MMJ Free Atlanta Show April 5, 2013?!?!

Started by craigtheowl, Mar 11, 2013, 10:48 AM

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Quote from: SaraBananaBear on Apr 05, 2013, 06:44 PM
Quote from: subinai on Apr 05, 2013, 06:38 PM
wish the chat room was open for this

Well I think we could use a tinychat like this. :smiley: Choose to enter as guest if you don't want the Facebook/Twitter blaha.

Join the chat, streamers!
I wonder why we listen to poets when nobody gives a fuck


Jackets N Pones

Wow Carl's Circuitale solo was excellent. What a treat.
Here it is, in its entirety, our cover of ELO's Telephone Line

Jackets N Pones

Here it is, in its entirety, our cover of ELO's Telephone Line

Jackets N Pones

Here it is, in its entirety, our cover of ELO's Telephone Line


Just got home and flip on a live stream of OTR, what a way to start my friday!

Jackets N Pones

pointer finger high five or "high one" should be the new forum secret handshake
Here it is, in its entirety, our cover of ELO's Telephone Line


Only Mahgeetah from first 3 albums so far....


They would probably become far more famous if they were always the opening band. Zac Brown will clearly feel pressure to follow them up.



Not one to hate on any kind of music, but can zac brown chicken friend band follow that?  It's straight up unfair....



Zac Brown Band isn't good anyways.  Typical country mainstream garbage.
I wonder why we listen to poets when nobody gives a fuck


Quote from: MJComp10 on Apr 05, 2013, 08:24 PM
Not one to hate on any kind of music, but can zac brown chicken friend band follow that?  It's straight up unfair....
LOL!  I was thinking I would hate to be Zac Brown right about now having to follow that up!    :cheesy:

Even with a standard festy set, they still rocked the hell out.  Good luck following that up ZBB...  :grin:

Waddy Peytona

I think they missed Eric Mayers tonight.


Jim on the projected stage on OBH. Incredible. Reminds me of Neil Young, Like A Hurricane, Berlin 1982.Neil Young - Like a hurricane- Berlin 1982



I'm glad they closed with OBH. Good luck ZBB :evil:

Penny Lane

Quote from: Jackets N Pones on Apr 05, 2013, 07:58 PM
pointer finger high five or "high one" should be the new forum secret handshake

way too much fingering going on tonight..frat boys carry germs, ya know!
but come on...there's nothing sexy about poop. Nothing.  -bbill


Notice no country tinged tunes played tonight. Not even Golden. Bet that was planned.