JJ the Songwriter

Started by tbear, Dec 29, 2013, 11:36 AM

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There has been a progression as the layers of this band, and Jim James, have revealed themselves to me.

It started, of course, with that ethereal, ever changing, voice.

Then, at the TFives, I was blown away by the band: the rocking tightness, the Drumming, Carl, keyboadrs, bass, Johnny Q, the covers. Red hot smokin.

And, now, I have finally begun to really listen.

I have never encountered a songwriter like Jim James. There is a message everywhere in the lyrics and it is overwhelmingly positive. From the obvious, "Where to Begin", to some of the darkest, like "Strangulation" and "The Bear", it is uplifting. "You Wanna Freak Out" tells us that what we give is what we will take. He writes of death in "Dondonte" like a gospel, like a rapture. Follow your dreams in "Golden" and "BH". Morality in "Xmass Curtain". And "Steam Enginge"? Is it about all of the above? (This all very much up to interpretation, of course.)

I could go on and on. There are very few silly songs and dozens of profound ones.

I think JJ is going to go down as one of the most important songwriters of our time.


It's not just the way that he sings, it's also the words that he says....... I'm not sure how to interpret many of his lyrics, but ones that I think I can are certainly meaningful and important.  Often with any artist the words may not matter so much, but when they are good and decipherable, they make the songs that much better.   The way Jim puts songs, sounds, and words together is top notch in our time or anytime.   People on this forum will certainly agree.