Bushman's Beer Review from the future

Started by thebugman, Oct 24, 2013, 12:56 PM

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Far, far, far, far into the future and then a little bit further, the Bushman and Black Rain have smuggled into existence a mythical beverage long ago outlawed and up until now, extinct. It is called, "Beer." Only after years of struggle, years of adventuring and solving mysteries and shit, did the Bushman and Black Rain realize their goal. Unearthing the secret recipe was only the beginning. With the help of their disciples, called "the bushwhackers," the Bushman and Black Rain were able to re-appropriate secret military technology to re-create this long abandoned beverage. But there are some who watch. And they will stop at nothing to see that "beer" never touches the tongue of another human. Fully aware of the danger, Bushman and Black Rain have decided to broadcast this most epic beer review so that all may see the wonderfulness that is beer, so that unwarranted stigma attached to beer may be forever vanquished and all the world, no matter the year, shall know the greatness that is....BEER!

The Bushman's Future Beer Review (Of Beer from the Past) - Hopageddon
four on the floor and four in the air....