Uniform Clarity?

Started by robb, Sep 12, 2018, 08:09 AM

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Quote from: walterfredo on Sep 19, 2018, 12:43 PM
I'm seeing one shipping method of almost $14 to ship a $22 vinyl. Wha? As much as I would prefer to support jim directly, that's just bullshit. I'll order from my local record store.

Found at Bull Moose. Shipping only $2.99.
"Somewhere out there is a land that's cool, where peace and balance are the rule."



Wait, am I crazy or is that virtual girls??? That's wild.  <3
"Somewhere out there is a land that's cool, where peace and balance are the rule."


they always do cool shit with Jim on Fallon's show. His performance with the Roots for A New Life is one of favorites of all time
Don't you ever turn it off


Quote from: parkervb on Oct 04, 2018, 01:26 PM
they always do cool shit with Jim on Fallon's show. His performance with the Roots for A New Life is one of favorites of all time

That version of 'A New Life' is so good.  Plus they did funky camera tricks too.
Cuz it's been so long since someone shattered me.


Quote from: parkervb on Oct 04, 2018, 01:26 PM
they always do cool shit with Jim on Fallon's show. His performance with the Roots for A New Life is one of favorites of all time

Ditto. And I think it was one of Fallon's too. I love how pumped Fallon is after the performance.


That orchestra at the end of Too Good!!

Also Flash in the Pan is brilliant. Country Jim at his best. His voice is evolving with his age so well.


His voice sounds great better than I have heard in recently. 


I would like some clarity as to whether they will be doing the live album finally. I know solo stuff is the name of the game right now but Jesus.... the shows are beginning to lose their relevance, although to us no jacket show will ever lose relevance, it's more about me wanting this band to get the money and success they deserve to go along with their pure musical genius and friendship
(MMJ): 8/2/12+8/1/13+10/07/15+12/29/17+12/30/17+12/31/17+8/21/2022+ 8/16/2024::::(JIM): 11/5/2018


Quote from: parkervb on Oct 04, 2018, 01:26 PM
they always do cool shit with Jim on Fallon's show. His performance with the Roots for A New Life is one of favorites of all time

Totally agree. So well done.



Just gave it a full listen.
First let me say I feel i was the harshest critic of Uniform Distortion. Hated it when it came out and still think its complete trash.

I think the songs translate better acoustic but that said the songs that I really disliked on UD still come across as mediocre basic tunes on UC.
This album really listens like a Bob Dylan album to me like Jim James' answer to Dylan's John Wesley Harding.

There are certainly no Bermuda Highway, Get The Point or Strangulation moments on this album for me but do believe some songs are really really good in their acoustic form:
Just a Fool
No Secrets (only song I really liked/tolerated on Uniform distortion)
Yes To everything
No Use Waiting
All in your head (favorite song on this album)

On the other extreme there were songs I hated on Uniform Distortion that I still really don't like in their acoustic form either:
You Get to Rome
Out of Time
Throwback (always hated this song, even when Jacket first introduced it live)
Better Late than never

Then there are a few nice songs, but at the end of the day these are just basic acoustic guitar songs. I feel like if a guy was singing these songs in a coffee shop I wouldn't think twice about stopping my conversation to really listen to them. Just nice background music:
Over and Over
Too good to be true
It will work out
Flash in the pan

I get what Jim's trying to do here, and I appreciate the message he is trying to send, but I am just disappointed by the effort.
Maybe it's just because MMJ is one of my favorite bands of all time, and I put them on a higher pedestal than most. Even with Jim's solo stuff, I loved the first two albums. I just feel like he really milked it in and rushed out two albums that are just not up to the same standard I am used to.

I gave Uniform Distortion an F i'll give Uniform Clarity a generous C.

Jackets N Pones

Who is Too Good to Be True about
Here it is, in its entirety, our cover of ELO's Telephone Line

dookie shoot bandit

Quote from: RobRoy286 on Oct 05, 2018, 10:32 AM
That orchestra at the end of Too Good!!

Also Flash in the Pan is brilliant. Country Jim at his best. His voice is evolving with his age so well.

That orchestra though.... 👍👍👍


Really digging this new album on vinyl!! Is anyone else having issues with the download card from dropcards.com? After submitting the code, it notes that the artist hasn't uploaded any media.
You Are Everything


Quote from: TheRoof on Oct 06, 2018, 11:51 AM
Really digging this new album on vinyl!! Is anyone else having issues with the download card from dropcards.com? After submitting the code, it notes that the artist hasn't uploaded any media.
I just discovered the same issue. I'd just wait until Monday. If the problem persists, contact Dropcards customer service.
The fact that my heart's beating is all the proof you need.


I love the first 6 seconds of All In Your Head. Sorry Jim but that's all I got, nothing personal but 9 times out of 10 acoustic stuff bores the hell out of me (my namesake delivered a great acoustic record this year - really beautiful) Think I'm gonna stick with the D :grin:

it wouldn't be a party without you


Love the album!

I liked Regions enough when it came out but it had a short shelf life for me.  I thought Eternally Even was brilliant right off the bat and listened to it constantly for quite some time.  Hated Distortion at first but slowly almost every song grew on me to the point where i liked most of them and loved a couple. 

So maybe it's unfair because these songs have already had a chance to burrow in me, but I can't really find a week spot on the album.  It doesn't always sound pretty but it's Jim very obviously feeling himself and that's a good thing. 

I have a theory on why he went with the low production value with these past two albums and it goes back to something I read about him a long time ago.  He once said that if he didn't make it as a musician he would have become an art therapist.  Assuming that he knows a little bit about that field, he could be leaning on the concept of process over product to cleanse himself of old habits and begin anew.  I know many of us read about his recent disenchantment with spending so much time fine tuning albums, so maybe this is just him working some stuff out. 

I can't imagine making even one amazing album, let alone feeling the pressure to try and do that again every 2 or 3 years.  There are going to be peaks and valleys.  If this is a valley, it's a pretty nice valley. 


I am not feeling Uniform Clarity in the same way that I love Uniform Distortion. It's neat to hear the songs in their  "demo" stage, and I'm certainly not hating, just not my cup of tea.

That being said, I really enjoyed the two new songs that were added. Flash in the Pan specifically is a great song.

I agree with Stevie that Jim is very much in a " process over product" stage of his artistry, and I love and respect that very much. It's hard not to believe that this album came as a result of preparation for the Fall Tour coming up- which again, is perfectly fine.

I can't see myself coming back to this release with any regularity in the coming months/ years however.


I think No Secrets is my favorite on both Clarity and Distortion.   I shouldn't be surprised about that though  I have to give Clarity a few more listens.