T5 (Plus OTHERS) Reunion on 2.12.11 Roll Call

Started by trish_dooley, Nov 08, 2010, 12:25 PM

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haha JohnnYYAc the thread...love it.
I don't take anything other than allegra in the spring and fall, and that seems to help. I haven't really been in situations where I needed to take anything for an ongoing reason, but glad to hear that stuff is helping you.
So, could there be a correlation between MMJ fans and hairy animal allergies?  I'm quite sure if I touched Denise or Pooch (though I know they are not alive, but ya know....they seem like they are) i would go into anaphylactic shock   :o
.....Back at the Model Home


Quote from: tdb810 on Feb 10, 2011, 11:44 AM
haha JohnnYYAc the thread...love it.
I don't take anything other than allegra in the spring and fall, and that seems to help. I haven't really been in situations where I needed to take anything for an ongoing reason, but glad to hear that stuff is helping you.
So, could there be a correlation between MMJ fans and hairy animal allergies?  I'm quite sure if I touched Denise or Pooch (though I know they are not alive, but ya know....they seem like they are) i would go into anaphylactic shock   :o
I hope you're wrong, as I think Jim and Patrick would qualify as "hairy animals".
The fact that my heart's beating is all the proof you need.


Quote from: johnnYYac on Feb 10, 2011, 11:50 AM
Quote from: tdb810 on Feb 10, 2011, 11:44 AM
haha JohnnYYAc the thread...love it.
I don't take anything other than allegra in the spring and fall, and that seems to help. I haven't really been in situations where I needed to take anything for an ongoing reason, but glad to hear that stuff is helping you.
So, could there be a correlation between MMJ fans and hairy animal allergies?  I'm quite sure if I touched Denise or Pooch (though I know they are not alive, but ya know....they seem like they are) i would go into anaphylactic shock   :o
I hope you're wrong, as I think Jim and Patrick would qualify as "hairy animals".

;D ;D ....  :thumbsup:


when i was a kid, my pediatrician referred me to an allergist for some breathing troubles.  he suspected it was allergy-related.  i was stuck with hundreds of tiny needles containing small amnts of the usual suspects to see which ones i was allergic to.  (fine, maybe it was only a few dozen, but still  >:()  i had slight reactions to a bunch of things but the big culpret - CATS!

luckily, i seem to have gotten better over the years, but i still have to take an allergy pill before i go into a cat house.

i don't know of any correlation between allergies & mmj, but i read something a few years ago about a correlation between allergies & eczema.  coconut oil helps w/ treating eczema, so would that then somehow link up w/ mmj in conjunction w/ jim's coconut water speech?
"You have to be odd to be number one." -- Dr. Seuss


So I guess I Johnnyyyacked this thread by bringing up the allergy thing. And it has taken a life of it's own, if I had known I would have brought it up in off topics. Nice to know I am not alone, I can't even hug cat people! As for hairy men, I love them!!!


Jon T do you take this regularly or only when needed?

Quote from: Jon T. on Feb 10, 2011, 11:33 AM
Quote from: tdb810 on Feb 10, 2011, 11:21 AM
Quote from: Penne BruLane on Feb 10, 2011, 09:06 AM
Quote from: tdb810 on Feb 09, 2011, 10:15 PM
Quote from: bluesky on Feb 09, 2011, 07:47 PM
Awe what a relief. Can I say that I am glad you are allergic Trish? At this point it goes straight to my lungs. I carry an inhaler with me always.

Quote from: tdb810 on Feb 09, 2011, 09:06 AM
Quote from: bluesky on Feb 08, 2011, 10:17 PM
Trish   I keep forgetting to ask. Do you have any cats? :o

NO -- deathly allergic! like need an epi pen, break out in hives allergic  :'(

wow, Val me too!  As I have gotten older, it has gotten worse, and I really do need to get an inhaler.  we can talk cat horror stories when i see you!

X3, i'm super allergic to cats and dogs...it sucks

i know, i have been to blame for every member of my immediate family not having a dog.  though, as soon as i moved out of my parents house, they quickly adopted a beagle and all was right with the world.

Sorry to JohnnYYac this thread   ;) but my allergies have gotten worse as I have gotten older too.  I was recently turned on to Quercetin with Bromelain and it has really made a difference.  Anyone else use this stuff?  You can get at at any vitamin shop.  http://www.lifesource4life.com/quercetin.htm


Quote from: bluesky on Feb 10, 2011, 01:34 PM
So I guess I Johnnyyyacked this thread by bringing up the allergy thing. And it has taken a life of it's own, if I had known I would have brought it up in off topics. Nice to know I am not alone, I can't even hug cat people! As for hairy men, I love them!!!

that's the type of cat horror stories i was going to tell you about!! if i am somewhere with people who have cats for a lengthy period of time, i start having an allergy attack.  this is just a recent development, and i was totally freaked out by it.  we were at 2 different parties over the past few months, where i had a mild/moderate cat attack, and i was like -- what the hell - there are no cats here, but i knew it was a cat reaction... turned out, i asked around and there were people in both settings who had cats! kinda sucks sometimes, especially if i want to stay with friends etc.  no can do  ::)  so GREAT question Val, glad you raised it!
.....Back at the Model Home

Jon T.

Quote from: bluesky on Feb 10, 2011, 01:37 PM
Jon T do you take this regularly or only when needed?

It is recommended to take one to three daily.  I have been taking two.  I have not been taking it long enough (about four weeks) to know what happens when you don't take it regularly.  I really hate the idea of having to take something daily, but for me, this is better than having to take prescribed meds daily.  My allergies are very odd.  I have a dog that does not bother me at all.  I get to work and there is something in my office that causes me to sneeze multiple times daily.  Since I have been taking this, my sneezing has cut back drastically and my sense of smell has improved greatly (awesome).

Penny Lane

the generic form of claritin (loratadine) is really good, too
but come on...there's nothing sexy about poop. Nothing.  -bbill


Not to change the subject  ;) but its kinda nice to have my name made into a verb.

johnnYYac (verb)- to improve upon, such as to add humor or other insight

I am touched. :)

The fact that my heart's beating is all the proof you need.



Quote from: johnnYYac on Feb 10, 2011, 07:27 PM
Not to change the subject  ;) but its kinda nice to have my name made into a verb.

johnnYYac (verb)- to improve upon, such as to add humor or other insight

I am touched. :)


Hey All! Can't wait to see you all tomorrow!

So the music video is done! The link below should take you to the website where you can download it. Please do not post this anywhere else or email it to your friends. We have not decided what distributions channels we will be using yet. I just couldn't wait to share it with you all!

Enjoy  :)


The Sound of the Bagpipes - Music Video:

Wakin up feelin good and limber!


Quote from: Dodobird on Feb 11, 2011, 02:22 PM
Hey All! Can't wait to see you all tomorrow!

So the music video is done! The link below should take you to the website where you can download it. Please do not post this anywhere else or email it to your friends. We have not decided what distributions channels we will be using yet. I just couldn't wait to share it with you all!

Enjoy  :)


The Sound of the Bagpipes - Music Video:


That is a sweet video...nice story line too. I am looking forward to seeing out in the vapors....when do you think you'll release it from it's cage??? I have always been cautious of bagpipes...


Well done, Brian.  I'll tell you in person tomorrow.  Got my 5 'chords, amp, cables, etc. all stacked up by the door, ready to go.  Looking forward to tomorrow, but best get some shut eye for that drive.  It better be worth it!  ;)
The fact that my heart's beating is all the proof you need.

lil sis

Can't believe the day is already here.  See y'all soon!  :)
"There's still time for you to change your mind or whatever else you do."


Have a blast today guys!   Wish I was there.   :'(
I'm digging, digging deep in myself, but who needs a shovel when you have a little boy like mine.


Since we had to be the first to leave today  :'(
I get to be first to say that Beth & I had a wonderful time with many of our MMJ family today and all the many good friends who were able to make it.   :)
Big thanks to Bob & Trish for being such wonderful and gracious hosts.
The food, overflowing drinks and all the MMJ extra's decorated around the house made for a warm and fun party.
It would have been all too easy to keep on eating and drinking and just hanging out if we didn't have to return to real life but we are so glad we got to be there.
We were looking forward to this day for a long time and it didn't disappoint.
Great to see all who made it today.  A really special group and a wonderful day.
You guys are the best!  Thanks big time.  :D ;D :D

The next big party is the first MMJ show of the 2011 tour. See everyone again soon!
was some shakin' and some record playin'

ms. yvon

cannot wait for the tales of exploits, deeds & events!
"i don't mean to brag, i don't mean to boast, but we like hot butter on our breakfast toast."


Quote from: ms. yvon on Feb 12, 2011, 10:05 PM
cannot wait for the tales of exploits, deeds & events!

Secondeded!!!  :D
Daylight is good at arriving in the night time


Just got home safe and sound.

Many thanks to our wonderful hosts, Trish and Bob. You two are the best and I had a great time.  ;D

There's too many highlights of the day for me to list, but next to all the smiles and laughter, I'll never forget the cake. I don't know how you guys pulled that off, but to have the T5 forum picture from after Evil Urges somehow put on the cake was pretty damn cool!

It was so good to see everyone,and now I'm even more impatient for some Jacket shows, so we can all get-together again.

Safe travels everyone, and I hope to see you all soon. You guys are such a great group of wonderful people.  8)

"Where's Jim going?"