If you could show someone one mmj song....

Started by GoGoGadgetFunk, Sep 15, 2008, 06:40 PM

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Although it was Z that completely turned me into an obsessive, it was their cover of "You're a Big Girl Now" on the Bob Dylan tribute that made me look them up. I had seen a quick clip on Austin City Limits years ago but was in one of my "kids these days" moods and dismissed them. Definitely depends.

For electronic minded folks, TMIGTS part II. For Radiohead fans, Wordless chorus. Blues Rockers will like Easy Morning Rebel and if they have any metal/prog roots, leave it on for Run Thru. Singer songwriter fans will love Acoustic Citsuoca.

I am D- all the above. Thus MMJ is the tits!


Great ?.  If they were experienced musical folks- Dondante.  It's comparible to Led Zeppelins No Quarter in my book, which is one of the overlooked songs.  If they like radio music, Phone went west or Dancefloors


Ive gotten several of my friends into MMJ by playing Phone Went West from the 6/3/03 show at the Mercury Lounge in Austin, TX. Everyone seems to love how bad ass they are in that video, gets em hooked every time.