Music Equipment Talk! or just rambling stories about my guitars

Started by ffghtrs, Jan 18, 2013, 05:39 AM

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I'm more than sure that there has been some great equipment talk on this forum but i'm starting another because I haven't found it and i'm sleepy and don't feel like searching.  Also I'm new to the forum. 

My favorite guitar is my Fender Telecaster American Deluxe.  I got it when i was fifteen or sixteen, i bought it from my guitar teacher for 800 dollars and it was worth every penny.  He brought it one day to lessons to let another student check it out to see if they were interested, and they didn't believe that it was that nice of a guitar, anywho i saw it and showed interest because i had been working all summer and saving up for either a Strat or a Tele and he let me play on it and i fell in love.  My heart just sang.  But i only had 700 and he wanted 800.  Anywho after my teacher mentioned he found a buyer that was interested in the guitar to the other student, he started getting interested in it again.  So my teacher asked me if I wanted him to save it for me.  I said no because I wouldn't be able to get the hundred dollars for a while because my summer job had ended.  So i didn't hear about the guitar again for about four months, i figured it was sold and i was heart broken.  Well after some time i had my money together and I asked my teacher where i should go to buy another guitar, and i said I tried out a Tele at a guitar shop near my house and was curious about buying it but it did not have near as nice of a sound and look and feel as the one i played that was his.  So he informed me that it never sold and he couldn't part with it for less than 800.  one week later it was mine.  It was the strangest feeling to walk into guitar class with 8 100 dollar bills and no guitar in hand.  I love that guitar, play it almost every day. 

My first guitar was a black Ibanez gio and it was 200 dollars and i purchased it myself.  my mother and father payed for my lessons for years and i had a wonderful teacher, he is a great musician.  I started on an electric and i still prefer playing electric because i can mold the sound to beautiful clean sounds and then in the next instance rip those melodies apart with great distortion.  My amp is a Fender Deville and my bass is a wild fire with an orange amp.  the bass has a funky little sound and i got it for 20 dollars.  I also have a Tacoma acoustic.  I love my acoustic but the action is really tight, for chord playing its not so bad but when I try to riff or play melodies or even more difficult chords it can get a bit rough.  I am looking at buying an acoustic/electric either Taylor, or a beautiful 1978 Guild that i just saw a local shop.  I would love to get a Gibson Les Paul or a SG but i'm not a millionaire and I'm just dreaming.  Also i love vintage Jazzmasters.  oh Fender.  I'm done rambling thank you for reading.
Can you keep it simple? Can you let the snare crack? Can you let it move without holding back?


My gear is nothing to brag about...lower-average stuff.  I've got a Korean Tele with humbuckers and FMT (flame maple top).  It's a pretty guitar, but you can't get as much twang as I want sometimes, since it doesn't have the "typical" Tele pickups.

I've also got a Washburn banjo, Alvarez classical guitar, not even sure what my main acoustic an OM-200 omnichord (not working right now, needs repaired after I plugged the wrong power supply into it...wrong polarity).  Got some harmonicas, a keyboard, some mics, an Orange 30W practice amp (cheaper solid state one).

My main reason for adding to this thread:  my great aunt just passed away (RIP Aunt Dar!).  We were going through her stuff, and I was given her record collection.  While looking through that, I came across some Fender amps that her husband Fred used in his bands back in the 70's.  I'm not positive, but I think it's a 1960 Fender Super Amp (Brown) and a matching head.  If they're not SUPER valuable, my cousin (Dar's daughter) is giving them to me!  If they are in the $1-3k range, I will probably make payments to her...if they're more like $10k or something crazy high, she will just sell them.  I know she already sold two of his guitars for quite a bit...I've heard conflicting numbers, but somewhere between $6-15k...wish I got to see them/play them before those were sold!  But the amps would be a great consolation.  Here's hoping it works out.
We could.


Dude that's a great find, and i have an orange bass amp, don't remember if i mentioned that.  I'm debating about buying a new amp or guitar.  I can't decide what to do.  So i'll think i'll wait it out.
Can you keep it simple? Can you let the snare crack? Can you let it move without holding back?