Full fledged conversion

Started by rincon, Jul 23, 2011, 09:11 AM

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Last year I started giving copies of each MMJ cd to a friend who never heard of them. I gave him Okonokos DVD for Christmas. I took him to the LA show for his 50th B-Day. I thought it was time to turn him on to DBT so I gave him copies of 7 of their albums. I asked him yesterday if he listened to them yet and he said, " No man, you have ruined me for other music, I can't listen to anything other than MMJ." I feel like the CIA with MK-Ultra. (brainwashing)


Well we all know the CIA made MMJ to keep us all distracted.  ;)
"Somewhere out there is a land that's cool, where peace and balance are the rule."


I keep trying to convert a close friend to MMJ but he's being an asshole and doesn't listen to what I say to him.

Last time he came over to my house and I played the storytellers video, tbh, you need to be patient with some songs... he thought they were weird and snoozy. Right after he said "man it's not gonna happen" I fastfwd to One Big Holiday and at the end he said, "I'll give them that, that's a really good song".

I still feel this need to fully convert someone!!!


Quote from: foomex on Jul 23, 2011, 11:41 AM
I keep trying to convert a close friend to MMJ but he's being an asshole and doesn't listen to what I say to him.

Last time he came over to my house and I played the storytellers video, tbh, you need to be patient with some songs... he thought they were weird and snoozy. Right after he said "man it's not gonna happen" I fastfwd to One Big Holiday and at the end he said, "I'll give them that, that's a really good song".

I still feel this need to fully convert someone!!!
Only one way to start. Okonokos DVD. If they can't dig that, they are hopeless.


I've said before, my biggest frustration is that my longtime friends, who accompanied me to many a G. Dead, P. Floyd, Dylan, N. Young, Jerry show, can't stand the sound of Jim's voice and generally "hate" MMJ.  I'm at a loss and wonder, as foomex alluded, if they're just being spiteful, jealous of my renewed passion for music thanks to MMJ.  That said, I've probably seen forum peeps at shows more often than I get together with those guys these days. 

Last night, I listened to Dondante from 9/5/08 and sent my old friends the link.  I actually said, "skip the first 1/3 of the track if you must avoid the vocals, but this should help you understand..."  I'm expecting some sarcastic remarks shortly, and bet some of them won't even listen to it.  Their loss, I guess.

At least my wife and three daughter dig 'em.  Makes it nice to be able to play At Dawn during dinner or to sing Steam Engine for bedtime.
The fact that my heart's beating is all the proof you need.


The wife of my friend has made it clear to him that MMJ is the worst band in the world. He lives north of SB and went to the LA show, but his wife would not let him go to the SB show, even though tons of tickets were available.(He could have gone, but there are consequences, ya know.)


My friends hate MMJ, so so much. I don't understand it, because they would like it if they tried. I seriously think them being stubborn kids that still think its important not to follow trends makes it hard for them to try because they're a huge band from our hometown. I think they think that all of us nuts from Louisville like jacket because its cool that they're from Louisville. I even have one friend that went to the waterfront show and siad it was one of the coolest shows hes ever seen, but he doesn't care for the music still (i know, i know, my mind is blow too). however, these a-holes still dont care for Zep, the Doors, Stevie Wonder, Pink Floyd, etc, so they're just dummies anyway.

I have, however, converted my sister and mom recently, and am taking the whole family to Tuscaloosa show with me. Maybe my dad and other sister will convert that night too.
don't rock bottom, just listen just slow down...


I took another friend to the SB show that had no interest in them.We are pretty good friends, so I had to take him. He used to call them My Morning Movement and was perplexed why I liked them so much. His take on the show. "Would I by an album by them? No. Would I see them again. Of course."


ive tried to convert a lot of people but all my friends listen to terrible pop music so its pretty much hopeless  >:(


My wife and daughter don't like them, and I really don't like the shit they listen to either  :P    My wife does enjoy them live .  I've converted about a dozen of my friends. And my brother is almost a crazy as me about the band.    I might start going door to door so I can witness the gospel of the great and almighty MMJ to the non-believers.

"Things may come to those who wait, but only the things left by those who hustle" Honest Abe

Tracy 2112

Quote from: Taterbug on Jul 25, 2011, 04:57 PM
I might start going door to door so I can witness the gospel of the great and almighty MMJ to the non-believers.

I'm in, but only if you shave your head and I get to ride on the back of your bike. And none of this "walking trough the neighborhood crap"! I want to be on the back of your bike, your head shaved, and riding from house to house. Anything short of that and it's a no-go.

Robes are optional.
Be the cliché you want to see in the world.


Could you Imagine.  My neighbors would think I was certifiably more nuts than I actually am  ::)    It's bad e-nuff I work out in my yard with my headphones on real loud singing MMJ tunes. I probably sound like Lou Ferrigno with a lisp.  :thumbsup:
"Things may come to those who wait, but only the things left by those who hustle" Honest Abe


I've been able to convert many of my friends but some are just being dicks about it and giving me a hard time when I e-mail around articles or other news of the band.  Then I hear some of them are secretly downloading a bunch of their songs while still giving me a bag of sh*t.  Fortunately most of my friends know good music when they hear it but just want to pull my chain.

So, in retaliation, I've gone to reverse psychology.  I tell them all that the band is getting way too popular and it's getting hard to get good tickets. I'm imploring them to tell anyone they know that the band sucks and they shouldn't even think about buying tickets to a show.  I'll let you know at some point how that's working.


I converted my mum.... and my brother is a pretty big fan of them too.  Most of my friends mock me for liking MMJ and one of them calls them My Morning Wood, I swear to god if they just listened to say OBH or something they would like it but we have a thing where we don't like each others music which stops them from listening (They don't even like Lynyrd Skynyrd I mean come on!)  One of my mates liked Run Thru when I played it, he told me when it was just us two but didn't admit it openly....  >:(
Do not spray into eyes, I have sprayed you into my eyes

Tracy 2112

"I've said before, my biggest frustration is that my longtime friends, who accompanied me to many a G. Dead, P. Floyd, Dylan, N. Young, Jerry show, can't stand the sound of Jim's voice and generally "hate" MMJ."

"The wife of my friend has made it clear to him that MMJ is the worst band in the world."

"My friends hate MMJ, so so much."

"My wife and daughter don't like them"

"Most of my friends mock me for liking MMJ and one of them calls them My Morning Wood"

anyone else notice a pattern here?   ???

I spent years trying to convince people to love Rush but getting similiar responses as this, so I quit trying for the most part. Just saying...
Be the cliché you want to see in the world.


"I've said before, my biggest frustration is that my longtime friends, who accompanied me to many a G. Dead, P. Floyd, Dylan, N. Young, Jerry show, can't stand the sound of Jim's voice and generally "hate" MMJ."
Find friends who can hear!

"The wife of my friend has made it clear to him that MMJ is the worst band in the world."

"My friends hate MMJ, so so much."
More new, new friends!

"My wife and daughter don't like them"
Divorce and boarding school!

"Most of my friends mock me for liking MMJ and one of them calls them My Morning Wood"
Morning wood is a bad thing?
"...it's gonna be great -- I mean me coming back with the band and playing all those hits again"


Quote from: Crispy on Jul 26, 2011, 09:28 AM
"I've said before, my biggest frustration is that my longtime friends, who accompanied me to many a G. Dead, P. Floyd, Dylan, N. Young, Jerry show, can't stand the sound of Jim's voice and generally "hate" MMJ."
Find friends who can hear!

"The wife of my friend has made it clear to him that MMJ is the worst band in the world."

"My friends hate MMJ, so so much."
More new, new friends!

"My wife and daughter don't like them"
Divorce and boarding school!

"Most of my friends mock me for liking MMJ and one of them calls them My Morning Wood"
Morning wood is a bad thing?
LOL, I snorted at "and boarding school" haha.

I hope I don't get stoned (no, not that kinda stoned) by you guys, but I don't like Zepellin, Floyd, G.Dead, Dylan, etc.

I bet they're good (Floyd and Zep at least), but I just don't have time to swallow all that material/catalogue.

I get mad with people who won't take 5 minutes to listen (not hear, listen) to a MMJ song, but, like I said on my post upwards, its a hard band to get into, most are long-ish building up songs, and people nowadays want their choruses 40 seconds in.

And also, the voice, it's not soothing at all. This guy I was talking about was trying to convert me to "Kings of Leon" and I gave him the old "his voice is really annoying" excuse.

Tracy 2112

Quote from: foomex on Jul 26, 2011, 10:42 AM
I get mad with people who won't take 5 minutes to listen (not hear, listen) to a MMJ song, but, like I said on my post upwards, its a hard band to get into, most are long-ish building up songs, and people nowadays want their choruses 40 seconds in.

A friend of mine who is pretty seasoned (i.e. he's been rocking since the 60's) said this about ISM. He writes music reviews and got a copy of the CD when it came out and he didn't care for it b/c of some of the build ups. Also, instead of being a dick and cutting it down, he decidednot to review it b/c it was not his "style" of music.
Be the cliché you want to see in the world.


!!!!Let me just say!!!!

I have fully, fully transformed my manager from my previous job in Pittsburgh!  (And at least partially perhaps his wife!!)


They already had something else picked out!!!  (I'm not sure what though, I'll have to catch up with him when I'm home again)

But he texted me 2 days after I gave him a copy of the new disc my last visit home, and he said "This new album is great, I'm loving it."

Then 2-3 days later he texts me again, "Let me tell you how much I love it.... we've changed our first dance at our wedding to "Wonderful (The Way I Feel)".  Amazing tune."


The good lord has at least given me one ray of light  8)

I'm so glad I decided to stop into my old job and visit that day..... and the odds that I had a spare copy of Circuital was just uncanny.....

And Crispy I love your solutions to these common ailments!!!  ;D ;D ;D
Daylight is good at arriving in the night time


Quote from: Crispy on Jul 26, 2011, 09:28 AM

"My wife and daughter don't like them"
Divorce and boarding school!

I like the way you think Crispy  ;D    Although I don't think I can afford either one. I guess I'll just have to keep listening to my duaghters music, Owl City and Nicki Minaj and other bullshit  :-X   Damn kids these days have NO taste in music, I guess if it's to loud I'm to old. I think I'm turning into my grandfather.
"Things may come to those who wait, but only the things left by those who hustle" Honest Abe