The new jacket...or is it a robe?

Started by millerjustin, Feb 19, 2015, 10:02 AM

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easy way

Quote from: MusiKel Mama on Mar 21, 2015, 01:07 AM
I remember reading in Gandhi's autobiography that with each material possession he renounced, the freer he felt. And I've always kind of admired Jim for wearing the same thing everyday, with sort of ceremonial exceptions. And I wonder if that's what motivates be unburdened by the appearances of ultimately illusory forms. To deal almost exclusively in formlessness (music) have to become so aware of the importance of silence in space, and to deal so effectively in, for the most part, must seem pretty mundane...
Has anyone else contemplated the ascetic undercurrents of this or am I just pulling threads?

Haha! 'Threads'   :grin:
"the time is with the month of winter solstice, when the change is due to come..."