MMJ Free Atlanta Show April 5, 2013?!?!

Started by craigtheowl, Mar 11, 2013, 10:48 AM

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I'm at 95. 7 too. My estimated time to finish days infinity .


Quote from: Mr. White on Apr 08, 2013, 06:21 PM
My download is stuck at 95.8%. Is there some way of getting it to play anyway? I haven't downloaded anything in torrent form until this Atlanta show. After it finishes (if it finishes), what kind of program should I use to play it? When I click on u torrent's playback button, it says "unsupported". What is my next step? Thanks for the help in advance.

It will play in VLC Media Player


My understanding is that this is a MOV file and so it won't play until the download is complete. The fact that we all freeze at 95.7% is a new one on me and suggests the file is faulty.
The fact that my heart's beating is all the proof you need.


Quote from: johnnYYac on Apr 08, 2013, 07:58 PM
My understanding is that this is a MOV file and so it won't play until the download is complete. The fact that we all freeze at 95.7% is a new one on me and suggests the file is faulty.

I can't get it to play in VLC, so I'm hoping you're right and it needs to be completely downloaded.


Try upgrading your VLC?   I'm using version 2.0.5. 


We have a seeder! Mine just started downloading again. It wasn't a faulty file, it was an incomplete seed. Thank you, Timescraper or whoever is seeding this mofo! I'd really like to watch it tonight.


Quote from: Fully on Apr 08, 2013, 11:07 AM
Quote from: manonthemoon on Apr 07, 2013, 11:25 PM
Quote from: Fully on Apr 06, 2013, 05:14 AM
There was the most awesome kid who waited with us and hung Putin the rail with us. He was 14 and has already seen 40 shows. He had even made it to Pearl Jam's rail. Along with him was his friend who was going to his first show ever. It was like meeting a young Whippy or Penny Lane.

As far as the show, it was a standard setlist, but the band played well even amid frustrations with the mix and Jim's mic stand. I would enjoy seeing a rip of the live stream did anyone capture that?

Also, I hope manonthemoon made his plane. We had a great group to hang out with, and met several new people. The crowd was interesting to say the least. Very dedicated Zac Brown fans.

The young kid was awesome, glad they finally brought up some MMJ merch as I think he ended up with a signed CD that he was stoked about.

Overall I had a blast and was really excited about the setlist given you knew it was going to be bigger more newer songs that are a little more fast paced given the crowd.  I thought they did a great job going heavy on Z and the only song that was a little bit of a let down for me was First Light.  But anytime I get Anytime I can't complain, love that song, plus the base on VD was insane being on the rail.

Thanks for asking, Fully, I did make my plane even though I was sprinting to the gate during the final boarding call on my bum knee from falling down the hill earlier on the wet grass.  Totally worth it though, just meant a lot of ice and elevation this weekend.

It was great seeing Whippy, Fully, and Seth again and meeting Yackaroo and Megg33etta(I think).  Totally worth the trip down.

Dont stop, Dont stop.

You just gave me my new signature. I don't know why I hadn't already thought of it. :thumbsup:

I'm so glad your knee isn't badly damaged. As awesome as watching you soar through the air  was - I mean you were really vertical for several seconds  :cool: - I really worried that you had hurt yourself.  Also thrilled you made your flight. It was great hanging out with you. I particularly feel bonded to you after making it through Saints of Velour or whatever their name was. rjlemons, Holls, the guy beside scosby was pretty awesome to hang out with too. All in all, we had a great group of people on the rail.

Not really bad at all just lots of swelling, but pretty much back to normal today.  Definately enjoyed the company, can't wait to do it again.  But will definately add St.s of Velour to the long list of bands I never need to see again, ever.
Alive or Just Breathing


Quote from: Fully on Apr 08, 2013, 10:02 PM
We have a seeder! Mine just started downloading again. It wasn't a faulty file, it was an incomplete seed. Thank you, Timescraper or whoever is seeding this mofo! I'd really like to watch it tonight.

No worries - see ya in louisville!


OK, I downloaded the entire thing and I'm trying to watch a little of it. I've got great video, but no sound.  :tongue:  Anybody have sound?


Either use QuickTime or search for Apple lossless audio codec for your player


Thanks, I'll do that. The video looks good.


I was able to get the video working perfectly as well but with no sound.  I'll have to work on that tonight.  I was able to spot myself though.  That was a fun and impressive set.  It was so crowded trying to leave after MMJ finished.  I heard the Zac Brown folks asking where everyone was going.  I think they thought everyone was there to see Zac.


My sound wasn't working in VLC, but it does work in Quicktime.


Quote from: davymac on Apr 09, 2013, 01:21 PM
My sound wasn't working in VLC, but it does work in Quicktime.
I didn't even test the file before dropping it into DVD Flick, which converts the .mov file into videoTS files to burn a DVD.  It was running overnight and still going this morning, so I'll report back if I have success.  I prefer to watch these things on the home theater system when I can.  DVD Flick did recognize an audio track, so fingers crossed...
The fact that my heart's beating is all the proof you need.


Thanks for the torrent and seeding my lovely forum friends, much appreciated!  :thumbsup: Once it's downloaded I can finally stop playing Mariah Carey! :smiley:
Europe ♥ My Morning Jacket


Quote from: johnnYYac on Apr 09, 2013, 01:38 PM
Quote from: davymac on Apr 09, 2013, 01:21 PM
My sound wasn't working in VLC, but it does work in Quicktime.
I didn't even test the file before dropping it into DVD Flick, which converts the .mov file into videoTS files to burn a DVD.  It was running overnight and still going this morning, so I'll report back if I have success.  I prefer to watch these things on the home theater system when I can.  DVD Flick did recognize an audio track, so fingers crossed...
FAIL  :undecided:

Looks like I've got a date with my PC and Quicktime...
The fact that my heart's beating is all the proof you need.


I just watched it with Quicktime. Makes me sad to think this is the last show for a good while. I was pleased with how well the crowd finally started getting into it. It was hard to tell where we were. We had to turn around every time Jim went strutting down the catwalk. Also, I could see Carl better on the webcast. That catwalk really cut our vision line down. (Please grow your hair back out, Carl. It looked so hot at The Basement in February with that knit cap on - not that this is a bad haircut)


Quote from: Fully on Apr 09, 2013, 08:55 PM
I just watched it with Quicktime. Makes me sad to think this is the last show for a good while. I was pleased with how well the crowd finally started getting into it. It was hard to tell where we were. We had to turn around every time Jim went strutting down the catwalk. Also, I could see Carl better on the webcast. That catwalk really cut our vision line down. (Please grow your hair back out, Carl. It looked so hot at The Basement in February with that knit cap on - not that this is a bad haircut)

did you guys get there super-early and have your pick of the rail?   How did you end up where you were?   It seemed (hindsight being 20-20) that what looked like a great spot may not have been as good as nearer the catwalk.


We were there way early, but there were four entrances where they let everyone in at the same time. It probably would have been nice to be right on catwalk, but we had a great view of Tom, Bo, Patrick, and Jim while he was singing and when he got stressed about his mic issues.


Quote from: mahg33ta on Apr 10, 2013, 09:54 AM
Quote from: Fully on Apr 09, 2013, 08:55 PM
I just watched it with Quicktime. Makes me sad to think this is the last show for a good while. I was pleased with how well the crowd finally started getting into it. It was hard to tell where we were. We had to turn around every time Jim went strutting down the catwalk. Also, I could see Carl better on the webcast. That catwalk really cut our vision line down. (Please grow your hair back out, Carl. It looked so hot at The Basement in February with that knit cap on - not that this is a bad haircut)
I noticed his hair was shorter as well, and I also thought that he looked super cool with his cap and long hair at the basement show.