Jim James interview from 2008

Started by Johnny_Yac, Dec 04, 2010, 11:43 PM

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Continuing the theme, I found this interview with Jim James in Amsterdam in 2008.  I'd never seen it before, so I imagine many of you haven't either.

There's an uncomfortable reference to Faith No More in the midst of some indecipherable- what is it?  Dutch?  Then, Jim gets a bit apologetic about Evil Urges, encouraging people to give it a few spins if it doesn't grow on them right away.  He seems to be acknowledging that many found it a bit of a departure, yet he's right.  EU gets better each time I listen to it.  Seeing it full live at T5 was a blessing.

Jim then moves abruptly into religion, growing up Catholic, and shares a part of himself I'd never heard.  Its quite moving, though I actually only heard it, using wireless headphones while I grabbed a smoke outside.  I love the two comments on the You Tube page.

"What is he holding?"

"Oh my god, he looks so fucking awesome[ch65279]!"  (Penny, is that you?)


The fact that my heart's beating is all the proof you need.


This is the first interview i Ever saw by yimmy and the part about religion I like a lot
don't rock bottom, just listen just slow down...


awesome.. what a coincidence, i just watched that one today!


Usually he is more articulate - he seemed distracted. And what was up with the constant gesticulating? I would probably do the opposite of johnnYYac - I would put it on mute and just stare cause yes, he did look very good. So despite my criticisms, yes, I enjoyed it very much. ;)