Shortlist Nomination Question

Started by TheMollusk, Sep 13, 2004, 12:39 AM

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I noticed on the peice about the Shortlist nomination that there is somewhere that you can check who nominated who. I'd be really interested in who put up MMJ. Although the peice was informative, im really intigued and would like to find out more about it. Can I get a link? or anything. also i bought that tv on the radio cd when it came out and couldn't get by the first three songs.. anyone here into them? much buzz, but i think they pretty much suck, and ive tried so hard to enjoy it.


 you are so obviously so annoyed that you have resorted now to just posting smiley faces as replies to absolutely normal questions, and then blaming others for wrecking your forum. its ok, you can be the forum baby. and everyone here feels sorry for you. it is also becoming increasingly obvious that you have no job or family, because all you do is follow me and try real hard to come up with clever responses, only to have failure after failure, because really, posting a smiley face just shows everyone how completely inept you are. if you really, really feel a need to somehow 'get back' at me because of your own stupidity, give yourself a little credit, take five minutes to actually think of something funny or clever. all that you have proved so far is that you are an extremely feminine boy.


i said take five minutes, not seconds. congratulations on actually trying tho


Ehm, I'm losing you. All this erasing stuff, it's making things complicated! I'm just a simple guy from Europe, so don't make it too hard.

First of all, that question about the Shortlist is indeed intruiging. I'd like to know that as well! Who are the people that nominate, anyway? Is this a musician's thing, is there are a jury, what's the deal?

Oh, and TV on the Radio is great, in my humble opinion. Though maybe not as genius as the papers say, but hey, that's what the papers do... Maybe you should go see them live, 'cuz that's how I started to appreciate them. And listen to 'Ambulance', I love that song. Then again, I love every song that has humming in it...  ;D
I'm ready when you are


Quoteyou are an extremely feminine boy.

I know that I should just let you guys bicker and I should stay out of it, but I've got to know:

Mollusk, why is it that every insult you hurl has to do with being gay, feminine, or a sexual deviant?  I honestly thought you were 14, until (out of curiosity) I looked at your profile and saw that you are older than me!

Seriously, man, if you are so "clever," let's see you climb out of this rut and come up with some truly unique insults.  


by the way, I can't help with TV on the Radio - I've never heard them.

pps - after posting this, I saw all the crap in the Off-Topic Ramblings forum, and jeez, it's worse than I thought.


i also noticed you get really offended when someone is called feminine or gay, and that you were hoping i was a fourteen year old boy.


btw, the shortlist nominees are nominated by a group of their selected peers. eg: questlove of the roots nominated tv on the radio and wilco. the list is out there somewhere, but im too lazy to look for it

Bermuda Highway Patrol

Wow!  You people ARE lazy!  And deleting posts is for pansies.  Okay, slackers, go here  If you still can't find what you are looking for, please do not reproduce (and quit watching NASCAR).  Sorry you've had such a hard time getting any help here, Mollusk.

See you all at the next Atlanta show.


Thanks for the link. I was curious who put MMJ on the list. To save you from hunting for it like I did, the nominator was . . .

Nic Harcourt
Just a Heartbreakin' Man, doing a Victory Dance with Shaky Knees, along a Bermuda Highway


Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.


you know, he's that guy that sang that sone, oh you know.



nevermind he's a KCRW personality
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.


Nic Harcourt hosts the radio program Morning Becomes Eclectic in Los Angeles.  Jim and the band have performed on the show for a couple of broadcasts, which at one time could be heard on the Internet, and may be on the ftp site if I remember correctly.

p.s. If you like Neil Young, he just hosted a couple shows for them and they are online if you want to hear Ol' Neil put em'down, er, play 'em.  (obligatory southern man/ skynyrd reference owing to the freebird/elizabethtown thread elsewhere on this site)
Just a Heartbreakin' Man, doing a Victory Dance with Shaky Knees, along a Bermuda Highway



ED Harcourt plays "Bittersweetheart"
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.


QuoteNic Harcourt hosts the radio program Morning Becomes Eclectic in Los Angeles.  Jim and the band have performed on the show for a couple of broadcasts, which at one time could be heard on the Internet, and may be on the ftp site if I remember correctly.

THIS is how I discovered MMJ way back when.  Nic played "The Way that He Sings" and it was love at first listen.

MBE is a great program and obviously great for discovering new talent.


is the show available through their/any website or just on certain stations?
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.


Quoteis the show available through their/any website or just on certain stations?

Try this link to search for MMJ (or any others) - or to listen to the show go to, then the music link, then Morning Becomes Eclectic.



Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.