Roll Call - Dec 14th New York, NY @ Madison Square Garden

Started by headhunter, Sep 18, 2011, 08:18 PM

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Quote from: Ruckus on Dec 16, 2011, 09:41 AM
Sorry Fully :-X

Ya know, what I regret the most about that trip was not be able to spend time with so many awesome people.  It was a whirlwind and then the show started and then it was over.  So it goes.  Awesome to see so many familiar faces.

As has been said before, a special thank you goes to Ant (deathstick).  There are no words for your thoughtfulness and generosity.  I should let you know that I didn't trust myself to carry that poster home with me w/o a tube and plenty of travels ahead so I went ahead and handed it over to Mahg33ta who I came to learn likes posters.

Yes Penny, I was staring at you doing the retarded monkey during the encore ;)

Yeah, I wish I had more time to spend with some people. We got there right when boh started. Saw some folks though, but it was pretty much just hello. Glad we got a bro hug in though rob. And you kissed my cheek and told me how cute I am, that left me all warm and fuzzy.  ;D
Some girls mothers are bigger than others girls mothers...

lil sis

Finally caught up on my sleep.  MSG was another great experience.  Loved seeing you all again and meeting some new people from here.  I wasn't completely blown away by the setlist but I'm so so happy that we got Bermuda Highway.  That was my first time seeing that one live and it put a huge smile on my face.  Here are some of my highlights:

-Walking into Stout and seeing some of my mmj fam already there with big smiles and hugs waiting for me
-Headhunter's smile and his help with posters, etc....too much goodness to sum up!
-Cigarette breaks with Sassbox
-Strategic lineup planning with Penny, Brooke, Trish & Bob
-Sharing stories with Bluesky... ;D
-Turning the corner downstairs in Stout just as Ky is turning the corner...big hug!!
-Crispy rolling in with his jazz hands and his "There's rules people!"
-firewater shots take two with ericm
-ynwa FINALLY getting to MSG and getting up to the rail just after BOH went thankful to have some incredible people help me hold down her wouldn't have been the same without her right there
-Finding magh33ta and Sean Riley in their section while Magheeta is being played and freaking out with them

Once again, I'm sad this has come to an end.  There was so much build up and anticipation to this show and I'm so happy I was able to experience it with so many of you that I've met within the past year.  Here's to many more!  :beer:
"There's still time for you to change your mind or whatever else you do."


Quote from: br00ke on Dec 15, 2011, 09:27 PM
Quote from: Dillsnufus on Dec 15, 2011, 08:34 PM
did anyone notice a taper?

my friend scott did. it'll be posted on eventually. he usually has a backlog of shows (records regularly around NYC) so it might be a hot minute before it's up. i'll post when it's ready  :thumbsup:

I saw a tree set up center stage, b/w GA east and west. It was nice and tall.
I'm surrounded by assholes


Quote from: br00ke on Dec 15, 2011, 09:50 PM
Quote from: NoVa_NoLa on Dec 15, 2011, 09:35 PM
Well...that was fun.  Back in New Orleans after extending an invitation to Patrick to swing by my place after their set at Jazz Fest next year.   ;D

He was going into Stout as I was coming out.  After reading JaneCool's post, I should have just let my friend take a cab home and I should have gone back in...!

Anyhow, great seeing everyone again...I thought the show was great.  Energy in the room was nuts...despite having to fight the plethora of stupids on Carl's side of the stage. I did wind up meeting another Canadian during the show and hoped to introduce him to Mr. and Mrs. Northern Neighbor, but it didn't work time.  :)

Taping...yes, my friend Scott (master of all things taping) taped can follow him on twitter at @scott_bernstein and he also has a FB page for shows.  He tapes's really remarkable.

Last, Ruckus...I need your snail mail  :)

Safe travels and Merry and Happy and Fun to everyone!

ha, your friends w/ scott too?! he & jenn are the best  :thumbsup:

Ha!  Small world!  He and Jen are the best...they're doing all 4 nights of Phish, so I won't see them there, but will hopefully run into them during some of the post-Phish shows.  I think Dumpstaphunk is playing at least one of much music, so little everything else.  :) 


Quote from: Ghosts_on_TV on Dec 15, 2011, 10:04 PM
Quote from: NoVa_NoLa on Dec 15, 2011, 09:35 PM
Well...that was fun.  Back in New Orleans after extending an invitation to Patrick to swing by my place after their set at Jazz Fest next year.   ;D

Safe travels and Merry and Happy and Fun to everyone!
Great seeing you!!

Likewise!!!  I kept thinking that you might make you way back up front...didn't see you again, but was happy knowing that you were there somewhere rocking out.   :)


a friend of mine taped it. he was to the left of the soundboard. should be available monday/tuesday. will post the link when i have it.


got back late last night from NYC, welcomed back with a load of work that I am taking a brief respite from to say how much fun I had and how great it was to meet some of you kind folk. 

running on pure caffeine with my eyes on 5 o'clock.
Don't you ever turn it off


Jesus, I feel like my brain was scrambled and it's only now I'm sorting myself out to collect my thoughts.

Show #15 for me and as always, loved the whole thing.   The setlist wasn't perfect, but the crowd, friends, forum gathering, energy level, etc made for one of the more memorable nights ever.

I turned to my friend Sean at around the 10:15 mark, right after Mahgeetah, and said "this is either going to be the best MMJ I've seen ever, or they've peaked too early".   I think the run from beginning through Magheetah was the best hour+ of MMJ I've ever seen.   The energy level was ridiculous and they were just KILLING song after song.   Dancefloors and Steam Engine so early had my expectations high and my brain racing "where are they going from here?"    Well, the answer was the Dondante/Smokin/Run Thru / Touch Me that seemed to lose a little wind, at least for me.  So the night went from epic to fantastic, and that's ok with me, especially with 24 hours perspective.   The band played GREAT versions of some of their GREATEST songs.   This was a night to look ahead, not look back like T5, and they showed that they can play a killer show with ISM and beyond era music only (plus BH I realize).   But damn I would have loved a PWW or a rarer bonus.   

I thought maybe the encore would bring something mindblowing.   Bermuda Highway was a treat and from my vantage point, it was cool to look out across the crowd and think what a thrill it must be for Jimmy ,standing there alone with his guitar playing for thousands upon thousands.    The only "non-standard" part about the whole 2nd half of the show were the two covers, that FOR ME didn't hit the spot.   I did not know The Bottle (call me cluless and musically illiterate I guess) and the Xmas song felt a little letdown after a killer OBH, but hey, I'm splitting hairs between A+ and A++.

My highlights

-   The pre-show at Stout: great to see so many again and meet many more.
-   We scooted down to the front from of our section for BoH and Jim, Bo, and Patrick were right below us, watching from side of stage.   Gave them a big yell, wave and thumbs up.   Fun watching them have fun (pointing at things, rocking out, etc)
-   Similarly, we saw the horns gathering before they came on and that pumped me up
-   Steam Engine was fantastic.   At the "shaky knees...hearts beating section" – the whole rail had arms raised singing along.   I had a great view from my side stage section and I wish I'd gotten a video of it because it was the single best moment of seeing all you west GA crazy's pouring your hearts out
-   Magheetah just Exploded and getting a bunch of waves, points, thumbs up, drinks raised up to me in 109 was very sweet and touching.    Wish I could have been down with you but retreating to safer ground was the right call for my group (and sounds like I'm happy I missed Stinky Pits and Cock Rock)
-   Gideon as a closer worked really well
-   Wonderful w/ Ben B was a special moment
-   Bravo to Penny for the setlist.   I will NEVER doubt you again
-   Spotting ynwa on the rail and knowing she made it
-   Thanks Ruckus for the poster!
-   Sitting behind me was David Fricke, the Rolling Stone editor.   I think I knew he was a big fan but he was definitely into it.
--   I was woken by housekeeping coming into my hotel room to clean it.   That's usually the sign of a good night.

I have a bunch of pics I'll get sorted out this weekend.  My friend Zach (sMMJ semi-virgin) signed up for Roll Call at MSG, so add one to the converted list. 

soto pop

Just wanted to say that this nyc trip was an overall great experience for me.  First and foremost, I'd like to thank bluesky for hooking me up with a GA West ticket.  The pit had tons of room to rock out or move around if you were stuck next to any inconsiderate frat boys.  It still amazes at all the people that spend the first four minutes of Dondante chatting away oblivous to what is transpiring on stage, only to act like its the greatest song in the world once it actually starts rocking.  Used to annoy me, now I just kind of laugh about it, cuz what else can you do.  I was beyond stoked to hear Steam Engine AND Dondante in the same show, but I had a feeling some of the deeper cuts wouldn't show up as a result.  No complaints though, I had a blast, met a few roll callers, I'm pretty shy so I kinda kept to myself at Stout, but it was still great to see alot of familiar faces.  I came up solo from PA but I never felt like I was by myself with all the great folks surrounding me.  Never met Penny Lane before, but after seeing pics of her I realized I've rocked out beside her several times at the DBT shows, small world.  Hope everyone had a blast, and until next time.  This was my early birthday present to myself, and the belated present will be three days of DBT's for New Years!
Its not a head full of pills or amphetamines


A HUGE thanks to all of the forumites for posting your experiences and pics.  Gives folks like myself who couldn't go ( :() a taste of what we missed.  As always, sounds like it was another epic MMJ event.  ;) 

Cheers and keep spreadin' the Jacket love...
Give me a butt load of reverb on this one - just pile it on.


Quote from: Ghosts_on_TV on Dec 16, 2011, 10:35 AM
Quote from: Ruckus on Dec 16, 2011, 09:41 AM
Sorry Fully :-X

Ya know, what I regret the most about that trip was not be able to spend time with so many awesome people.  It was a whirlwind and then the show started and then it was over.  So it goes.  Awesome to see so many familiar faces.

As has been said before, a special thank you goes to Ant (deathstick).  There are no words for your thoughtfulness and generosity.  I should let you know that I didn't trust myself to carry that poster home with me w/o a tube and plenty of travels ahead so I went ahead and handed it over to Mahg33ta who I came to learn likes posters.

Yes Penny, I was staring at you doing the retarded monkey during the encore ;)

Yeah, I wish I had more time to spend with some people. We got there right when boh started. Saw some folks though, but it was pretty much just hello. Glad we got a bro hug in though rob. And you kissed my cheek and told me how cute I am, that left me all warm and fuzzy.  ;D
Damn!  I take it back.  I thought you were Bigsky
Can You Put Your Soft Helmet On My Head


What can I add to what has already been posted?

Got back home to my girls in NH at 7:30 last night, in time to get them settled for bed.  I think it was a sign that I had no internet service at home, so instead of visiting the forum, I spent time with Michele, something I need to do a lot more of... and less time here.

So thanks first to my wife for letting me travel and hang with amazing friends. 

Thanks to Jeff for making my 2nd trek to NYC, like my first, easy and comfortable. 

Came off my train, up to get my ticket, then there was Kyle.  Perfect!  Then to Stout and the beginning of more and more familiar faces.  You know who you are. 

Great to meet many of you for the first time.  Hope to see everyone again real soon.

Ant, what an awesome gesture, great art, beautiful.  So glad to be by your side at MSG.

I wish everyone a safe and happy holiday. 


The fact that my heart's beating is all the proof you need.


Quote from: Ruckus on Dec 16, 2011, 02:09 PM
Quote from: Ghosts_on_TV on Dec 16, 2011, 10:35 AM
Quote from: Ruckus on Dec 16, 2011, 09:41 AM
Sorry Fully :-X

Ya know, what I regret the most about that trip was not be able to spend time with so many awesome people.  It was a whirlwind and then the show started and then it was over.  So it goes.  Awesome to see so many familiar faces.

As has been said before, a special thank you goes to Ant (deathstick).  There are no words for your thoughtfulness and generosity.  I should let you know that I didn't trust myself to carry that poster home with me w/o a tube and plenty of travels ahead so I went ahead and handed it over to Mahg33ta who I came to learn likes posters.

Yes Penny, I was staring at you doing the retarded monkey during the encore ;)

Yeah, I wish I had more time to spend with some people. We got there right when boh started. Saw some folks though, but it was pretty much just hello. Glad we got a bro hug in though rob. And you kissed my cheek and told me how cute I am, that left me all warm and fuzzy.  ;D
Damn!  I take it back.  I thought you were Bigsky

You're a terrible liar.
Some girls mothers are bigger than others girls mothers...


Quote from: Ghosts_on_TV on Dec 16, 2011, 04:06 PM
Quote from: Ruckus on Dec 16, 2011, 02:09 PM
Quote from: Ghosts_on_TV on Dec 16, 2011, 10:35 AM
Quote from: Ruckus on Dec 16, 2011, 09:41 AM
Sorry Fully :-X

Ya know, what I regret the most about that trip was not be able to spend time with so many awesome people.  It was a whirlwind and then the show started and then it was over.  So it goes.  Awesome to see so many familiar faces.

As has been said before, a special thank you goes to Ant (deathstick).  There are no words for your thoughtfulness and generosity.  I should let you know that I didn't trust myself to carry that poster home with me w/o a tube and plenty of travels ahead so I went ahead and handed it over to Mahg33ta who I came to learn likes posters.

Yes Penny, I was staring at you doing the retarded monkey during the encore ;)

Yeah, I wish I had more time to spend with some people. We got there right when boh started. Saw some folks though, but it was pretty much just hello. Glad we got a bro hug in though rob. And you kissed my cheek and told me how cute I am, that left me all warm and fuzzy.  ;D
Damn!  I take it back.  I thought you were Bigsky

You're a terrible liar.
The purest of feelings are often best expressed through untruths.  It was a nice hug and kiss.  Besides,I hadn't seen you since Hands Across America
Can You Put Your Soft Helmet On My Head


is the pre-show music up anywhere?  there was a song that had Cee Lo in it that had me groovin'

thanks guys


if anyone gets this one, I will be very appreciative, no lead on how to search for it


I am refreshed.  I want to do it again.  When's the next show? :) :D

Luna Moth

Johnny you think you can find time for your kids AND post a little bit? Your vibe is good


Finally, finally, the cobwebs have cleared, and my ears have stopped ringing. 

What a special day....I was just spinning out and hyped up all day long until getting to my happy place at Stout.  I literally needed that glass of wine to calm my nerves.....the energy was incredible!I enjoyed that space in the basement of Stout - it was just perfect for a nice laid-back and relaxed reunion with people I have to come to cherish so much. My tribe. 

So great to see all of you, and you all  know who you are.  I am always so impressed with all of the resources and vigor everyone brings to this experience, travelling far and wide.
Ant, the poster is incredible, and we will enjoy it so much.  I haven't even seen the Burwell poster yet, and frankly, don't even need to.  I'm so happy with yours :) Thank you, thank you.
Enjoyed so much standing in line with everyone and chatting the time away.  So much fun to see you all, and loved seeing Mr. and Mrs. Lurker and recalling some fun childhood/local stuff.  You guys are fantastic!
Mr Whippy - I have one things to say: FLUTE!

As for the show itself, that was just gravy for me.  It's really about seeing all of the shining faces that make up this beautiful community.  I am always happy when I get a Steam Engine AND Dondante - but I'm kinda easy that way. 

love you guys, and look forward to next time.... ;)
.....Back at the Model Home


Quote from: NoVa_NoLa on Dec 16, 2011, 05:46 PM
I am refreshed.  I want to do it again.  When's the next show? :) :D

Australia Baby!!  :thumbsup: (well, not quite next cause thats Japan but getting pretty damn close!!!)

This thread has made me happy and sad.  Happy that everyone had such an awesome time and sad cause I wasnt there. But mostly happy...

At my house, we call them uh-ohs.