Thursday 9:30est The Twilight Singers - Powder Burns

Started by sweatboard, Nov 02, 2011, 08:53 PM

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There's Still Time.........


I didn't know we were doing one this week. Dammit. I could have listened to this all day.


I got half a listen in and realized that this was the band formed by the guy from the afghan wigs....that was quite a trip...kinda remind me of camper van beethoven/cracker alt rock at times, esp Bonnie Brae
Oh, I will dine on honey dew And drink the Milk of Paradiseeeee


Can we please get joaquin phoenix to play Greg Dulli in some kind of biopic.
There's Still Time.........

capt. scotty

I thought this was supposed to be tomorrow night? Of course, I get all catched up (almost), and miss the one Im finally on track for  ;D
The thing is, Bob, it's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care. - Peter Gibbons

bowl of soup

Yes, dammit.  This is for tomorrow.  9:30. The later the better.  I will cry if we don't do this. I'm fairly certain that we set this for Thursday.  No matter what I will be up in here tommorrow going on and on about bonnie brae being about mark lannegan.  Please join me.
I'm not saying it's easy...walking into sweet oblivion.


Quote from: bowl of soup on Nov 03, 2011, 12:12 AM
Yes, dammit.  This is for tomorrow.  9:30. The later the better.  I will cry if we don't do this. I'm fairly certain that we set this for Thursday.  No matter what I will be up in here tommorrow going on and on about bonnie brae being about mark lannegan.  Please join me.

ha, there you are!!!  I was so sad when you didn't show up. I thought we always did album club on Wednesday.  I see now I was wrong, we changed it to Thursday...oops. 
There's Still Time.........

bowl of soup

I'm ready. I'm ready. Been ready. To love this album out loud. You talk too much, don't say enough...
I'm not saying it's easy...walking into sweet oblivion.


There's Still Time.........


Feel free to disagree with this or call me an idiot, in fact I encourage it.  I just want to discuss the record. 

Twilight Singers – Powder Burns (cocaine powder when transformed into crack burns when you light it, cocaine powder burns your nose when you sniff it. The firing range also has another use. To measure the distance from muzzle to target, the gun is shot from varying distances at a thick cardboard target. The shooter then examines the size of the hole and the diameter of gunpowder residue, because when guns are fired, fragments of unburned powder fly out of the barrel. They don't travel far, only a few feet, but if the gun is close enough for the residue to hit something, it leaves distinct circular patterns, with size depending on distance from target. Thus, a person shot at close range will get what's called stippling, a gunpowder burn. Replicating the size of the burn from different distances yields the actual distance measurement.)
Towards The Waves

Dulli doesn't spend too much time talking about kicking his drug addiction.  In fact he takes care of it in 49 seconds and a song title.  Then he spends the rest of the record coming to terms with where he has arrived, eye deep in the middle of an ocean of accomplishment, regret, fear, longing, and uncertainty.

I'm Ready

When he rips into "I'm Ready" it's still not certain whether he's talking about drugs, or a woman, when he says "I hope I see you out tonight
and I hope we get it on"

The lyric, "bittersweet is evergreen until we get it on" seems like a heartbreaking confession.....
While he may be ready for love, it better hurry the fuck up.  I think Dulli blurs the lines between talking about love and drugs throughout this record. 

There's Been an Accident

The Accident  could be Him, or You, or Us, or Her, or Katrina

It's during this song that I see a connection between Katrina, Dulli and this album.  Dulli's Recording Studio survived Katrina at about the same time he was kicking drugs.  Thank God!!!!!  So he heads back to the studio in the wake of this disaster and is able to plug up some generators and KICK IT!!!  A city surviving a natural disaster, a human surviving drug addiction, the whole thing becomes an interesting metaphor for an amazing artist.

"The sun don't shine 'round here no more" >
"Daylight is creeping, I feel it burn my face
I don't sleep here no more, so, my shadow walks in place of me"

Daylight = a new opportunity as well as the remembrance of an old friends phone #

A strong statement about overcoming something that was both comforting you, and concealing the harsh reality of what you were trying to escape.  Suddenly the ocean becomes a place where, harsh reality, and escape, both burn at the same overwhelming rate.

A Vampire seems to be the central character in "There's been an Accident" A Vampire with a taste for candy and a negative reaction to the light, but an even stronger taste to overtake the shadow that walks in place of him.   

"Like candy, your eyes, sweetly, roll out of control
like the singer, alive, but just barely holding on"

Again it seems he uses the metaphor of drugs vs. love.  Love is hard to find, drugs are a phone call away, but they'll burry you to the point that "a shadow walks in place of you"
Just as strong as a drug, would probably be seeing someone connect with what you are singing.
I get the image of Dulli watching a girl's eyes roll into the back of her head because she identifies with the lyrics, similar to how Dulli's eyes might roll back in his head after a
rom: p://www.lyricsfreak
"But every time I look away, there's no light
there's no sentry at the gate"

It's must be a scary place, to be treading water in the middle of an unfamiliar ocean, no candy in sight, and no "sentry at the gate" A brilliant image that could be talked about for eternity, and one that everyone can identify with on some level.>>>>>>>>>>
"Far away, where you run, when it all became undone
you'll be dust, realize, you were taken for a ride"

And a natural reaction to that realization......

"But still you call that number, till you're crawling under
them stones, assorted jones, and all alone
Picked over bones." 
There's Still Time.........

bowl of soup

It's a picture of Dulli and Lannegan drinking. I think it was a Gutter Twins promo or something.
I'm not saying it's easy...walking into sweet oblivion.

bowl of soup

Man, I'm doing this on my phone so this ain't easy, but I feel a lot of that is on point. But I've always had adifferent take on this album. It seems that most people focus on the recovery aspect of this record. I've always thought of it more as a love leetter to a life gone by. "I still want that life, but just can't live it anymore."
I'm not saying it's easy...walking into sweet oblivion.


"I've always thought of it more as a love leetter to a life gone by. "I still want that life, but just can't live it anymore."

SPOT ON!!!! I think

I'm not that familar with Mark and Greg's relaitionshiop, I'm curious to hear more about it.

I found this website that I thought was interesting....

There's Still Time.........

bowl of soup

For example: Candy Cane Crawl. "Slow down, lean in, call up that feeling.." if they don' t use that song for the end of Breaking Bad I will do something.
I'm not saying it's easy...walking into sweet oblivion.


I'm not familiar with Breaking Bad either.

I do think Bonnie Bray, Foty Dollars, Candy Cane Crawl is the best three song run ever.

The emotion that crawls through those three songs is just heartbreaking and beutiful. 
There's Still Time.........

bowl of soup

I love his work with Ani.  Seems like such an unlikely pairing that always works.
I'm not saying it's easy...walking into sweet oblivion.

bowl of soup

Do you think bonnie brae is about lanneagn? I dofitn't. Just think he loved the sentiment of "sweet obivion" fits perfect.
I'm not saying it's easy...walking into sweet oblivion.

bowl of soup

Ok, I'll stop and wait for tomorrow. But I'm open to a after-show discussion of Blackberry Belle.
I'm not saying it's easy...walking into sweet oblivion.


Quote from: bowl of soup on Nov 03, 2011, 12:46 AM
Do you think bonnie brae is about lanneagn? I dofitn't. Just think he loved the sentiment of "sweet obivion" fits perfect.

This is interesting, It seems like this is a record where Greg is coming to terms with, "is it better to burn out or fade away."  He's too old to burn's time to find a graceful way to fade out.  Is it possible?  I think he still has a backup plan 
There's Still Time.........


Quote from: bowl of soup on Nov 03, 2011, 12:46 AM
Do you think bonnie brae is about lanneagn? I dofitn't. Just think he loved the sentiment of "sweet obivion" fits perfect.

The Album?
There's Still Time.........