Jim James, MMJ and Being Live

Started by Jonathan Wall, Mar 03, 2004, 10:01 AM

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Jonathan Wall

Hey everybody,

I have been taken in by this band's sound, and after seeing Jim live up in Burlington I am hooked.  I am looking at getting my hands on some live stuff because the very small amount of live stuff I have heard has been fantastic. The bittorent thing confuses me and I havent really been able to get it to work.  Does the link not work after it has been posted after a couple days or something? this is the impression I have gotten....anyways what websites do you guys recommend for good live show postings??  Thanks everyone...

 MMJ should release a live CD (or even better a vinyl!!!) it would be spectacular....


bit torrents are a form of file sharing.  that is, when you are downloading the collection of files, you are downloading from others that have the files on their machine.

so, after a show is announced, people need to "leave open their windows" so that you can download it from them....

one small problem, people wanna move onto a new show, burned and deleted it, or just want their bandwidth back so they close their windows and then you have no one to download from.

you can remedy this, by going to SharingTheGroove.org and finding the posting for the particular show and asking someone to open their window or reseed the show.

once you figure out bit torrents, you will be hooked.  there is so much good stuff out there.

also, the MMJ FTP has some excellent live stuff.  search this board for info about it.


Jonathan Wall

Thanks very much man; that somehow explains everything alot clearer than those FAQs....Take it easy :)