Stuff you did that got (or amost got) your ass kicked

Started by Tracy 2112, Dec 09, 2011, 02:04 PM

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Tracy 2112

There was a redneck bar near where a friend of mine lived and we were way past too drunk to drive, so we walked over to shoot pool. We stood out, waaaaay out, I mean people turned to the door and stared when we walked in. I think I hade makeup on and wearing 1 shoe. We got a pool table and my buddy got a bucket of beer (they sold 6 at a time in a bucket of ice) and I walked over to the juke box and saw nothing to play other than country. However, I did see Bon Jovi's "Living on a Prayer" and I got 5 dollars in quarters and dumped it all in their, letting it all ride on that one song, probably around 10 times a row. I was laughing so hard I really had a hard time seeing, much less getting the quarters in the slot fast enough so no one would know my "plan". It took about 20 minutes for it to come up on the juke box and I don't know if it was us laughing so hard or the fact we could't keep the balls on the table, but right about the time of the 5th consecutive playing of "LOAP" someone who worked behind the bar came over and turned the light off over our pool table and told us we were done. And you could sort of see people standing up from the bar and moving towards us. The beer was gone except the ones in our hands and we were followed out the door by about 4-5 of them and once we hit the parking lot we took off running.

And so when I hear it now, I always think about that night

Bon Jovi - Livin' On A Prayer
Be the cliché you want to see in the world.


Tracy, I have a feeling you and I would have gotten along famously back then.


That is a crack-up.  I love the makeup and 1 shoe bit.  Great story and you get to relive the memory every time you hear it.  Chuckle, chuckle.
Give me a butt load of reverb on this one - just pile it on.


tracy, i feel like there have been more incidents then just that one.

one halloween my friend blindly threw a pumpkin off the balcony and fucked up a PT Cruiser, badly. I think that was the worst of our shananigans
don't rock bottom, just listen just slow down...



People tend to pick fights with me for no good reason...seriously.  But I've managed to avoid them all so far.  None of the stories are particularly entertaining.  We've done our fair share of stupid shit though.  If I think of a good one, I'll be back.

We did a similar thing with the jukebox one night at a local bar...trying to remember the song we picked...Unskinny Bop or something like that.
We could.


Quote from: Hawkeye on Dec 09, 2011, 04:52 PM
People tend to pick fights with me for no good reason...seriously.  But I've managed to avoid them all so far.  None of the stories are particularly entertaining.  We've done our fair share of stupid shit though.  If I think of a good one, I'll be back.

We did a similar thing with the jukebox one night at a local bar...trying to remember the song we picked...Unskinny Bop or something like that.
That's it, buddy!  Step outside!  Put 'em up!   >:(
The fact that my heart's beating is all the proof you need.

Tracy 2112

So, it all started with apple juice and 151... I was at this party when I was in the Coast Guard up in Maine. We somehow ended up at some locals house (some shipmates poured me into their jeep and said we're going to a party to score some weed, then leave). We get to this party and the thing about being in the Coast Guard is in these small fishing villages, there are those who love you and those who hate you. There was definantly a hate vibe when we went in and I may have even been warned to keep a low profile before we went in, that we were just going to stay for a minute, but we ended up staying a little too long; just long enough for me to realize that whoevers house it was had programmed the GnR Appetite CD to play Welcome to the Jungle, Sweet Child of Mine and Paradise City over and over again; just those 3 songs. So, we'd been there for like 30 minutes and I had heard those songs twice and they were coming around again, so I jumped into action. I bumped my way through these strangers and locals and mean muggers and stopped the cd and played It's So Easy, but the thing is I didn't make it past the first verse "I see your sister in a Sunday dress" which is like 18 seconds into the song and I started it over. I mean, the start of that song was just right in my wheel house. So I turned it up really loud and played the start of that song like 5 or 6 times, over and over when this dude grabs me by the back of my collar and starts yelling, "Who the fuck are you?" like really loud and I said something like, "I don't live here" and he's like "no shit mother fucker, this is my house!" and then I see my buddies rush in and grab me and push me out the door  and back in to the jeep with obsenities and threats flying. Oh, and they scored the weed!

It's So Easy Appetite For Destruction Guns 'N' Roses

Be the cliché you want to see in the world.


so tracy did you kick some ass or get your ass kicked? or neither?


Geez Tracy, to think the only thing that I ever did that would relate was a friend of ours got jumped at a frat party in collage. He came back to our apartment and told us and 6 of us rushed the frat house and kicked the hell of about 1/2 the dudes until the cops came and we ran.

capt. scotty

The thing is, Bob, it's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care. - Peter Gibbons


Can You Put Your Soft Helmet On My Head


Quote from: capt. scotty on Dec 10, 2011, 01:11 PM
Dont know, Im 2-0 in fights

i just read this and then looked at your icon and now i don't know what to do
don't rock bottom, just listen just slow down...

Sticky Icky Green Stuff

never been in a fight.  I'm sure there are plenty of people who have wanted to kick my ass tho.  once in 7th grade a kid tried to kick me in gym class and I grabbed his foot mid-kick and threw him back into the lockers.  he started crying.  it was pretty awesome.

Sticky Icky Green Stuff

ah, bingo, the ultimate.  I've probably told this story here before but once I almost got blown away by the entire waterford police department.  most fucked up shit that's ever happened to me for sure.   

my friend mike was filming a movie for one of his film classes at U of M, he was one of my really good friends so I'd help him out a lot by default just from being around.   It was the summer after 9/11.  I had just graduated high school.   

The plan, shoot one scene of me stealing newspapers out of the newspaper dispensary things out front of a coney island restaurant followed up by punching my friend aaron in the face once.  we had permission from the owner of the restaurant to film.   simple enough.  we wanted to do it three times to get some different angles.  The first, a shot from across the street that the coney island was on to get a nice wide shot of the setting.  second, an up close shot where I punch aaron in the face.  all was fine and dandy moving along smoothly, minus me accidentally blasting aaron in the face with a real punch as he leaned forward, a little too much.   The final shot was from the interior of a car viewing it happening as they squeal out of the parking lot. 

There was some dialogue the two actors in the car had to take care of so they didn't come back right away, no big deal.  Aaron, Mike's brother Nick, and myself were just chilling out front waiting for them to come back.   We saw a hot chick running so we hollered at her to come over.  She did, nice girl, no idea who she was.  about 1minute after she came over to talk a silent but extremely fast approach of 12 to 14 waterford and oakland county police cars, most filled with two officers each, sped in and surrounded the coney island parking lot.   

Nick and Aaron were dressed like normal kids, the running chick was in her spandex whatever you call it to make her aerodynamic.  obviously kids.  but not me, I was dressed in a black suit, black tie, white shirt, and my duffel bag.  let's just say mike is a big fan of pulp fiction. 

Now, I'm standing.  the other 3 people are sitting on the curb.  in hindsight I'm sure it looked very much like I was holding them hostage.  about as fast as they pulled in the cops all got out of their cars in unison with guns drawn.  varying from their standard glocks to full on shotguns.  hearing them load rounds into their guns made me even more stunned and frozen.  still confused.  "WHERE'S THE FUCKING GUN!!!!" The police yelled.  I said "...What?", they insisted "THE MOTHER FUCKING GUN!! WHERE IS THE GUN!!"  now starting to grasp the situation as the 20+ locked and loaded guns pointed at me and random yells of "get your fucking hands up" slung past my ears, I replied "I have a toy gun in the bag...?".

almost simultaneously, the cop in front of me doing the majority of the "negotiating" realized we were just kids, I said to him "we're shooting a movie, we have permission from the owner".  he replied "SHUT THE FUCK UP! GET AGAINST THE WALL!".  pushing me now up to the wall, other officers walk up and throw the other three people against the wall.  emptying our pockets.  they threw my friend nicks phone against the wall and broke it.   the whole time Mike is still out shooting his scene, it's not until we're done being searched that they show back up.  by then the cops had us sitting indian style against the wall.  now shaking from the shock of what just happened, everybody is just quiet.   the cops give us some crap about how an old lady called 911 saying somebody shot somebody in the face at the coney island as she was driving by.  whoops. 

after mike got there they turned their attention to him, he explained it.  they threatened him with fines and shit but never did anything.  there was a fucking camera tripod and all sorts of camera equipment right next to us when they molested us.  their end solution was "if you do this again call and let us know"  and we were all "ok". 

a couple months pass, we decide to finish the movie.  Mike calls the police department and they say it's too dangerous because it might freak people out.  we explain they said if we called them to let them know it wouldn't be a big deal.  they basically told us to fuck off.  so we shot the scene anyway.  to this day cops give me the shakes.  if I get pulled over or am questioned, I start shaking.  even if I just see a cop car behind me I start freaking.  Post traumatic stress fo sho.

moral of the story.  fuck the police. 


Now that I think back on things, it's a wonder I never did get my ass kicked over all the stupid shit I did in my younger days.   :P

We used to smoke a big fattie and then load up my friend's car with a ton of water balloons and target college students at the home-town college in the dead of winter.  One time, there was a BMW parked on the side of the road with a couple of dudes talking to some chicks up from the sunroof and we nailed them with a solid drive by and it looked as though the water drenched the inside of the dude's beamer as well!  Needless to say, this led to a high speed chase that lasted for well over an hour.  I saw my life flash before my eyes many a time on this night.  Luckily my friend had a full tank of gas so I think we just outlasted them in the end.  :P

Of course, I had the tables turned on me once I was in college from the townies standpoint.  There was about 6 of us walking to a party my freshman year and there was a group of about 20 townies hanging out on a porch of a house making smartass comments to us.  One of my friends was an even bigger smartass than me had to go and make some derogatory townie statement and they were on us like that!  We scattered and we were able to get away but it was close.  I had a backpack full of beer and because I was carrying a valuable payload, that made me even more motivated on my escape!   :beer: