So this happened!

Started by wolof7, Jun 18, 2013, 06:48 AM

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About five minutes prior to this moment (00:12)...

Of The Mother Again - Jim James Live at Royale

.......During the climax of A New Life at the Royale show in Boston my wyfe Alexis told me that she was pregnant with our first child!  Alexis being such a great Jacket/music fan has worked out for me immensely to deliver such news at such an appropos moment.  Obviously this made the show a whole lot more special and magical. It was actually crazy, right after Jim James E.T.'d my finger (the 1st fingering of the night) during of The  Mother Again, (the Symbolism was blatant), I took that finger and pressed it up against Alexis' womb as a form of blessing and strength from one of my heroes to my growing child.

The roadie caught all this as he got Alexis' email to send us pics of us and gave me the setlist. Alexis has had some correspondence with him, I don't think he's a part of Jim's crew, rather staff of Royale. I also apologize to JonnYYac and Mahg33ta as we both hush regarding what had happened (they may have figured it out). We thought it best to keep this news a secret until we were out of the woods and know that  the pregnancy was going well. Actually we just told our extended families thes past 2 weekends and friends this week as she is at the 3 month mark. I guess that is the norm according to all the baby books I've been getting (mostly comedic in nature for men, Jim Gaffigan's Dad Is Fat just came out coincidentally and is hilarious).

Anyways, super excited with moments of panic. Wanted to share as it is one of the best Jacket-related experiences of my life. I never really actualized the New Life>Exploding>Of the Mother Again connection to actually starting a new life but I certainly do now. A Wolof cub will be expected on 12/31/13!

Also thanks to Dillsnufus for capturing so much of such an amazing night on video!
Oh, I will dine on honey dew And drink the Milk of Paradiseeeee


Awesome story and news! Blessings to both of you Wolof!

So if it's a boy will you name him Jim?
"Somewhere out there is a land that's cool, where peace and balance are the rule."


First name: Jim

Middle name: James


I couldn't help but notice something going on to my immediate left that evening, knew it was something special but "secret", and was pleased to hear the news.  Congratulations to Matt and Alexis!  So, is the actual due date New Years Eve?  Ain't that somethin', too.

By the way, I'm pretty sure the guy who took pictures and delivered the setlist was long-time MMJ/JJ road crew member (stage manager?) Jimmy "the P" Purich (the guy in the middle, not the fish). 

He was having a blast back behind and to the left, rockin' out and taking pictures for you two.  Maybe Alexis can verify it was Jimmy the P by the email address.  He's a great guy, as I notice he often spends much of a show watching folks on the rail rock out and bringing them a treat afterward.

The key to getting more MMJ fans... MAKE 'EM!!!!

All the best to you both.  That show may be the last time I see you for quite some time.  Please keep us posted.
The fact that my heart's beating is all the proof you need.


Wow! Best wishes to you guys, and I'm looking forward to meeting the next wee MMJ fan!
"'s gonna be great -- I mean me coming back with the band and playing all those hits again"


Awesome news! What a great way to tell you!


That is so awesome, what a way to find out!! Congrats!!


Great story.  :)  Congratulations!!


Awesome story wolof!  Congrats to you and your wife!  I still remember how happy I was when I found out my wife was pregnant for the first time.  I can't imagine getting that joyous news at a Jim James show.

And then a few weeks later we found out we were having 2!  I remember just laughing in the doctors office when I saw those 2 peanuts in my wife!   It was one of those holy shit moments... :smiley:


Alive or Just Breathing


Great story, Wolof!  Congratulations!
Babe, let's get one thing clear, there's much more stardust when you're near.


Great story Wolof! Congrats dude. Had no idea what E.T.'d your finger meant 'til  i watched the video (brain fart).
That's motherfuckin' John Oates!


Thanks everyone!

Johnny, that is definitely the guy. Alexis said she had correspondence with him over the phone. He said he is from Boston so we assumed he just worked there. I am hoping he brought the story back to Jim!

Aside from the guys in the band, this thread had me thinking of Jacket names in Jacket songs as well: Evelyn, Gideon, Butch Cassidy, Dondante, El Caporel....Am I missing any?

Let the fetus rock!

Oh, I will dine on honey dew And drink the Milk of Paradiseeeee


Lil Billy
The fact that my heart's beating is all the proof you need.

Penny Lane

Congrats to you and Alexis!  :thumbsup: Procreation high five. Will you be at Newport?

Please don't steal my male baby name (Sec Walkin') ...
but come on...there's nothing sexy about poop. Nothing.  -bbill


I love this story!!  Many many congrats to you and Alexis! What a beautiful baby this will be!  Hugs!!! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
.....Back at the Model Home

capt. scotty

Cool story Wolof, congrats to both of you!!  :bath:
The thing is, Bob, it's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care. - Peter Gibbons


From one future fan to another

I'm surrounded by assholes

capt. scotty

Quote from: el_chode on Jun 19, 2013, 09:20 PM
From one future fan to another

Typically babies being able to support their head with their neck is an important early part of development, but I wouldnt worry about that because the youngin' clearly has that right hand ready!
The thing is, Bob, it's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care. - Peter Gibbons


Quote from: johnnYYac on Jun 18, 2013, 08:05 AM
By the way, I'm pretty sure the guy who took pictures and delivered the setlist was long-time MMJ/JJ road crew member (stage manager?) Jimmy "the P" Purich (the guy in the middle, not the fish). 

I heard Jimmy tell some other crew members this story in front of the 9:30 club in DC while waiting for the Jim show there a few nights later.  I didn't know who the subject of the story was at that time, though.  Cograts Matt and Alexis!
My heart can't wait to meet you on the other side.


Quote from: Penny Lane on Jun 19, 2013, 12:18 PM

Please don't steal my male baby name (Sec Walkin') ...

Dammit Penny!  Now I'm going to have to go with my backup baby name if I ever have a boy.