2011, 03:33 PM
Quote from: ManNamedTruth on Jul 03, 2011, 07:21 AM
When people complain about a movie they didn't like - "that's two hours of my life I'll never get back". Two hours is such a miniscule amount of time in one's life, plus half the time it's a movie I like.

However, save some of your hard-earned dollars and precious outdoor, drinking and bbq time and skip all of the current summer blockbusters not named Super 8.

I'm not really into summer blockbusters. I haven't seen anything this summer so far.

Well, the new Woody Allen movie may be right up your alley. It's very good.

Thanks for the suggestion. I was aware he had a new movie and it looks good just by judging on IMDB rating and metascore. I'm a fan of Owen Wilson too, mainly his work with Wes Anderson. I'll definitely check that out sometime this week.
BTW I'm not that big of a film snob, I like The Dark Knight as much as the next person.
That's motherfuckin' John Oates!


Quote from: ManNamedTruth on Jul 03, 2011, 06:39 PM
Quote from: Jaimoe on Jul 03, 2011, 04:45 PM
Quote from: ManNamedTruth on Jul 03, 2011, 04:23 PM
Quote from: Jaimoe on Jul 03, 2011, 03:33 PM
Quote from: ManNamedTruth on Jul 03, 2011, 07:21 AM
When people complain about a movie they didn't like - "that's two hours of my life I'll never get back". Two hours is such a miniscule amount of time in one's life, plus half the time it's a movie I like.

However, save some of your hard-earned dollars and precious outdoor, drinking and bbq time and skip all of the current summer blockbusters not named Super 8.

I'm not really into summer blockbusters. I haven't seen anything this summer so far.

Well, the new Woody Allen movie may be right up your alley. It's very good.

Thanks for the suggestion. I was aware he had a new movie and it looks good just by judging on IMDB rating and metascore. I'm a fan of Owen Wilson too, mainly his work with Wes Anderson. I'll definitely check that out sometime this week.
BTW I'm not that big of a film snob, I like The Dark Knight as much as the next person.

The Dark Knight is widely praised by snobs and non-snobs alike. Chris Nolan bridges art filmmaking and blockbuster.


"This is gonna be our last song" really blows.


Quote from: Jaimoe on Jul 03, 2011, 03:33 PM
Quote from: ManNamedTruth on Jul 03, 2011, 07:21 AM
When people complain about a movie they didn't like - "that's two hours of my life I'll never get back". Two hours is such a miniscule amount of time in one's life, plus half the time it's a movie I like.

However, save some of your hard-earned dollars and precious outdoor, drinking and bbq time and skip all of the current summer blockbusters not named Super 8.

super 8 was way better than i thought it would be. i liked it a lot. i saw it because im a huge Lostie and thus JJ fan. Kinda cheesy, but very good none the less.
don't rock bottom, just listen just slow down...


Quote from: YouAre_GivenToFly on Jul 01, 2011, 09:52 AM
"I'll reach out to him"


"I could care less"

I also hate when people use acronyms that NO ONE ELSE COULD POSSIBLY KNOW.

You Are Given To Fly.....this one's especially for you:

Dear America... | David Mitchell's SoapBox
Paulie W


Quote from: vespachick on Jul 01, 2011, 04:24 PM
Around my office it's "can you ping him/her"?  No I cannot. I can call or send an email, but I do not ping, at least not without good old pong.

I'm completely with you on this one. "Can you ping me an email?". No I can't.....FUCK OFF!

Others that piss me off:

Kids who are relaying a conversation they had with someone else and instead of saying "I said" they say "I was like". E.g. "And I was like I really don't like you, and she was like well I don't like you either...."

Don't know if this is used over there but if something even slightly inconvenient happens to someone and they say, "It was a nightmare..."

"It's not rocket science."

"Thanks for the head's up."

"Visa Versa" or "Vica Versa"'s Vice Versa.

ANY phrases used by skateboarding / surfing people that involve........awesome, rad, sick, or STOKED!

And the worst of "emotional rollercoaster."
Paulie W


Quote from: Paulie_Walnuts on Jul 04, 2011, 04:22 AM
Quote from: vespachick on Jul 01, 2011, 04:24 PM
Around my office it's "can you ping him/her"?  No I cannot. I can call or send an email, but I do not ping, at least not without good old pong.

I'm completely with you on this one. "Can you ping me an email?". No I can't.....FUCK OFF!"
Thankfully, this annoyance has not reached my corner of hell...I mean my office.


Quote from: Jaimoe on Jul 01, 2011, 12:35 PM
This really annoyed me off at last year's Winter Olympics in Whistler: "Aussie Aussie Aussie, Oi Oi Oi".

More like: "Aussie Aussie Aussie, Fuck Right Off".

I hate it too. I also hate ASAP and my sister has made me hate when people say literally and don't use it figuratively.
How loud can silence get?


Some girls mothers are bigger than others girls mothers...

Tracy 2112

Be the cliché you want to see in the world.


"I could care less" drives me crazy, too. Below are my main offenders:

"whole 'nother"
Ex: He's from a whole 'nother world.

"no count"
Ex: Momma says Daddy's no count.

Ex: OMG I am so hungry; let's grab some 'za.

"social networking"
Ex: Let's have a totally unnecessary two-hour meeting to discuss our company's social networking campaigns for this quarter.

And anything related to Kim or any other member of the Kardashian family.
all facts begin as dreams dreamt by the wizard

Tracy 2112

Quote from: megalicious on Jul 05, 2011, 01:44 PM

This irritated my wife so much that she thought I made it up just to irritate her. I use it only for special occasions.  ::)
Be the cliché you want to see in the world.

bowl of soup

Quote from: BH on Jul 01, 2011, 04:19 PM
Quote from: Jaimoe on Jul 01, 2011, 03:05 PM
A couple more that many Americans say with frequency:

"Where's that at"? and "I tell you what".

Oh shit, Jaimoe is playing the "canada is better than america" card again.   ;)

I'll tell you what, to be honest with you, Canada is what it is - a place that most people respond to its very mention by saying, "Where's that at?"
I'm not saying it's easy...walking into sweet oblivion.


The trouble with the straight and the narrow is it's so thin, I keep sliding off to the side