MMJ Baseball Cards FOR ALL!

Started by JerseyDan, Sep 30, 2011, 09:52 PM

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Dear Friends,

As some of you may know, the fine folks at the MANN Music Center had a custom MMJ baseball card made for the 8/23 show this summer. You can find a picture of the card here:

Seems a few of you got them, bust most didn't...and of course all the fans across the nation who couldn't make the show missed out. I was able to procure a mighty stack of cards and want to share with the adoring public. Here is the deal: I will gladly send 1-2 cards to board members who can send me a SASE and some sort of goodie in return (mix-cd, friendship bracelet, random other swag). I ask anyone who wants to take part to email me (do not send me a board message as i only hit the forum once or twice a week) and I will send you my postal address:



- Jersey Dan  :bath:


I would've really liked one or two of these, and voluntarily sent you some swag in return. To be honest, seeing you start a thread on every part of the forum,requesting swag in return, seems a bit cheesy to me.

No thanks, think I'll pass.
"Where's Jim going?"


Cool, I'll have to see what kinda interesting items I have
don't rock bottom, just listen just slow down...


i posted in all 4 spots because some people read only certain parts (i for one only read "shows" on the regular. Of course i'd send someone a card if the SASE came my way, just thought this was fun instead of looking for a card on ebay for $10


whatever you do, please don't spend $...SASE and something fun in the envelope is cool. SASE alone is cool too...just keeping it fun


Quote from: JerseyDan on Sep 30, 2011, 10:10 PM
i posted in all 4 spots because some people read only certain parts (i for one only read "shows" on the regular. Of course i'd send someone a card if the SASE came my way, just thought this was fun instead of looking for a card on ebay for $10

We just have a different idea of fun, I guess. If I had a "mighty stack" of these, I'd get a big kick out of hooking up as many of the fine forum folk as I could. Some good will goes a long way, and tends to come back around ten-fold,imo.

Requesting swag just rubbed me the wrong way. But hey, you're free to do whatever you want. I'm not judging, just different strokes.....
"Where's Jim going?"


I dunno--- there is a long, rich tradition of trading tapes, t-shirts, marbles and, for sure, Baseball cards. Gotta go with Jersey Dan on this one.

(I got mine at the Mann.)

Penny Lane

I'm going with ericm on this. I've been scrounging to get them for people who were there and didn't get any. I'm getting 2 more from BillinCt on Sat, so I'll have one for Jane and Tubetop (hopefully) but I'm not sure how you got a stack of them (if it's as many as I think). I emailed the Mann Center and the marketing people there and never heard back. I would have just never thought to post something like that. It's a sore spot for me, I just wanna make sure those were there get them, (plus others afterwards obviously)

off my soapbox, sorry..

but come on...there's nothing sexy about poop. Nothing.  -bbill


I have no stake in this one, but PL asks a relevant question...just how DID you acquire such a mighty stack JerseyDan?  ::)
soft and warm all the time make you want it over and over


Don't ever let them see the face of the great and powerful OZ.

Penny Lane

I think it's great you were able to get them, don't get me wrong. I just want to make sure everyone who requested one in the thread get them, or those who were at the show and didn't see them. (I think TSarge still needs one, too) But like eric said, to each their own.
but come on...there's nothing sexy about poop. Nothing.  -bbill


Quote from: Penny Lane on Oct 07, 2011, 09:52 AM
I think it's great you were able to get them, don't get me wrong. I just want to make sure everyone who requested one in the thread get them, or those who were at the show and didn't see them. (I think TSarge still needs one, too) But like eric said, to each their own.

Thanks for remembering Penny! haha. I'm glad I found this thread. I'm emailing Dan just now.


oh, and I don't hate the swag idea. I think it's fun.. mix tapes, friendship bracelets, other little thingamajiggers... I respect it.


let the record show all i tried to accomplish is to get the cards to everyone who wanted them. suggesting a trade of some non-monetary fun doesn't seem that crazy to me. i'm not charging anyone, not selling on e-bay, or hording for myself. i didn't even state that it was a requirement, it was simply a request in the same fun spirit the cards portray. i'm happy to send along without a trade, just asking for the SASE.

chill everyone, seriously.


Quote from: JerseyDan on Oct 07, 2011, 06:34 PM
let the record show all i tried to accomplish is to get the cards to everyone who wanted them. suggesting a trade of some non-monetary fun doesn't seem that crazy to me. i'm not charging anyone, not selling on e-bay, or hording for myself. i didn't even state that it was a requirement, it was simply a request in the same fun spirit the cards portray. i'm happy to send along without a trade, just asking for the SASE.

chill everyone, seriously.

I said my piece, and was willing to let it go at that, but you're kinda changing your tune now a bit, don't ya think?

My original reply was to your spamming most parts of the board with requests for swag (which you've since removed all but this one thread). Correct me if I'm wrong, but to me the original post sure reads like swag was a requirement, and not a request. Lastly, nowhere in your original post do you say that you'd send cards out with just a SASE and no swag in return. It was only in your later posts that you offered this.

If you would have offered that originally, I would've never even posted a response, regardless of you spamming the whole board.


"Where's Jim going?"


1st cards went out today to Dallas TX!

Sweet Nothing

I have to thank Penny for her kind gesture of sending me this card in the mail.  It was a pleasant surprise to see the card especially in the envelope it was sent in to me, i was worried that it was a bill from some health/hopital because the envelope had some sort of health care business on it.  But i must say thank you again to Penny for getting this to me as the entrance i entered that night was not handing these out and come to think i might have been able to get whatever(video equipment/etc) in through that entrance.   If i had known ahead i would have thought about recording.   :dankk2:


Quote from: Sweet Nothing on Nov 15, 2011, 05:13 PM
I have to thank Penny for her kind gesture of sending me this card in the mail.  It was a pleasant surprise to see the card especially in the envelope it was sent in to me, i was worried that it was a bill from some health/hopital because the envelope had some sort of health care business on it.  But i must say thank you again to Penny for getting this to me as the entrance i entered that night was not handing these out and come to think i might have been able to get whatever(video equipment/etc) in through that entrance.   If i had known ahead i would have thought about recording.   :dankk2:

:thumbsup:  :thumbsup:  8)
"Where's Jim going?"