LA Gibson Theater Soundcheck signed poster giveaway

Started by urbo, Dec 13, 2011, 08:26 PM

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Hi everyone. This is my first post, so forgive me if this is in the wrong location. In fact, I signed up   just to make this post. I had a chance to go to the soundcheck party before the show on the first here in LA. I met their management, and received an extra signed poster. There is not much I will be doing with it, and I figured if it was someone else, and it were a Mars Volta poster, I would LOVE to have it LOL. Well here is my offer. I figure there must be some pretty hardcore fans on this forum, who would make a better home for the poster. All I ask is to respond here in any way to show why you want this poster more than anyone else. Maybe a story of your MMJ love, or maybe a picture showing your collection of MMJ gear. Whomever I feel deserves it most, will get it. I will put it in a poster tube and play Santa. No charge to you. I hope this works out, and I find someone. Cant wait to see your collections. I will check back later tonight  :)


since you're playing Santa, I'd like to as well, provided I get the poster.

I introduced my buddy to mmj this year and we went to bonnaroo and meadowbrook on the circuital tour. he never really had much money around the day of the show so he missed out on a bunch of cool posters and such. at meadowbrook he was lucky enough to get a copy of the setlist but he insisted on giving it to me for getting such great seats.

anyway, I've just been looking for a way to repay him for doing that and this would be a perfect opportunity.

I posted this at work in between customers so if it's a little disjointed I apologize.
some get stoned, some get strange, sooner or later it all gets real.


No worries. That is super nice of you. I can't believe you are the ONLY response so far. People must not be interested :/


part of the reason it was so quiet as many of us were traveling to Madison Sq Garden to see their last show of the year last night.   Today we are recovering!!

I own 53 of the 56 MMJ posters from 2011 and am trying to put together the complete set.   That is one of the 3 I am missing and would love to take it off your hands.    Not sure what you meant by "see your collections" but if you want me to take some pics I'm happy to.   I'm sure others here would confirm I'm a collector.

This one has popped up on ebay only once and was purchased quickly.


don't rock bottom, just listen just slow down...


Quote from: mahg33ta on Dec 15, 2011, 03:19 PM
I own 53 of the 56 MMJ posters from 2011 and am trying to put together the complete set.   
Impressive  :beer:

By the way, did they sign actual show posters or was it just a Circuital poster or something?


It is a different poster than the concert one. At least that is what I saw in the shows thread. So far Mahg seems to be the true contender.
