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Our pets

Started by ycartrob, Feb 25, 2006, 02:51 AM

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Tracy 2112

Quote from: ycartrob on Feb 25, 2006, 02:51 AM

We said goodbye to Daisy (above) on November 26th. She was 14 and lived a happy long life. I really couldn't have wanted more from a dog. We got Daisy on the return trip from our honeymoon in 2000. her health began to decline in the past year and she took a real down turn over the past month where she was shaky on her feet and couldn't control her bladder. We took her to the vet to say goodbye; it was pretty tough but she was such a shell of her former self. We buried her in our backyard and that spot now has a special new character. Sparky misses her and has been moping a bit around the house.
Be the cliché you want to see in the world.

Tracy 2112

Quote from: iLikeBeer on Dec 12, 2012, 10:42 AM
Lost a good friend this morning as my oldest dog Reilly had to be put to sleep.

Reilly was 15 and he lived a good and long life despite the fact that he was nearly deaf and blind in the last year or so.  I was always amazed at how well he could still get around except for when my wife would fuck with him by rearranging the furniture in our house?!   :tongue:

I had noticed he was not eating as well and was barely moving around at all over the last couple of days and yesterday he didn't eat at all and I began to brace myself that it was his time to go.  So, my wife and I took him into the vet this morning with the thought that he would be put to sleep.  The hardest thing for me was not knowing if this was the end although my gut was telling me it was.  The vet told us he felt a large mass around his abdomen and he told us he would recommend putting him down so at least we had the reassurance that we were doing the right thing.

He was my first dog I had on my own and he's been a part of our family his entire life.  He was a great dog and I will miss the hell out of him!

Sorry to hear that, man.
Be the cliché you want to see in the world.


ILB, so sorry to hear about your dog.  Its amazing how much your pets become an integral part of your life.  As my first dog gets closer to double digits in age and grayer and grayer, I have to just keep reminding myself to just enjoy his company because who knows when I may be facing the decision you just made. 


I'm so sorry about your loss, ILB.  Losing a pet is so painful.  Sometimes people don't understand, but we pet peeps do.  15 is a good, long life, and I am sure your family has lots of good memories with him.
anything + reverb always = better


Thanks for the kind words everyone.  Definitely have lots of good memories we will cherish.  But it's still tough because it's like we lost a member of our family today. 

Beats, sorry to hear about your older dog.  Hope he pulls through.  Samson's a cutie though. 

Sorry to hear about Daisy as well Tracy.  We're planning on burying Reilly in our backyard also.  We told our kids last night that we would be taking Reilly to the doctor and he probably wouldn't be coming home and they took it pretty hard as they were crying when they went to bed and kept wanting us to come up to their rooms.  They all 3 got to say their goodbyes to him this morning and they wanted to know if we would be having a 'funeral' for him which I assured them we would for the family. 

But like you said Tracy, he too was a shell of himself as we couldn't even get him to wag his happy tail anymore.


And I didn't see your post above ILB's, Tracy.  So sorry for your loss, too.
anything + reverb always = better


Man so sorry to hear that guys. 
Can You Put Your Soft Helmet On My Head


yeah Tracy, so sorry.  doesn't matter if it's 9, 10, 14 years or whatever, it doesn't make it easier. 
what Madonna said really helped