Six years ago...

Started by johnnYYac, May 10, 2014, 01:21 PM

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The fact that my heart's beating is all the proof you need.

dookie shoot bandit

You never forget the time they took over your world!!!

I remember sitting in the lawn at bonnaroo 05 waiting for modest mouse to go on and wanted to get a good spot, so I decided to give this My Morning Jacket a listen?
Sat there in awe the whole set wondering how I never seen or witnessed their greatness before.

9 yrs later... I thank the music gods I got there early for that spot!


I remember my first time seeing them (and actually knowing who they were) was on Conan. I wasn't into a lot of different music at the time and remember Conan saying "and a band from Louisville Kentucky, My morning jacket". I saw him walk out with no shoes and thought, "what the" and then they played one big holiday. By the end I looked at my soon to be wife and said "oh my god!". The rest is history. Favorite band in the world AND they're from my hometown!!!! Truly lucky!


I remember the first time I heard My Morning Jacket:
I was hanging at my neighbor's house - my brother from another mother - Kenny.  It was a Saturday in October in 2005.  I remember because I vary rarely get Saturdays off.  We were hanging in "The Lounge" in Wildwood, :rolleyes: Illinois and he said "this is my new favorite band and my new favorite song".  Then, he played Golden.
My life really did change that day.  And all for the better..................
So the first show was right after Jim was recovering from his fall.  I took some pretty good pictures and still have some hanging in "The Lounge" today


I won't forget the first time I heard them.  It was back in 2006 before the day sod DVR's when I was still recording on my VCR.  I used to record all the episodes of ACL (which I still do today). Anywho, as I was watching this episode for the first time I just remember being blown the fuck away like few bands had ever done. I remember I was watching it in bed as my wife was sleeping and I had the volume down low to start and thinking I just have to turn this up even if I wake her!  :tongue:

I was hooked immediately even though it took me over 2 years before I finally got to truly have my face melted seeing them live for the first time...  :cheesy:



Z....enough said possibly....Jerry i must thank you!  that's my friend who showed me the brilliance that is MMJ.
Can you keep it simple? Can you let the snare crack? Can you let it move without holding back?


The fact that my heart's beating is all the proof you need.


John, I find it difficult to believe you are only 6 years in. That is less than 2 years longer than me, and when I discovered them you were already moderating this board, I believe. I bought a used DVD of Okonokos in Jan 2010 because I had heard they were good. It made no sense to me. My mind could not process that this band I never really heard much of, could be a serious competitor for best live act ever, challenging 69-70 Who and 70's early 80's Springsteen. That DVD turned me into an obnoxiously obsessed fan, all at an embarrassingly late age.


SO i worked at Borders before they closed, I had the Okonokos dvd on sale for 10 dollars, three copies. sold all of them one weekend, one to me and two to some old rockers who love hendrix and frequently talked to me about Zeppelin and what not.  Both came back and thanked me for introducing them to MMJ.  What a Feeling that is!  i might have told this story before but it's one of my favorites because MMJ is one of my favorites.  There is a bond between MMJ fans for sure.  very cool how i stand next to a 16 year old and a 50 year old at one concert.  Wilco is like that too but the Wilco fans are a little testy in my opinion.  meaning that they don't like it when you want to stand for a killer Nels solo and if you are so excited that you scream out the title of HOODOO VOODOO when they play it.  i love music and live music but some people need to smoke a J before a show.  Especially that guy that pushed my friend over for his spot.
Can you keep it simple? Can you let the snare crack? Can you let it move without holding back?