Quick question.....wtf!?

Started by AlwxanderD10, Jul 08, 2011, 11:23 PM

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Anybody mind tellin me what the heck this things is?


Jewish Jukebox/Camera, obviously.


Tracy 2112

It's a Spirit-Mean X-52.3/SQ (it might be an SK, I'd have to look at the back of it). It monitors the spirit mean (average) of the crowd and transmits the proper "God" channel to Jim so as to reach the deepest parts of the most souls in a crowd. There are different settings so you could reach shallower parts with more people or just eliminate some people entirely from the experience.

Standard rock and roll equipment for rising mega stars.

Here's the X-22.7/FDS 4.5 that Pink Floyd used in the mid 70's

Be the cliché you want to see in the world.


"As citizens of eternity we ought to be without anxiety."