Sleigh Bells - Reign of Terror

Started by ryno2133, Feb 14, 2012, 04:34 PM

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What does everyone think about the new Sleigh Bells album coming out next Tuesday? Here's our review of it here [url]]

I think it's an upgrade from their last one to be honest..
ResonantPassage Indie Music Blog


It's streaming now on the NY Times. What I heard earlier I greatly enjoyed

Northern Neighbour

The album is more poppy than the previous one.  I'll have to listen to it again to make a more informed opinion, as I really liked their debut album.


This album SLEIGHS!!!!!  I like it even more that the first one and I am a HUGE fan of Treats.  Unfortunately this album all but assures that they will be playing Arenas by the end of the year.
There's Still Time.........


I'm really digging this, which is somewhat surprising.  My girls love it, too.  Caught 'em on SNL, downloaded and burned Treats and Reign of Terror.  Funny, the drums remind me of my high school days and Adam and the Ants.

The fact that my heart's beating is all the proof you need.


I like it a lot, not as much as Treats however. But either are meant to be played at ear bleeding loud volumes. At Northern said, it's more poppy/accessable then the debut. That's not a bad thing just different.