"One Big Holiday" in MEXICO!!

Started by parkervb, Jun 11, 2013, 01:02 PM

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This was posted yesterday on the private facebook page for "FURTHER".  Someone who is going to Further, was at the resort the last week of December and is going back for the concerts in a few weeks.  This is not some random TripAdvisor posting.   Name's removed...

"My husband and I were there from Dec 24-Dec 31, 2013. It was TERRIBLE, to say the least. When this trip was booked about 3 months ago we booked it together with other family members. The agency took it upon themselves to place my husband and myself in the Heaven Section (Adults Only) and our relatives were placed in the Hacienda Section (Adults with Children). We were not aware of this until we arrived. They immediately seperated us and took my husband and I to the Heaven Lobby and then drove our relatives to the Hacienda Lobby. As we walked up to our room it was very obvious that they were doing a major remodel. As we entered our room you could immediately see that they obviously deemed it livable but it was very apparent to us that our room was still unfinished. There was tile work, molding and even painting that still needed to be finished. (We took pictures to prove this as we will also file a complaint with the hotel association and show them these pictures). We immediately asked if there was any way we could be moved to the Hacienda side where the rest of our group was. But according to them everything was booked and they would place us on a waiting list if any rooms opened up. Of course, nothing ever did open up so we were forced to stay in our room. Not only was our room unfinished but the whole floor right above us was being remodelled and so all we would hear all day from about 7:30 am on was banging, drilling and grinding. It was a NUISANCE!! We complained several times but nothing was ever done. Another dissappointment was that the Heaven section felt isolated and empty compared to the Hacienda section. None of the shops were open and it lacked all the entertainment that the Hacienda side had......And here's the kicker: On Thursday, we met with Michelle who is a representative for the Vacation Package/Time Share group. She asked us how our stay had been so far. We voiced our complaint to her about all the noise and construction going on and she assured us that she could get us moved to the Hacienda Side and even went so far as to say that because of the construction going on we were already getting a 50 percent discount. Once we told her what we had paid she knew and we knew that we were paying full price with no discount and she said she would get it fixed and us compensated. This is when the run around began and we were sent to several people all who were promising compensation but kept stalling it while at the same time trying to sell us a vacation package/time share. This was a complete waste of time!!! It turns out that they would have only compensated us if we would have signed up for the vacation package/time share. Other than that, they could care less how you feel and what your experience is at the hotel. We tried several times to reach the hotel manager Rene Malacara but were told it would be impossible and that we would have to go through their Public Relations Dept. Once we went to that department all we got were 2 teenage girls who claimed to be the manager and that they would make a report. No actual manager ever showed their face and now I know why. They are trying to avoid all the issues and the problems that the hotel has. We would not recommend this hotel to an enemy much less a friend or family. The only good thing we could say was that the room service as well as the waiters and waitresses did a good job to take care of our needs."

"cloud 9 will say anything to keep everyone calm. i have inside info that they are actually scared shitless. they told me not to believe everything i read on the internet. sorry, but i believe people who post reviews on trip advisor, especially when the majority are negative."

"I know it's in our community's blood to "go with the flow" and have the attitude that "it's all about the music" and 99 out of 100xs I completely agree. HOWEVER, that attitude applies to shows at stadiums and theaters and festivals where the accommodations aren't part of the deal. This run of shows is a package deal, SHOWS, HOTEL, AIRFARE The list goes on and on. I think addressing our concerns is something we deserve."

"hey, all the "positive", "cheery", "nothings gonna spoil my vibe", "i didn't join this fb page to hear negativity", "i don't mind paying $400+ a day per person to stay in a construction zone", "where's the theme nights, and activities"??!!! people..............can you guys call cloud 9 and request the "unfinished" rooms?"

Cloud 9 has been ignoring everyone's emails sending a form letter saying "all is well".



Well, we're going, so we can either make the best of it & have a good time or not.  No one is being forced to go.

Try to enjoy!!!!!

"No eternal reward will forgive us now for wasting the dawn"


We have non-refundable rooms.  Mine cost $5000 for 7 days.  I AM forced to go - unless they refund it.  And if the resort is going to be a disaster, I want a refund. 

They sold us something that they will not be able to deliver.  It's as simple as that.


Quote from: azure317 on Jan 07, 2014, 12:48 PM

Well, we're going, so we can either make the best of it & have a good time or not.  No one is being forced to go.

Try to enjoy!!!!!


I will certainly make the best of it. No question. But in the big picture, it's 2 worlds. One where I know my wife and I will have fun seeing wonderful music and getting to hang out with a group of like minded folks. The 2nd world is where I'm on vacation for which I've paid for 6 of us to be at an all-inclusive resort (I'm paying for 2 rooms). I will be able to seperate the two. I will be able to have a blast in world one and then seperately handle with C9 any problems with world 2.



Yeah, I have faith in you guys that you'll be able to enjoy yourselves!

"No eternal reward will forgive us now for wasting the dawn"


Quote from: azure317 on Jan 07, 2014, 02:13 PM

Yeah, I have faith in you guys that you'll be able to enjoy yourselves!


Thanks, I appreciate your confidence. I promise I won't let you down :beer:


I hope everyone has a good time.  3 weeks away.

"Things may come to those who wait, but only the things left by those who hustle" Honest Abe


Quote from: given2jacket on Jan 07, 2014, 12:44 PM
Not only was our room unfinished but the whole floor right above us was being remodelled and so all we would hear all day from about 7:30 am on was banging, drilling and grinding. It was a NUISANCE!!

Quote from: given2jacket on Jan 07, 2014, 10:50 AM
The heaven side is a joke. There is nothing happening around at nite either, very quiet

the plot thickens...
don't rock bottom, just listen just slow down...


Quote from: given2jacket on Jan 06, 2014, 07:31 PM

The very few positive reviews come from people w/ no prior history and could very well be bogus reviews.  Nobody has an incentive to write a "fake" negative review but the hotel has every incentive to write a fake positive review. 

wow, you are a DOUCHE.
I hope theres only one room that is unfinished and that you have to stay in it. And, I hope that room is at another resort on Neptune so all of those of us who actually want to have fun will be really, really  far away from you.
don't rock bottom, just listen just slow down...



PS; two plus rounds of golf lined up, doing the Positive Legacy "Day of Service" and taking the wife out fishing on a boat with just the two of us and looking forward to some awesome people and music, then when I get back I'm going to work on "growing the fuck up" as Given so eloquently stated...

Mr. White

I'm not going, but I sure do hope things work out for all you wonderful Forum folks who are going. I can understand the concern. I'm sure I would be very concerned (with the OBH price tag and all). However, if worse comes to worst, just immerse yourself in the music and the good people who will be sharing the adventure. To be in the same space with such talented and caring people that we all know Jim, Patrick, Tom, Carl, and Bo to be will be the saving grace for this whole experience. Keep the faith, look forward to your trip, and KEEP THOSE OF US WHO CAN'T MAKE IT "POSTED". We love this band for a reason, and I'm sure they will do what it takes to lift your spirits. Hell, if their rooms are terrible, and they are made aware that your rooms are terrible, MMJ might just make it "One Long Song" or "One Long Concert" and continue playing with only a few short breaks for a nap here and there. You all could break out the sleeping bags and/or tents and pretend it's Woodstock or Bonnaroo or something like that and wait for the sounds of the band playing another set to get up and going again.

The main thing is...Have Fun!!!
Kentuckians For The Commonwealth (KFTC) Member Since 2011


If there were reports of a Nuclear spill at the resort with people getting radiation, would you be concerned?  Tell me - what would it take for you to put aside "let's chill, MMJ is playing!".

I'm wasting my time...and could care less what you think of me.  But I'm not wrong.  I paid a shitload of money for a completed resort, vacation, with MMJ playing.  I'm not complaining about something trivial.  People are describing the grounds as a disaster area.  How that isn't important to you is beside me.

I have an agenda posting on here.  I want the few (many don't post) to read the reviews and tell Cloud 9 it's unacceptable.  For the few of you that could care less what's going on, JAM ON BRO!!!!!!!  I get it. 


what Madonna said really helped


Dude is about to have a stroke. You're paying for the experience, but you may not get the experience you paid for. You might get something even better if you open your mind to it, and you might not. Also, why did a guy as uptight as you are not buy travel insurance?

Penny Lane

Quote from: given2jacket on Jan 08, 2014, 12:31 AM

I have an agenda posting on here.  I want the few (many don't post) to read the reviews and tell Cloud 9 it's unacceptable.  For the few of you that could care less what's going on, JAM ON BRO!!!!!!!  I get it.

Hey given---hang in there. Seems to me that contacting C9 won't do much if they've been unresponsive but nonetheless, it won't hurt to try. I would think the construction schedule is way out of C9's control by now. And if this trip is ruined due to an unfinished resort, I'll be getting all letigious on them after the fact no matter what kind of disclaimers were in the purchase order.

but come on...there's nothing sexy about poop. Nothing.  -bbill


Quote from: Penny Lane on Jan 08, 2014, 08:57 AM
Quote from: given2jacket on Jan 08, 2014, 12:31 AM

I have an agenda posting on here.  I want the few (many don't post) to read the reviews and tell Cloud 9 it's unacceptable.  For the few of you that could care less what's going on, JAM ON BRO!!!!!!!  I get it.

Hey given---hang in there. Seems to me that contacting C9 won't do much if they've been unresponsive but nonetheless, it won't hurt to try. I would think the construction schedule is way out of C9's control by now. And if this trip is ruined due to an unfinished resort, I'll be getting all letigious on them after the fact no matter what kind of disclaimers were in the purchase order.

Dude...but suing is so un-rock&roll!!!!  Just take a chill pill man and enjoy the grooves. 


Quote from: IMeMine on Jan 08, 2014, 01:19 PM

I also believe that all these people are getting the shit end of Hard Rock making their final push to be ready for Further and MMJ. If they can pull off these events they're set...whatever happened before won't matter.

Quote from: given2jacket on Jan 08, 2014, 12:31 AM

If there were reports of a Nuclear spill at the resort with people getting radiation, would you be concerned?  Tell me - what would it take for you to put aside "let's chill, MMJ is playing!".

I'm wasting my time...and could care less what you think of me.  But I'm not wrong.  I paid a shitload of money for a completed resort, vacation, with MMJ playing.  I'm not complaining about something trivial.  People are describing the grounds as a disaster area.  How that isn't important to you is beside me.

I have an agenda posting on here.  I want the few (many don't post) to read the reviews and tell Cloud 9 it's unacceptable.  For the few of you that could care less what's going on, JAM ON BRO!!!!!!!  I get it.

and I have to say it...a Mexican resort that is under construction and subpar is nothing NOTHING like a nuclear spill and people being exposed to radiation!  that sentence made you sound insolent and idiotic.
But by all means continue, if you somehow get us all refunds...I doubt anyone will complain.

Oh that's the sentence that made you dislike me?  I'm so very saddened to lose you as an e-friend.



Letigious? (Litigious)

Letting Cloud9 know this won't do!?!?

I couldn't think of two bigger wastes of time. Zero net gain, in both regards.

Those saying just relax and make the most of it have the right side of things because anything else is a waste of energy. The ship has sailed.