National Okonokos Day

Started by Jackets N Pones, Aug 30, 2015, 12:51 PM

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Jackets N Pones

It seems like there is a National "something" day for pretty much everything so I think the mmj forum should decide on the date for National Okonokos Day where everyone watches Okonokos in its entirety on that day. Let me know!
Here it is, in its entirety, our cover of ELO's Telephone Line

dookie shoot bandit

9/26 = album released

11/11-11/12 = actual concert recorded


(MMJ): 8/2/12+8/1/13+10/07/15+12/29/17+12/30/17+12/31/17+8/21/2022+ 8/16/2024::::(JIM): 11/5/2018

Jackets N Pones

Ok I'm gonna make the call. 9/26 is now officially National Okonokos Day. All Jacket Junkies watch the concert film in its entirety and bonus points for inviting a friend. :thumbsup:
Here it is, in its entirety, our cover of ELO's Telephone Line

Jackets N Pones

Happy Okonokos Day everyone!  :beer:
Here it is, in its entirety, our cover of ELO's Telephone Line


Just watched the DVD for he 100th time. So I never noticed this but he was basically going to rape the llama right? Also, never noticed Cobra was the credit music, sweet....


I like to spin this Box set once a week!
-Pemberton Festival 2008,Seattle-Oct,2/15,Seattle-Oct,3/2015