Will Johnson and Anders Parker

Started by MamaKel, Sep 29, 2012, 12:24 AM

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I just saw Anders Parker and Will Johnson. Wow. I seriously started crying while listening to "Corrine, My Sheba Queen". I went up to Anders to say hi, and I was totally still half crying and I prolly had snot coming out of my nose and in a half weep I was like "I really love your music". I was a total nerd. But rightfully so. That shit stripped me of all my shields and cut to the cOre of me like Baxter the dog. Man, I love turning into a mush ball at the sound of good tunes. They were both so entrancing. They sound like angels together. Will's voice is so insanely good. And he is seriously funny. Good times. So very thankful I got to go.


Sounds like a perfect music moment.  I am impressed by both men and the New Multitudes material.
The fact that my heart's beating is all the proof you need.


I can't help it...I kind of feel like I need to hear an artist live or at least live sessions to really get into them. I feel like this was my personal introduction to these guys. I mean, you can hear how great they harmonize on record, but being in a room,  just makes you understand. Do you feel like this too?

Penny Lane

I've been following their living room concert tour--I would have loved to have seen one.
but come on...there's nothing sexy about poop. Nothing.  -bbill


Would have been great to catch them.  Unfortunately, their show near me (Baltimore) sold out so fast.  Nice to know they stuck around and said hello to the fans..... happy for you MamaKel.


Anders is doing another living room tour and is looking for living rooms in which to perform.


Quote from: APR on Mar 06, 2013, 10:40 PM
Anders is doing another living room tour and is looking for living rooms in which to perform.

I don't think Flake and I have the ideal living room for this kind of thing, but I'd love to attend one if someone else in the DC-Baltimore area does offer up a living room for it.
My heart can't wait to meet you on the other side.

Penny Lane

Quote from: MrWhippy on Mar 07, 2013, 06:22 AM
Quote from: APR on Mar 06, 2013, 10:40 PM
Anders is doing another living room tour and is looking for living rooms in which to perform.

I don't think Flake and I have the ideal living room for this kind of thing, but I'd love to attend one if someone else in the DC-Baltimore area does offer up a living room for it.

GO4IT should do this!  :grin: :cool:
but come on...there's nothing sexy about poop. Nothing.  -bbill


Quote from: Penny Lane on Mar 07, 2013, 11:57 AM
Quote from: MrWhippy on Mar 07, 2013, 06:22 AM
Quote from: APR on Mar 06, 2013, 10:40 PM
Anders is doing another living room tour and is looking for living rooms in which to perform.

I don't think Flake and I have the ideal living room for this kind of thing, but I'd love to attend one if someone else in the DC-Baltimore area does offer up a living room for it.

GO4IT should do this!  :grin: :cool:
Yikes, I just saw this!
I've been after my friend in San Fran to see the Will Johnson show out there and just sent him an e-mail as there's only one ticket.  Is there still time to offer up my living room?!?!?
Actually I have a lot of space for partying but it's subdivided into different rooms so perhaps not ideal.  If it's warm enough I can incorporate my new deck, then we might have a bit more room.


Quote from: GO4IT on Mar 09, 2013, 08:59 PM
Quote from: Penny Lane on Mar 07, 2013, 11:57 AM
Quote from: MrWhippy on Mar 07, 2013, 06:22 AM
Quote from: APR on Mar 06, 2013, 10:40 PM
Anders is doing another living room tour and is looking for living rooms in which to perform.

I don't think Flake and I have the ideal living room for this kind of thing, but I'd love to attend one if someone else in the DC-Baltimore area does offer up a living room for it.

GO4IT should do this!  :grin: :cool:
Yikes, I just saw this!
I've been after my friend in San Fran to see the Will Johnson show out there and just sent him an e-mail as there's only one ticket.  Is there still time to offer up my living room?!?!?
Actually I have a lot of space for partying but it's subdivided into different rooms so perhaps not ideal.  If it's warm enough I can incorporate my new deck, then we might have a bit more room.

A couple  things:

First, Will Johnson is playing in Bluesky's living room in SF, you should definitely tell your friend to go!  There will be a few of us forum folks there.

I didn't know Anders was doing a living room tour, too!  I am going to have to look into that.  He played at my brother's (ItBeats4Jew) wedding 13 years ago.  Incredible!

anything + reverb always = better


Quote from: zanjam on Mar 09, 2013, 11:56 PM
Quote from: GO4IT on Mar 09, 2013, 08:59 PM
Quote from: Penny Lane on Mar 07, 2013, 11:57 AM
Quote from: MrWhippy on Mar 07, 2013, 06:22 AM
Quote from: APR on Mar 06, 2013, 10:40 PM
Anders is doing another living room tour and is looking for living rooms in which to perform.

I don't think Flake and I have the ideal living room for this kind of thing, but I'd love to attend one if someone else in the DC-Baltimore area does offer up a living room for it.

GO4IT should do this!  :grin: :cool:
Yikes, I just saw this!
I've been after my friend in San Fran to see the Will Johnson show out there and just sent him an e-mail as there's only one ticket.  Is there still time to offer up my living room?!?!?
Actually I have a lot of space for partying but it's subdivided into different rooms so perhaps not ideal.  If it's warm enough I can incorporate my new deck, then we might have a bit more room.

A couple  things:

First, Will Johnson is playing in Bluesky's living room in SF, you should definitely tell your friend to go!  There will be a few of us forum folks there.

I didn't know Anders was doing a living room tour, too!  I am going to have to look into that.  He played at my brother's (ItBeats4Jew) wedding 13 years ago.  Incredible!

OK, I think I'm going to go for it and offer up my living room because, well, would you expect anything else?

Ms GO4IT is not as thrilled as I am about people invading our house but has given the go ahead anyway.  I can make this work by putting the musicians in a corner of my living room which is also very viewable from my dining room and even the vestibule by the front door and stairs.

I think I'll take the required photos today and submit the bid tonight.  Any advice from folks who have some more knowledge than I do about what's involved (I've already read their requirements that they have online)?


Awesome Rob!!  We'll try to get only sane, clean people who would never spill a beer to get the tickets.  Mrs. APR wouldn't go for it and nixed the idea of hosting.  I'll help in any way if you do host.


Bid just submitted with a bunch of pix.
Appreciate the offer of some assistance if this comes off, APR.  I will need it.
And I will expect Penny to be here too given that she put me up to this.
This will be a good excuse for a 3-day Memorial Day MMJ forum party at the GO4IT residence. :thumbsup:


Quote from: GO4IT on Mar 11, 2013, 12:09 AM
Bid just submitted with a bunch of pix.
Appreciate the offer of some assistance if this comes off, APR.  I will need it.
And I will expect Penny to be here too given that she put me up to this.
This will be a good excuse for a 3-day Memorial Day MMJ forum party at the GO4IT residence. :thumbsup:

Awesome Rob!  I hosted a couple house concerts many years ago, and it was a good experience both times.  I hope this pans out, though is Memorial Day weekend set as the time for it?  I hope it's not as I couldn't make it then, and you might find that some other people have other plans then as well.
My heart can't wait to meet you on the other side.


Quote from: MrWhippy on Mar 11, 2013, 06:08 AM
Quote from: GO4IT on Mar 11, 2013, 12:09 AM
Bid just submitted with a bunch of pix.
Appreciate the offer of some assistance if this comes off, APR.  I will need it.
And I will expect Penny to be here too given that she put me up to this.
This will be a good excuse for a 3-day Memorial Day MMJ forum party at the GO4IT residence. :thumbsup:

Awesome Rob!  I hosted a couple house concerts many years ago, and it was a good experience both times.  I hope this pans out, though is Memorial Day weekend set as the time for it?  I hope it's not as I couldn't make it then, and you might find that some other people have other plans then as well.
We usually have plans for Memorial Day Weekend as well but not this year.  I prefer to stay at home on such weekends anyway rather than fight traffic.

Ms GO4IT said last night she's "leaving" if we have the concert here - I'm not sure if that's for good or just that weekend :rolleyes:

I may need a little help in bringing her around if this pans out.  My son-in-law, who's living with us, on the other hand is all in so I'll have some help for sure.

And re. APR's thought - "We'll try to get only sane, clean people who would never spill a beer to get the tickets." - where might we find such folks?  Maybe in a convent but certainly not on this forum :drum: :beer: :grin:

Hey, beer spills can be cleaned up and will soon be forgotten but a concert in my living room will be remembered forever.


I can stay late to be on the clean up crew.  Keep us posted.


Last year Anders Parker & Kendall Meade played a concert in our living room, and on April 7th, Will Johnson will be performing!   If you're in the SF Bay Area, here is the link for tickets and also a beautiful song. 




Boy, I haven't see this thread in a while.

Needless to say, the living room show never came off - I was never contacted until I asked way after the decision was made and they apologized. Whatever.

Since this was projected for Memorial Day weekend last year, it's fitting to let anyone in the area know that there will be a party at my place on that weekend this year.  Just PM me if you can drop by!  Who could we get to play?


Keep checking Undertow records site - or just email Bob Andrews and tell him where you are and that you're interested.   And if you get one of these mellow singer songwriters, you probably don't have to worry too much about a lot of beer being tossed around.

You should try to get Mark Eitzel - I've heard he's interested in doing them.  Send him a facebook message!


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