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Ron Paul ~

Started by Nevermind90, Jul 06, 2011, 11:41 AM

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Quote from: Sticky Icky Green Stuff on Dec 20, 2011, 11:56 AM
Quote from: ALady on Dec 20, 2011, 11:51 AM
Ron Paul is 76, y'all.

remember when his eyebrow fell off?  good point, you just gave me another reason to not vote for this piece of shit.

have you heard about that "money bomb" shit he just did over the weekend.  he does it all the time and gets millions within a day.  mostly from average, poor, broke ass citizens.  brainwashed into giving him money.  such a sad thing.  "get money out of politics! here ron here's a couple million, good luck".  it's total hypocrisy.

how the fuck is any politician supposed to campaign without financial support from the people who are behind him?  If it is out of his own pocket then we would be stuck with ONLY the most wealthy people in the country as presidential candidates (not saying this has not happened in the past)...for better or worse running for president is quite costly...even though its probably not true, I'd like to think that a real middle class american could make his way to the top without the financial barrier

dont call someone brainwashed for supporting what they believe in, its their money


Quote from: davymac on Dec 20, 2011, 12:22 PM
Quote from: Sticky Icky Green Stuff on Dec 20, 2011, 11:56 AM
Quote from: ALady on Dec 20, 2011, 11:51 AM
Ron Paul is 76, y'all.

remember when his eyebrow fell off?  good point, you just gave me another reason to not vote for this piece of shit.

have you heard about that "money bomb" shit he just did over the weekend.  he does it all the time and gets millions within a day.  mostly from average, poor, broke ass citizens.  brainwashed into giving him money.  such a sad thing.  "get money out of politics! here ron here's a couple million, good luck".  it's total hypocrisy.

...even though its probably not true, I'd like to think that a real middle class american could make his way to the top without the financial barrier

No man, that's DEFINITELY not true.
The wind blew me back, via Chicago, in the middle of the night.


Quote from: YouAre_GivenToFly on Dec 20, 2011, 12:27 PM
Quote from: davymac on Dec 20, 2011, 12:22 PM
Quote from: Sticky Icky Green Stuff on Dec 20, 2011, 11:56 AM
Quote from: ALady on Dec 20, 2011, 11:51 AM
Ron Paul is 76, y'all.

remember when his eyebrow fell off?  good point, you just gave me another reason to not vote for this piece of shit.

have you heard about that "money bomb" shit he just did over the weekend.  he does it all the time and gets millions within a day.  mostly from average, poor, broke ass citizens.  brainwashed into giving him money.  such a sad thing.  "get money out of politics! here ron here's a couple million, good luck".  it's total hypocrisy.

...even though its probably not true, I'd like to think that a real middle class american could make his way to the top without the financial barrier

No man, that's DEFINITELY not true.

I think you're sucks we are stuck in a system that will always be led by the elite...maybe a normal american will win the lottery and invest it in his own presidential campaign  ;D

Sticky Icky Green Stuff

no response to the links?  not surprising.


Quote from: Sticky Icky Green Stuff on Dec 22, 2011, 11:05 AM
no response to the links?  not surprising.

Facts make people uncomfortable, unless they confirm their own personal beliefs.
The wind blew me back, via Chicago, in the middle of the night.

Sticky Icky Green Stuff

Quote from: YouAre_GivenToFly on Dec 22, 2011, 11:23 AM
Quote from: Sticky Icky Green Stuff on Dec 22, 2011, 11:05 AM
no response to the links?  not surprising.

Facts make people uncomfortable, unless they confirm their own personal beliefs.

I guess it's sorta like being a devote christian or something.  no matter how many times people prove to you the flaws you won't believe them.   even if you read the information with your own eyes.  It really does remind me of the attitude people who voted for Obama in 08 had.  all hopey changey.  that's all ron's really doing right now.  capitalizing on people's frustration.


Quote from: Sticky Icky Green Stuff on Dec 22, 2011, 07:10 PM
Quote from: YouAre_GivenToFly on Dec 22, 2011, 11:23 AM
Quote from: Sticky Icky Green Stuff on Dec 22, 2011, 11:05 AM
no response to the links?  not surprising.

Facts make people uncomfortable, unless they confirm their own personal beliefs.

I guess it's sorta like being a devote christian or something.  no matter how many times people prove to you the flaws you won't believe them.   even if you read the information with your own eyes.  It really does remind me of the attitude people who voted for Obama in 08 had.  all hopey changey.  that's all ron's really doing right now.  capitalizing on people's frustration.

well if i wanted to cram my beliefs down your throat i saying obama did bring change, we have czar now...all you posted was articles about how ron paul is a racist and how he cant win...the only real policy article you pointed out was his foreign policy issues, which i dont agree with, therefore i have nothing to say.  his high points are cutting the national debt by 1 trillion dollars and bringing smaller gov. which i believe in and could care less if you disagree, its what makes this country great, to have different beliefs, if we all thought the same i would  go crazy

Sticky Icky Green Stuff

Quote from: davymac on Dec 22, 2011, 09:27 PM
Quote from: Sticky Icky Green Stuff on Dec 22, 2011, 07:10 PM
Quote from: YouAre_GivenToFly on Dec 22, 2011, 11:23 AM
Quote from: Sticky Icky Green Stuff on Dec 22, 2011, 11:05 AM
no response to the links?  not surprising.

Facts make people uncomfortable, unless they confirm their own personal beliefs.

I guess it's sorta like being a devote christian or something.  no matter how many times people prove to you the flaws you won't believe them.   even if you read the information with your own eyes.  It really does remind me of the attitude people who voted for Obama in 08 had.  all hopey changey.  that's all ron's really doing right now.  capitalizing on people's frustration.

well if i wanted to cram my beliefs down your throat i saying obama did bring change, we have czar now...all you posted was articles about how ron paul is a racist and how he cant win...the only real policy article you pointed out was his foreign policy issues, which i dont agree with, therefore i have nothing to say.  his high points are cutting the national debt by 1 trillion dollars and bringing smaller gov. which i believe in and could care less if you disagree, its what makes this country great, to have different beliefs, if we all thought the same i would  go crazy

that's such a simplistic way of looking at ron paul.  you leave out the "how" when it comes to cutting 1 trillion dollars and what he considers smaller government. 

he wants to cut off ALL foreign aid.  all of it, every single dollar.  even the money going to starving kids and people in africa with HIV.   

he wants to dissolve the EPA and allow the big oil/natural gas/coal/energy companies set their own standards, which is worthless.  ron paul might as well just say "Fuck the environment".

he wants to dissolve the FED and switch to a gold and silver standard, why? because over 64percent of his bread is in GOLD.  he has gold mines and shit.  that's why he's pushing it, to increase his wallet size.  he's old, he doesn't give a fuck about the future.  he cares about living his last 10-15years out rich as fuck.

he's leeching money off of good people who want our country to be better.  he will  NEVER be president.  he is unworthy.   I won't change your mind because you think he's got the answers but when you really look into it he's no better than the rest, he's just telling you exactly what you want to hear while he does something that will be completely beneficial to ron paul and ron paul alone. 

Sticky Icky Green Stuff

did you know ron paul has delivered over 4,000babies?

New Ron Paul Ad (Pro-Life): Staying on the Right Path


So, who should we vote for sticky? 
There's Still Time.........

Sticky Icky Green Stuff

Quote from: sweatboard on Dec 26, 2011, 02:16 AM
So, who should we vote for sticky?

why would you ask me?  it's your right, use it how you want. 


Yes, I fully intend on using my vote how I want.  I think I phrased my question wrong.  You seem to be very knowledgeable and I'm curious about who you think would be the best option right now.  I'm not above listening to arguments for why other candidates are good options.  I am truly just curious. 
There's Still Time.........


The wind blew me back, via Chicago, in the middle of the night.

Sticky Icky Green Stuff

Quote from: sweatboard on Dec 26, 2011, 11:58 PM
Yes, I fully intend on using my vote how I want.  I think I phrased my question wrong.  You seem to be very knowledgeable and I'm curious about who you think would be the best option right now.  I'm not above listening to arguments for why other candidates are good options.  I am truly just curious.

im voting straight democrat. want to rid congress of the tea party young gun conservatives and other obstructionists.