Roll Call - Dec 14th New York, NY @ Madison Square Garden

Started by headhunter, Sep 18, 2011, 08:18 PM

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Great pics Jeff!

In my memories of all the shows, the smiling faces are always at the top of the list. Great that we got to see SO MANY last night. :thumbsup:  :thumbsup:

Thanks for sharing.  8)
"Where's Jim going?"


Quote from: Dillsnufus on Dec 15, 2011, 08:34 PM
did anyone notice a taper?

my friend scott did. it'll be posted on eventually. he usually has a backlog of shows (records regularly around NYC) so it might be a hot minute before it's up. i'll post when it's ready  :thumbsup:


i don't have any people pix but here are a few goodies i got ..


Well...that was fun.  Back in New Orleans after extending an invitation to Patrick to swing by my place after their set at Jazz Fest next year.   ;D

He was going into Stout as I was coming out.  After reading JaneCool's post, I should have just let my friend take a cab home and I should have gone back in...!

Anyhow, great seeing everyone again...I thought the show was great.  Energy in the room was nuts...despite having to fight the plethora of stupids on Carl's side of the stage. I did wind up meeting another Canadian during the show and hoped to introduce him to Mr. and Mrs. Northern Neighbor, but it didn't work time.  :)

Taping...yes, my friend Scott (master of all things taping) taped can follow him on twitter at @scott_bernstein and he also has a FB page for shows.  He tapes's really remarkable.

Last, Ruckus...I need your snail mail  :)

Safe travels and Merry and Happy and Fun to everyone!


Quote from: NoVa_NoLa on Dec 15, 2011, 09:35 PM
Well...that was fun.  Back in New Orleans after extending an invitation to Patrick to swing by my place after their set at Jazz Fest next year.   ;D

He was going into Stout as I was coming out.  After reading JaneCool's post, I should have just let my friend take a cab home and I should have gone back in...!

Anyhow, great seeing everyone again...I thought the show was great.  Energy in the room was nuts...despite having to fight the plethora of stupids on Carl's side of the stage. I did wind up meeting another Canadian during the show and hoped to introduce him to Mr. and Mrs. Northern Neighbor, but it didn't work time.  :)

Taping...yes, my friend Scott (master of all things taping) taped can follow him on twitter at @scott_bernstein and he also has a FB page for shows.  He tapes's really remarkable.

Last, Ruckus...I need your snail mail  :)

Safe travels and Merry and Happy and Fun to everyone!

ha, your friends w/ scott too?! he & jenn are the best  :thumbsup:


Quote from: NoVa_NoLa on Dec 15, 2011, 09:35 PM
Well...that was fun.  Back in New Orleans after extending an invitation to Patrick to swing by my place after their set at Jazz Fest next year.   ;D

He was going into Stout as I was coming out.  After reading JaneCool's post, I should have just let my friend take a cab home and I should have gone back in...!

Anyhow, great seeing everyone again...I thought the show was great.  Energy in the room was nuts...despite having to fight the plethora of stupids on Carl's side of the stage. I did wind up meeting another Canadian during the show and hoped to introduce him to Mr. and Mrs. Northern Neighbor, but it didn't work time.  :)

Taping...yes, my friend Scott (master of all things taping) taped can follow him on twitter at @scott_bernstein and he also has a FB page for shows.  He tapes's really remarkable.

Last, Ruckus...I need your snail mail  :)

Safe travels and Merry and Happy and Fun to everyone!
Great seeing you!!
Some girls mothers are bigger than others girls mothers...


Great show..... tons of energy from the band.  I've never seen Jim run around on stage that much.  And tons of energy in the GA pit from center stage area to around in front Carl. 

MSG is known to have pretty good sound for an arena, and I thought last night was excellent..... very loud and crisp.  Jackson's flute on the few songs he played on was stellar!  It's worth hearing the boot for that alone.

Another rare tune or two would have been nice, but all in all a fun, rocking show filled with great performances (e.g. Magheeta, Bermuda Highway).  Seen them open with Victory Dance five times and that just does not get old.

Lastly, nice to meet some of you at Stout's before the show.  It all made for a memorable night.

Penny Lane

Well yesterday was a whirlwind! Glad I got to see and hang out with most of you yesterday at some point. You all mean so much to me. Very special that a lot of you traveled, too! Stout was a success! I was dead after the show and phone was dead so I couldn't organize a post-show photo. Thank goodness HH insisted on the pic beforehand. The rail was had a great showing! Good times, hope I didn't whack Sassbox too much with all my jumping and screaming. Nova-thank you for the hat, too! I almost thought he was gonna pick it up and put it on at one point....

The show was incredible. Yeah, they could have played some AD or TTF songs but they really brought it with the newer songs. I didn't know the Gil Scott Heron song but have been listening to GSH non stop today to see where Jim's love comes from. Starting to get it now. Highlights for me were Mahgeeta, Dondante (always), HOTBM, and Bermuda Highway. The sound was great, however my ears are paying the price today (I saw others' ears are ringing today, too). The crowd was incredible. I mean EVERYONE was on their feet moving.

Really cool walking out of MSG and we all saw Ben Jaffe and got some pics with him. What a nice guy. Saw him and Tommy at Stout later but didn't say anything (for once). Headed back to the train, it didn't come for 30 min so I jumped in a cab, and found out that due to construction in the Holland Tunnel, I wouldn't be home for an hour (I live 4 miles from MSG). Gotta love NYC!

Great meeting Manonthemoon and his beautiful wife for the first time...N Neighbor, that was our first OFFICIAL meet I think..and of course FULLY was just so much fun. Feel bad you had to move off the rail! Hope your NYC experience was good and safe travels back to Nashville.

Ant--thanks for the awesome poster! Going to find a frame for it along side the Burwell. Equal in my opinion..

Eric-hope the bed bugs didn't get you. Glad you and Caroline could make it.

To all the rest of you, my great friends XOX until next time...perhaps Jazz Fest or sooner..
but come on...there's nothing sexy about poop. Nothing.  -bbill



Great Show  8)....enjoyed sharing the rail with you guys
The fact that my hearts' beatin' all the proof you'll need


Quote from: headhunter on Dec 15, 2011, 08:35 PM
Quote from: subinai on Dec 15, 2011, 08:26 PM
Quote from: headhunter on Dec 15, 2011, 08:20 PM

i was behind the 2 dudes on the right in the poster line. weird!

johnny yac, headhunter, eric m

headhunter and eric - were you both at the SF show?   Or the Fox in Oakland??


Ohhhhhh great shots you guys!!!!  Love the ones of everyone, and the one with Penny & Br00ke rockin' the F out front row is classico supremo!!!!  Ahhhhh so glad everyone had such a stellar time!!!!   :D :D :D  Miss alla ya'lllllll   :-* :-* :-*
Daylight is good at arriving in the night time


Quote from: Ruckus on Dec 15, 2011, 12:46 PM
Good show but I expected much much more.  Steam Engine -> BH was great and I was bouncing all over the place in the pit.  (sorry Fully and Yacster)  I gotta say that I totally lost my mojo for that encore.  Just wanted something more.  Still a great time and great seeing a lot of people.  Hey, I also met Goldbondking upstairs where I managed to professionally slur multiple words to him.  A great 1st impression ;D  I blame shots of scotch, vodka, soco limes chased by double bourbons. ;D

Hell yeah I saw naked guy.  I got bumped so I turned around and dude is right behind me.  I look into his eyes then look down all the way down to his feet, then back to his eyes.  I laughed but apparently there some people that wanted him out of there and yelled for security.  He was wearing boxers for me BTW.  That was until security violently hauled his ass over the rail.   ;D

I'm just glad I wasn't naked guy
You'll always be the naked guy to me ;D And quit with the apologizing about rocking out. It was awesome rocking out with you. 

It was so great to meet and hang out with all of you. I'm glad I did move away from the rail, Penny. The pits and the jumping were just ruining my jam. Although BOH were awesome and hanging out with Jeff and Crispy and Bluesky was quite enjoyable. Ruckus, Mr. Whippy, and JohnYYac helped me get back in the groove. I was so worn out from traveling that I couldn't make it back to Stout, but I really wished I could have. Y'all are all awesome people and I hope to see you at more shows.


back in Toronto safe and sound....all i have to say is WOW. My first Steam and Dondante....and WHAT a Dondante that was - extended intro, flute and sax riffing, fantastic!

I hear people's thoughts on the rarities, but it was such a killer show. One moment that really struck me was when they played Circuital. I felt like the whole arena was singing almost brought tears to my eyes. I had no idea that many people would know the lyrics to that tune. Crazy! Did it sound like that to other people, or was my hearing just distorted because I was in the front ?

All in all another amazing MMJ in NYC experience. The one complaint I had was with respect to the merch at MSG. I had to go up a level to get a shirt and on the way out I saw one of the main merch booths that had way more that killer ladies shirt with the owl. My GF wanted one but there were only XL left. Small complaint, though :)

I can't wait for more north american shows!!!! :) I wonder if they'll do another round of touring or if it'll be more festivals in the summer or something.


Quote from: jaye on Dec 15, 2011, 11:45 PM

headhunter and eric - were you both at the SF show?   Or the Fox in Oakland??

I was at the SF show, but not the MMJ Fox.

I did catch Iron and Wine at the Fox the Sunday after MMJ in SF, and loved both the show and Theatre. Definitely want to make it back someday.
"Where's Jim going?"


Quote from: firesofcanning on Dec 16, 2011, 07:04 AM
back in Toronto safe and sound....all i have to say is WOW. My first Steam and Dondante....and WHAT a Dondante that was - extended intro, flute and sax riffing, fantastic!

I hear people's thoughts on the rarities, but it was such a killer show. One moment that really struck me was when they played Circuital. I felt like the whole arena was singing almost brought tears to my eyes. I had no idea that many people would know the lyrics to that tune. Crazy! Did it sound like that to other people, or was my hearing just distorted because I was in the front ?

All in all another amazing MMJ in NYC experience. The one complaint I had was with respect to the merch at MSG. I had to go up a level to get a shirt and on the way out I saw one of the main merch booths that had way more that killer ladies shirt with the owl. My GF wanted one but there were only XL left. Small complaint, though :)

I can't wait for more north american shows!!!! :) I wonder if they'll do another round of touring or if it'll be more festivals in the summer or something.

I hear ya on Circuital. This was my 5th time seeing the VD/Circuital opener, and it was hands down the best. When they kicked into Circuital, that whole place was getting down.
Some girls mothers are bigger than others girls mothers...


Sorry Fully :-X

Ya know, what I regret the most about that trip was not be able to spend time with so many awesome people.  It was a whirlwind and then the show started and then it was over.  So it goes.  Awesome to see so many familiar faces.

As has been said before, a special thank you goes to Ant (deathstick).  There are no words for your thoughtfulness and generosity.  I should let you know that I didn't trust myself to carry that poster home with me w/o a tube and plenty of travels ahead so I went ahead and handed it over to Mahg33ta who I came to learn likes posters.

Yes Penny, I was staring at you doing the retarded monkey during the encore ;)
Can You Put Your Soft Helmet On My Head

lil sis

Quote from: Dillsnufus on Dec 15, 2011, 12:22 PM
the show was phenomenal. I was on rail (first and worth it) . The energy  of the band was amazing plus the crowd was bumpin. I'm just sad it's over. O well till we meet again  :beer:
You must have been right by me on the rail judging by your pics.  Penny and I were right after that crazy Seattle girl.  I was right in front of Jim's mic.   :beer:
"There's still time for you to change your mind or whatever else you do."

Penny Lane

Quote from: Ruckus on Dec 16, 2011, 09:41 AM

Yes Penny, I was staring at you doing the retarded monkey during the encore ;)

that is an insult to retarded monkeys everywhere  ;)

PS-Dillsnufus---you're awesome, first one in line! very respectable, didn't see you but you  must have been to HH"s right on the rail...great videos..
but come on...there's nothing sexy about poop. Nothing.  -bbill