Frankenstorm/ Sandy

Started by ericm, Oct 27, 2012, 04:37 PM

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Fiddle, holy cow!!!   :shocked: :shocked: :shocked:  Glad you're ok!!! Been sendin good vibes to everyone as often as possible....
Daylight is good at arriving in the night time


Day 6 without power - that's the worst of it for us. Power slowly trickling in to the area. Not "low" on food but definitely feeling malnourished due to lack of fresh food. Beyond that, no damage to my house or body. Right now I'm down the shore with my parents dropping off supplies to people. Toms River, generally, is in better shape than up north. No gas lines, no outages. But the closer you get to Seaside and the islands the worse it gets. National Guard and Coast guard barricades, etc. Driving to Point now, expecting it to be much much worse.
I'm surrounded by assholes


Agh... sorry to hear your situation too, Chode... I wish you hot fresh awesome meals PRONTO!!! Glad your home is in good shape; hopefully power will be back very soon. Sending good positive thoughts and energy many times through every day to you guys.
Daylight is good at arriving in the night time


Quote from: woodnymph on Nov 03, 2012, 07:59 PM
Agh... sorry to hear your situation too, Chode... I wish you hot fresh awesome meals PRONTO!!! Glad your home is in good shape; hopefully power will be back very soon. Sending good positive thoughts and energy many times through every day to you guys.

Thanks - the shore is surreal. Like I said - there is this great facade of normalcy there with working stop lights, malls open, traffic that isn't for fuel. Even had a hot meal at a sports bar with all the games on (except I don't watch sports). No alcohol sales allowed though.

Beneath all that are schools that will remained closed for weeks because they are the only shelters for hundreds of families. There are busses overflowing with toys and blankets - things which we couldn't tell were donated or evacuated. Whole neighborhoods are patrolled by national guard outfits in full regalia and Humvees. Resident-only restrictions in most neighborhoods as well.

And if you didn't suspect it already - Seaside Heights and the surrounding communities have been declared a biohazard. They're saying a MINIMUM of 8 months to outwards of 2 years to restore the infrastructure alone. That's not rebuilding homes and businesses, that's just to get roads, pipes, and lines restored.

Ill post what few pics I could snap when power is restored. We're on day 7 now. Gettin' real old as it gets real cold.
I'm surrounded by assholes


Quote from: woodnymph on Nov 03, 2012, 07:59 PM
Agh... sorry to hear your situation too, Chode... I wish you hot fresh awesome meals PRONTO!!! Glad your home is in good shape; hopefully power will be back very soon. Sending good positive thoughts and energy many times through every day to you guys.

Thanks - the shore is surreal. Like I said - there is this great facade of normalcy there with working stop lights, malls open, traffic that isn't for fuel. Even had a hot meal at a sports bar with all the games on (except I don't watch sports). No alcohol sales allowed though.

Beneath all that are schools that will remained closed for weeks because they are the only shelters for hundreds of families. There are busses overflowing with toys and blankets - things which we couldn't tell were donated or evacuated. Whole neighborhoods are patrolled by national guard outfits in full regalia and Humvees. Resident-only restrictions in most neighborhoods as well.

And if you didn't suspect it already - Seaside Heights and the surrounding communities have been declared a biohazard. They're saying a MINIMUM of 8 months to outwards of 2 years to restore the infrastructure alone. That's not rebuilding homes and businesses, that's just to get roads, pipes, and lines restored.

Ill post what few pics I could snap when power is restored. We're on day 7 now. Gettin' real old as it gets real cold.
I'm surrounded by assholes


Quote from: el_chode on Nov 04, 2012, 08:32 AMNo alcohol sales allowed though.

That sounds serious.  Glad you're getting by Choder, and hope things normalise for you really soon.
The trouble with the straight and the narrow is it's so thin, I keep sliding off to the side


Finally got power last night at 6pm. 6 full days without power is quite "unfun" for lack of a better word. We had to completely empty our fridge as everything spoiled. I can't complain much though. There are a ton of people who have it MUCH worse. Thoughts going out to the people who really got it bad.
Homer no function beer well without.


glad things are starting to turn around for you all. hope everyone is staying warm and fed. sending out golden warm positive energy your way!!!


Thanks everyone  for all the good vibes, thoughts, and pm's.  :cool:

We took it on the chin on LBI,  as did so many others in the North East, but we're working hard to get back up. Fingers crossed we don't get hit again before we can replenish the beach, and rebuild the dunes. The dunes did their job, but now they're all gone, and right now we have NO protection from any ocean storm surge. Nothing to stop the ocean from easily meeting the bay. Even this coming NorEaster could  prove to be too much, and wipe out what Sandy didn't, or set back any progress made in the past week.

We rode the storm out on LBI  in a safe place on higher ground, with great dune protection, but had to evacuate my home bayside about eight hours before it came onshore. Even though it took on a shit ton of water, it's still standing somehow. The first floor is gutted, but as long as the inspection doesn't show any structural damage, I should be able to live upstairs, while redoing the downstairs. Very, very fortunate, as so many lost way more than I did. A few rooms of furniture, walls, appliances, and food is nothing compared to what I witnessed all last week.

We managed to stay all week and help as much as we could, until needing a break and coming to the mainland last night. Still no power on LBI,  but we were well stocked, and prepared where we were. It helps to have sand in your toes I guess.  :wink:

Outside of a movie,I've never seen anything like this, and hope to never again. So much destruction, and loss, as far as you can see. I know we have great people here, and just know that your reaching out, and sending good vibes helps. Please keep all those affected by this storm in your thoughts, and to anyone else out there affected, know that I'm thinking of you too, and sending some vibes your way from LBI.

Heading back either tonight or tomorrow to get back at it, and not sure when we'll get power, or be able to post again, but wanted to check in and say thanks to everyone before heading back.

Really looking forward to seeing everyones smiling faces in PC, and Boston.  :beer:

Sticky, I know you were just being you, and wouldn't have expected anything less, but you're off base on this one. If you aren't busy we could sure use a hand here, and maybe even some of your wit to lighten the mood. Can't promise some Jersey boy won't take a swing at ya, but I got your back as long as your hands and feet are working to help.

"Where's Jim going?"


I'm so glad to hear from you, eric! I'm sorry you lost so much of your home, but you definitely have the right attitude. Hang in there. I know that all this devastation can be overwhelming. Take care of yourself. There's a beer with your name on it when I see you in Port Chester. :beer: Take care, friend.


FYI eric, I think sticky got the boot from the forum...believe it or not, the most offensive and ridiculous things of what he posted in this thread were removed (and rightfully so).  Glad to hear you're doing ok, sorry about your property damage.

Mr. White

I have been reading these posts and don't know what to say or do. I hope everybody affected pulls through this terrible destruction safely and as quickly as possible.

Maybe this will brighten everyone's day.

Good Day Sunshine -The Beatles (stereo remaster with photos)

Kentuckians For The Commonwealth (KFTC) Member Since 2011


Just got our power back tonight after going a week without and waking up to 53 cold degrees in my house today.

We were still really lucky compared to many and my best wishes are sent out to Eric and others who had it so much worse. This has been some really rough times for those in NY, NJ and CT and Beth and I really appreciate the support of our friends here.

Going without heat and power and all that for a week is challenging and not fun but nothing compared to flooding and major house damage that has hit over 100,000 people on Long Island alone.

The vinyl will be spinning soon.

was some shakin' and some record playin'

ms. yvon

eric, so relieved to see your post.  i didn't know you lived on the island but based on concerned posts in this thread i could tell you were in a vulnerable area. 
i hope you're able to keep your place and have a roof over your head.

man, so glad to hear that everyone here is safe.  would that you could all just come sleep on my couch and have a shower.  xo, friends!
"i don't mean to brag, i don't mean to boast, but we like hot butter on our breakfast toast."


Sandy can never destroy the Jersey Shore's natural beauty.

Link to the photos I took. There aren't many, and they're not too dramatic.
I'm surrounded by assholes


Very happy to hear you made it through OK, eric. I didn't know you were toughing it out in LBI. One of our neighbors on West Indiana Ave did the same & was nearly swept away when he went out his front door. Scared the shit out of him.

I hope the damage to your 1st floor isn't too extensive & that you'll be back to normal as soon as possible. I'm looking forward to meeting up for a drink next summer! We'll make it happen next time, promise :beer:
Homer no function beer well without.


Some progress being made on LBI. Yesterday they finally opened the Island back up to residents.  :thumbsup: Even though I've been able to get on being a contractor, and helping with the cleanup, until now residents have only been allowed on for one day last week to get essentials.

While it's great to have people back and moving forward, yesterday was a really tough day. It was the first time many have been on the Island since Sandy, and it was tough to see many of my friends and neighbors seeing the destruction, and loss to their places  for the first time.

While a lot of them are summer residents, it still sucks big time to see their pain, and know that a place they associate with beautiful, stress free,  happy memories is now a cause for heartache.

We did get some more good news as it looks like natural gas will be restored to the Island by December 1st,so a lot of year round residents should be able to stay through the winter. That'll help not only for morale, but there is so much cleanup, and rebuilding needed that the sooner we can get to work, the better. Having heat will definitely help a lot of people  get a head start on that during the winter.

Fingers crossed I'll be one of them, but won't know til November 20th. That's the earliest I can get an inspector to come to the house to check the structure, and also assess the other flood damage. Still no heat at my place, and can't flip the electric on til we know the extent of the damage the salt water did. Not going to chance coming this far, and risk a fire.  Really hoping we get a fairly mild November, and no freezing temps.

Thanks again for all the good thoughts, and please continue to keep all those affected by Sandy in your thoughts. There are so many who have it much worse than I do, and could really use some good vibes.
"Where's Jim going?"


eric thanks for the update! glad things are starting to happen for you and your island neighbors. fingers crossed you hear good news!


Quote from: bluesky on Nov 11, 2012, 11:52 PM
eric thanks for the update! glad things are starting to happen for you and your island neighbors. fingers crossed you hear good news!

Thanks Val.   :cool:
"Where's Jim going?"

Penny Lane

Quote from: ericm on Nov 12, 2012, 08:49 AM
Quote from: bluesky on Nov 11, 2012, 11:52 PM
eric thanks for the update! glad things are starting to happen for you and your island neighbors. fingers crossed you hear good news!

Thanks Val.   :cool:

looks like we all owe you a drink and a hug come the end of December...glad things are starting to get back to 'normal'...

but come on...there's nothing sexy about poop. Nothing.  -bbill