The Last Waltz

Started by MateoDeKY, Jun 01, 2015, 03:48 PM

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"The Band had been together for 16 years together on the road. We played eight years in bars, dives and dancehalls, eight years in concerts, stadiums and arenas. We did our last concert. We called it The Last Waltz."

I watched The Last Waltz for the millionth time last weekend and this quote caught my attention since MMJ is in their 16th year. Its crazy to think this would be the end of their career together if they were The Band. There was obviously other circumstances on why The Band ended when they did (Robbie Robertson), but could you ever imagine the guys doing one final send off show at some point down the road? A more recent example is LCD Soundsystem. Its something Ive been thinking about the last couple days and wondered if anybody else on here had any thoughts on the subject.

*for the record I dont think this would happen anytime soon. Also please dont hate me for my first post ever being about the band calling it quits.
Our earthly bodies will surely fall, But the love we share outlives us all


THat is definitely an interesting quote but i really feel like it doesn't pertain to Jim James and Co. at all becasue they are different people.  So we don't have to worry about them breaking up...Just a hiatus after ever album and the two years of touring.  they deserve their free time, their passion projects and fun.  I posted a while ago about Jim possilby being a workaholic but hopefully he is having fun with this band, his music and the fans!  and i played Okonokos and The last waltz at my last party no one knew either but loved both.
Can you keep it simple? Can you let the snare crack? Can you let it move without holding back?


MMJ is more like Grateful Dead....they´ll keep on "truckin"


agreed that the quote is cool, but doesn't translate here.  The Band had very different personalities and pressures - the "weight" of Dylan and Basement Tapes, on top of burgeoning solo careers, on top of social upheaval and huge dynamics changing in the music world (disco, man) - our guys are independent but fiercely loyal, and have lightning in a bottle.  I plan on heading to Cleveland in 2024 to watch them blow the place up.
What's in here won't disappear


I agree with both points. I cant imagine these guys ever not wanting to play together and with the side projects it gives them the opportunity to break away and try different things that wouldnt work within the band. I like the Grateful Dead comparison. I know theyll keep truckin like the do dah man.
Our earthly bodies will surely fall, But the love we share outlives us all


Egos and drugs ultimately created angst and resentment with the band. I don't personally know the guys of MMJ but as far as I can tell, these guys don't have huge egos, seem to genuinely love each other and are happy making incredible music for us to enjoy. Like Justin said, I can't wait to see them in 2024 with my entire family.


As awesome as the Last Waltz is, the whole concept bugs me. It's clear none of the other guys wanted anything to do with it. Robbie in his prime is one of my favorite guitar players on the planet, but man, he's an easy guy to hate.

You could put all the guys in MMJ together and their combined egos still wouldn't come close to 5% of Robbie's gigantic self-important head.


Quote from: oistheone on Jun 04, 2015, 11:59 AM
As awesome as the Last Waltz is, the whole concept bugs me. It's clear none of the other guys wanted anything to do with it. Robbie in his prime is one of my favorite guitar players on the planet, but man, he's an easy guy to hate.

You could put all the guys in MMJ together and their combined egos still wouldn't come close to 5% of Robbie's gigantic self-important head.


The Band is/was/are THE BAND. They are and always will be an influence, even if new musicians don't know it, on every American band, for a long time to come.
However, Robbie Robertson is a fuckin VAMPIRE, SOUL SUCKER!!!
Great guitar player, horrible human being.
He literally sucked out Levon Helms soul, and kept all the credit and MONEY. Then didn't even have the human decency to show up at his "Love for Levon" musical send off, or Richard Manuel's or Rick Danko's funerals.
He took ALL songwrighting credit for the songs and gave the rest of THE BAND...NOTHING!
He's one of the first, true blue, massive, D-bags...
I could keep going but theres no point. What's done is done. It's just a shame...

I hope MMJ has a long, fruitful, productive, satisfying, happy career. Looks like they're well on there way, and I wish them in the utterly poetic words of
John Prine - "ALL THE BEST..."

And I hope Robbie gets some really obscure, un-cureable, excruciatingly painful dick disease.

Just one guys opinion,
Them that don't know him won't like him and them that do, sometimes won't know how to take him