Circuital--2 years later

Started by Clarkwork, May 16, 2013, 10:26 AM

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Coming up on the 2 year anniversary of the album.  I just listened to it again and think I like it more now than when it first came out.  I may have gotten a little tired of the songs hearing them so much when it was first out and seeing them perform it live so much but listening to it just now made me realize how great it really is.

Not sure what order i'd put it in compared to other albums but it's up there.  Anyone else have feelings since it's been a little while?
If you don't know for yourself, how could you ever know for me....


I have really liked the album from day 1. VD into Circuital is still such a bad ass combo. I love HOTBM live as well (especially when Preservation Hall is in the mix). The later part of the album is probably the weakest point of it. Though the song Movin' Away has really grown on me as I moved across the country this past year.

I can understand the hate it gets on here, but I keep in mind that most of these tracks were going to be a part of the muppets project. All in all a solid effort.

Added Bonus: Listening to Slow Slow Tune is what I imagine taking a quaalude must have been like so there's always that.
Mona Lisa must'a had the highway blues, you can tell by the way she smiles.


Great thread.

When I initially heard this album two years ago, my favorite song to least favorite song on the album went a little something like this:

Victory Dance
The Day is Coming
Slow Slow
Holdin on to Black Metal
You Wanna Freak Out
First Light
Outta My System
Movin Away

Now that I have had time to really digest the album my list goes something more like this (granted it is hard to rank an entire album from best to worst, since too many songs are too close to tell):

Victory Dance
Slow Slow Tune
Movin Away
You Wanna Freak Out
First Light
The Day is Coming
Outta My System
Holdin on to Black Metal

Now, what I am trying to get at is this:

I did NOT lose any enjoyment from songs such as Victory Dance, or Circuital (even if they are lower on my new list).  Instead, I actually enjoy those songs more now than I had previously.  However, it goes to show how much respect I have gained for songs like Wonderful or Movin' Away.  Really, the only songs that have diminished for me since release are the bottom three on my 2nd list. 

The issue I have with this album, is that it lacks a certain track that makes everything click for me.  It needs a behemoth that you need to hear live.  Every other album has at least one song like that to date.  TTF has War Begun (although under-imagined at the time of recording); At Dawn has PWW and Strangulation; ISM has Steam Engine, Run Thru, and IWSYS; Z has Dondante and Lay Low; and Evil Urges has Touch Pt. 2 and Smokin'.  To me, Circuital is missing a song that just possesses you at a live show.  Perhaps Wonderful could fit that bill, but it is more of a spiritual tune and less of an epic mind blowing tune.  Slow Slow or Victory Dance, to me anyways, are the closest things to that on Circuital, but they don't quite fit the bill. 
I wonder why we listen to poets when nobody gives a fuck


I'm a newer fan and really started getting into the band seriously after Circuital came out (tho I'd seen them live in '08 and been listening casually to the records since at least '03), so I never got the chance to be disappointed in a newer release that was a big stylistic change. For me, it's easy to take in the entire scope of MMJ's career so far and appreciate how it changes. This, I think, has the particular advantage that I didn't fall in love with the band while listening to At Dawn, for instance, and ended up feeling betrayed by Evil Urges - for example.  I can find songs on every release that I connect deeply to.  So, I never saw Circuital as being less than any other record. It's different. It's different like Tennessee Fire is different from Z. All of the albums are good albums. Heck, I think they're all great! 

So, 2 years on Circuital is still a great album with a handful of really stand out tracks that live in my soul.
Babe, let's get one thing clear, there's much more stardust when you're near.


Quote from: EverythingChanges on May 16, 2013, 11:16 AM
Great thread.

When I initially heard this album two years ago, my favorite song to least favorite song on the album went a little something like this:

Victory Dance
The Day is Coming
Slow Slow
Holdin on to Black Metal
You Wanna Freak Out
First Light
Outta My System
Movin Away

Now that I have had time to really digest the album my list goes something more like this (granted it is hard to rank an entire album from best to worst, since too many songs are too close to tell):

Victory Dance
Slow Slow Tune
Movin Away
You Wanna Freak Out
First Light
The Day is Coming
Outta My System
Holdin on to Black Metal

Now, what I am trying to get at is this:

I did NOT lose any enjoyment from songs such as Victory Dance, or Circuital (even if they are lower on my new list).  Instead, I actually enjoy those songs more now than I had previously.  However, it goes to show how much respect I have gained for songs like Wonderful or Movin' Away.  Really, the only songs that have diminished for me since release are the bottom three on my 2nd list. 

The issue I have with this album, is that it lacks a certain track that makes everything click for me.  It needs a behemoth that you need to hear live.  Every other album has at least one song like that to date.  TTF has War Begun (although under-imagined at the time of recording); At Dawn has PWW and Strangulation; ISM has Steam Engine, Run Thru, and IWSYS; Z has Dondante and Lay Low; and Evil Urges has Touch Pt. 2 and Smokin'.  To me, Circuital is missing a song that just possesses you at a live show.  Perhaps Wonderful could fit that bill, but it is more of a spiritual tune and less of an epic mind blowing tune.  Slow Slow or Victory Dance, to me anyways, are the closest things to that on Circuital, but they don't quite fit the bill.

Great response, I think you nailed it with the album missing that live song you just have to hear. I think Slow Slow Tune is close to it, just because it sounds so great live. I heard them do it in Charlotte and it blew me away. Victory Dance may become that song you have to hear live in a few years, but I do think you are right.

My least favorite song is Moving Away, other than that I can sit and listen to this album all the way through with a smile.

Very interested with what they next album will bring. I say we have it within a year but that maybe wishful thinking.
If you don't know for yourself, how could you ever know for me....


From an old Dane!
I did not know MMJ at all until I saw the streaming from The Newport Festival last year. I was completely blow away - by the way tuned in there to listen to Alabama Shakes...
I immediately purchased almost all their albums. All of them are great I think. I do like Circuital the most. Every song on the album is so fantastic. I consider this album to be "perfect" and all songs are very different from each other. One of my all time favorites. Also Jims solo and Monster of Folk have found the way to my cd shelf...


Already two years, time flies!

Actually I really liked the album when it first came out. And I still do. But many of the songs really grew on me in time, especially after seeing some of them live at my only show (or hearing them from bootlegs). Songs like First Light, Freak Out, Slow Slow Tune...

What I love about the album that I don't have a specific song or couple of songs that are very much higher ranking for me than the others. Yes, some are better, but I think the whole album kinda keep the same nice level all through. Two years later "Wonderful" & "Movin Away" are still very much beautiful, "Black Metal" still kick ass and "Victory Dance" became one of my favorite opening album numbers.

Can't wait to see which direction the next album will go.
"Jim's voice makes Enya sound like a russian couple arguing in a bowling alley"


Count me as another one who loves this album. It's not as good as Z for me, but top to bottom I love it.


Just talking about Circuital (the opening song) here....... After a few years of not appreciating it like I do so many other MMJ songs, it is now amongst my favorites.  I like how the song changes, has some acoustic, rocks a bit, and ends the same way as it starts.   A lot of things come around full circle just like the song.   I had this song stuck in my head for a few days and listened to the OBH version again and wow.  Throw in the fact that according to Jim on storytellers, science proved that Carl's solo was the greatest solo ever.