MMJ Live Shows

Started by Rabid_Washcloth, Jun 02, 2004, 07:56 AM

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Unfortunately for me, I still haven't seen the band play live (cancelled their show here last year).  I've listened to just about every show on the FTP and I've really noticed a change recently.  They seem to be doing a little more jamming and no longer just regurgitating the studio version of the songs.  Specifically the Carrboro, NC show:  a 14 minute Steam Engine, a drum solo, the slightly more reggae sounding Sooner, and don't even get me started on the guitar on The War Begun.  I'm not a big fan of Run Thru, but the one from this show is unbelievable.

So from those of you who have seen them over the years, what's your take on this?  New personnel?  More time for their sets(headlining)?  Trying to move into the "Jam band" realm?  Recording for an upcoming live album?
Like I said, I haven't seen them, but I can tell a difference between a live 2000-2003 show and a 2004 show.  It's good shit too.    

peanut butter puddin surprise

You are correct, there is a difference in personnel, catalog, headlining status, and sheer number of shows...that last bit alone surely makes a difference across the years.  I can't tell if more shows means better shows...but it sure seems that way.  

Example:  One Big Holiday-heard it for the first time in 2000 at a festival on the river here in Louisville.  You can bet your shitkickers that when it first started out as a live song, it had a different quality to it.  The version I just heard in Milwaukee is definitely longer, more rawkin', and sounds like the audio equivalent of a train full of dynamite.  (that's a good thing)

As time goes by, and the guys play their catalog and new stuff in the future, I can guarantee it will be different each time.  At least IMHO, that is...these guys are great musicians, not posers who note-for-note cover their albums.  Let's leave that for other unnamed bands... ;)
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there