ISO T5 (ISM & Z)

Started by sully, Dec 15, 2014, 04:55 PM

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Since we have to give up our trip to OBH Dos, I unfortunately have a little extra cash, and am going to attempt once again to complete my set of T5 prints!

Looking for Cricket Press ISM and the Jason Brammer "Z" prints. 

Who needs some extra money for Christmas???




Like many others, I too am looking for the Brammer print from Z night at T5.  The highest price anyone has paid is just shy of $300.  I made an offer of $150 to a guy on Expresso Beans.  Then, today, I got this email linking me to an EB member looking to sell his copy...

The fact that my heart's beating is all the proof you need.


Received that email too, Yac. So excited to see the email in my inbox and then extremely annoyed when I saw that price. Best of luck to o4phish20o....


I got that same email. I actually bought my TF from him and he's a good guy, he is just asking way too much for that print. I would probably pay $400 for a Z or an ISM, but my set will go incomplete for $750!