Band Members other chosen professions

Started by mfeld, Sep 05, 2010, 12:09 AM

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I can't remember when, but there was an article written in which each band member listed the job they would be doing if they weren't in a rock band, or after My Morning Jacket is done. I know Jim said he would be the sheriff of a town, and Pat said a cook, but I'm trying to find that article if anyone has it or knows anything about it. It would be a great help. Rock on-

ps: lots of talk on the inforoo board about the boys


it's a video call mmj 2050 or something like that... I don't know where to find it but I know someone on here does


MMJ 2038. It's floating around here somewhere


The fact that my heart's beating is all the proof you need.


I recently read a quote from Two Tone saying he would be a creative writing teacher at the high school level if not for MMJ.  

Couldn't help but think of the credits of Spinal Tap when I saw this topic hahahaha