A really bad review of It Still Moves

Started by thebigbang, Jun 13, 2004, 10:38 PM

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Paul Tyree-Francis must be a Clay Aiken fan. ;D
The fact that my hearts beating
is all the proof you need


They also showcase some truly horribly Photoshop work with their album booklet.

HA! this guy rules. what does an album cover have to do with the sound of an album?


thebigbang liked the cover art. Bear Good.  Barn Good. People in masks, Good.

Paul Tyree-Francis wrote the review and he made the Photoshop jab.

And I'll add, like everyone else-- What's an Eagles reference doing in a review of It Still Moves??????


HA! this guy rules. what does an album cover have to do with the sound of an album?
Just a Heartbreakin' Man, doing a Victory Dance with Shaky Knees, along a Bermuda Highway


QuoteAnd I'll add, like everyone else-- What's an Eagles reference doing in a review of It Still Moves??????

I'm not going to address the review in general--this being the last place on earth a bad review (or a good one, for that matter) could get a fair read--but the Eagles comparison isn't as out-of-nowhere as this thread would believe.

JJ has talked in several interviews about the 70s pop he listened to growing up.  And he has covered "Peaceful Easy Feeling" solo in concert.  So the influence is there, rattling around somewhere.  Not that it's an influence I particularly like...  

Also worth noting, ISM is far and away the most mainstream-rock album of the bunch, the most like the live shows, and featuring more participation from the whole band than the others (EPs included).  The Eagles connection would be a lot harder to make from the other work.
[size=10]anytime your war gets out of hand i'll take it on[/size]


I hardly know the Eagles, so I don know about that, but I do know that whenever I try to trash an album and its artwork sucks, I tend to mention that as well, just to make it sound even worse. So I can understand why this Paul guy brought it up. I'm not saying I agree with him, though...
I'm ready when you are




to quote "the big lebowski" (which is totally appropos as the 'fest is in 3 days)...

"man, I fuckin' hate the Eagles..."


"Get out of my cab!!!"
it's a voice. and it's a choice
to call you out. or stay at home