Happy Holidays and the best in 2012!!!

Started by johnnYYac, Dec 24, 2011, 09:56 AM

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All the best kids and lets hope for a great 2012.



Merry Christmas guys n gals hope yall had a good day!

Penny Lane

Haven't had time to post yet but  my mom had a seizure when we were shopping on Friday and was in the hospital pretty much the whole holiday.  However, hopefully this new med will fix this little glip in the post-stroke recovery. I've never been so scared in my life, I (literally) thought she was dying in my arms. But she's home and resting now and I took a flight back this AM. The holidays are tough, but things like this really make me appreciate any days that I have left with both of my parents and also makes me appreciate every day that I wake up. Every day is a great day to be alive.

And you know what's even better? Every day that we're alive and we get to come together to follow this wonderfully inventive and awesome band, which allows us all to gather together and get excited about the same stuff. I'm happy to geek out with all of you. I probably get a little OVER excited sometimes, but oh well. I'm very grateful to have spent so many great concert and non-concert moments with a lot of you this year. Some of you are some of my closest friends and I really love checking into this forum about 70s times a day, catching up on what you're all doing and listening to.

Happy holidays to all of you. 2011 was the blast and I look forward to a great 2012! Already counting days till Jazz Fest and Mountain Jam and any other little or big thing you all wanna congregate for. XOX

(wow, that was too f_cking sappy and long, let's get on with it, shall we!)
but come on...there's nothing sexy about poop. Nothing.  -bbill


Quote from: Penny Lane on Dec 27, 2011, 01:04 PM
Haven't had time to post yet but  my mom had a seizure when we were shopping on Friday and was in the hospital pretty much the whole holiday.  However, hopefully this new med will fix this little glip in the post-stroke recovery. I've never been so scared in my life, I (literally) thought she was dying in my arms. But she's home and resting now and I took a flight back this AM. The holidays are tough, but things like this really make me appreciate any days that I have left with both of my parents and also makes me appreciate every day that I wake up. Every day is a great day to be alive.

And you know what's even better? Every day that we're alive and we get to come together to follow this wonderfully inventive and awesome band, which allows us all to gather together and get excited about the same stuff. I'm happy to geek out with all of you. I probably get a little OVER excited sometimes, but oh well. I'm very grateful to have spent so many great concert and non-concert moments with a lot of you this year. Some of you are some of my closest friends and I really love checking into this forum about 70s times a day, catching up on what you're all doing and listening to.

Happy holidays to all of you. 2011 was the blast and I look forward to a great 2012! Already counting days till Jazz Fest and Mountain Jam and any other little or big thing you all wanna congregate for. XOX

(wow, that was too f_cking sappy and long, let's get on with it, shall we!)

I'm glad your mom is better. And you are so right about cherishing every day that you have left with your parents. Sometimes illnesses make us wake up and appreciate what we have previously taken for granted. I know that I would give anything to have one more day with my father provided he was in good health. Also, your enthusiasm just makes me feel better about my own enthusiasm. Here is the place we can geek out about our love for this band and it is so nice because there really aren't many people in my daily life who do appreciate my enthusiasm.


*hugs* to you Christine.  It's so lucky you were there with your mom when the seizure happened.  Hopefully the new med does what it should and she can continue to recover from the stroke without any more bumps in the road.  Thinking of you and your family! 
if it falls apart or makes us millionaires


I'm glad your mom is doing better. Treasure every chance you get to be with 'em.

lil sis

Really hope your mom is doing better, Christine.  I'll keep her in my thoughts and crossed my fingers and toes that this new med helps.  Thank god you were with her when it did happen.  Keep your spirits up!  :thumbsup:

And for the rest of you...I hope you all enjoyed/are enjoying the holidays!  I've been so fortunate to meet so many awesome people from this forum.  It really is like nothing else.  I can't wait to see what 2012 has in store for us!  :beer:
"There's still time for you to change your mind or whatever else you do."


Hey all, I haven't been on here for awhile, but I wanted to wish everyone the best NEW YEAR and an amazing NYE celebrationnnnnn!!  2012 we're finally here!!!   :D :D :D :D :D  Love you guys!!!
Daylight is good at arriving in the night time


The fact that my heart's beating is all the proof you need.




What a great way to start off the Blue Ridge Parkway NYE skywatch  :) :) :)

(And it was about 30 mins before midnight  :-X)
Daylight is good at arriving in the night time



I live in a place where the collective energy is in conflict with my own thoughts about the world.  Though it does keep me a bit feisty (or grouchy as my wife would attest), it is mind numbing at times and the ever persistent hum of idiocy can wear me down.  I like to visit the forum when I need a little sanity (or the right brand of insanity) and it makes me feel better in the same way that the bee girl felt better when she discovered the party dancing in the field in the Blind Melon No Rain video.  Thanks to all of you for that and keep it coming in 2012!
soft and warm all the time make you want it over and over