Thoughts, prayers, and vibes for Mr. White

Started by johnnYYac, Dec 01, 2017, 01:51 AM

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Got news tonight that John, aka Mr. White, has been in a serious car accident near his home. He has been transported to a hospital in Louisville. Car is totalled, but other car hit his passenger side, and no one was seated there. His brother posted on Facebook and I will update if I hear more.

John sort of took over my role as Forum Postmaster General when I was hospitalized three years ago and never let up. He is a kind and generous man and a passionate fan.

My love, thoughts, and healing vibes go out to him, his family, and friends. Be well, John!
The fact that my heart's beating is all the proof you need.


good wishes to John,
hoping for a speedy recovery!



John, healing vibes your way. Thanks for all you post around here.

One of the good guys for sure. I will keep you in my thoughts.
"Somewhere out there is a land that's cool, where peace and balance are the rule."


Hang tough Mr.White and heal up quick.

Sending some vibes and prayers your way and keeping you in my thoughts.
"Where's Jim going?"


Thoughts and prayers for you John. I wish you a speedy recovery, we need you back here ASAP.
It's the art of feelin' naked in your clothes


Get well, Mr. White.  We are all pulling for you.


speedy recovery to the video master and all around great guy!
What's in here won't disappear


Thinking of you, John.  Heal quick, hope to see you soon!
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So sorry to hear and I hope he will be ok.
Please keep us posted. You'll be in my thoughts, Mr. White.  <3


Good news from John's brother on Facebook:

Matt Haskins: Good news this morning. John is doing very well. Just broken bones. That will heal. He may even be released from the hospital today if they can get him mobile. Thank you MMJ family for your love. We are all very lucky.

Continued healing vibes to John. Get well, friend.  :thumbsup:
The fact that my heart's beating is all the proof you need.


Thank heavens Mr White is alright! Horrible news but sounds like one of the better outcomes we could have hoped for. Sending good vibes your way and hope you heal up soon!


I was worried there big time.  Until.....What a relief to read what his brother posted. 

Get well soon Mr. White, aka video master!


OH MY GOD THIS IS TERRIFYING!!!! i love Mr. White! He's such a goddamn good person and nothing bad should be happening to him whatsoever.

YES!!! So good to hear he's gonna be okay but maaaaan seeing this news on the facebook page early today freaked me out.

I wish i'd known earlier.

Darkstar, Mr. White, John...we Love You brother! You will heal just fine to the power of the jacket and i'm so glad you're okay.
(MMJ): 8/2/12+8/1/13+10/07/15+12/29/17+12/30/17+12/31/17+8/21/2022+ 8/16/2024::::(JIM): 11/5/2018


I'm so glad to hear how he is doing today. Last year I was rear ended on the freeway and my car totaled. No real injury. This year I was hit by a car walking my dog. Broken left shoulder and right knee. These things come out of nowhere and you often have zero control over them. Sounds like thats what also happened to Mr. White. I hope he heals as well as I did.


Does anyone know if he's in need of help financially, or if a go fund me has been set up for him?
Cuz it's been so long since someone shattered me.


So relieved to hear he's ok.  Thank you for the update!

Mr. White

Thanks to all who were thinking of me  during this tough time for me.  My brother came up from Nashville to help my wife and daughter take care of me. I've been home for about a whole day now. I have 4 broken ribs and some bruising and scrapes but in surprisingly good shape considering the severity of the crash. I might post a couple of pictures later on. Thanks again for all the kind thoughts and prayers.
Kentuckians For The Commonwealth (KFTC) Member Since 2011


Great to hear from you John. I'm so glad it wasn't worse, although broken ribs are painful. Rest and take it easy and come back stronger than ever. We're gonna need your video making abilities after NYE :beer:
It's the art of feelin' naked in your clothes


Welcome home, John. Take care of yourself and rest. Good to know you're on the mend.
The fact that my heart's beating is all the proof you need.