MMJ tribute album

Started by olwiggum, Jul 22, 2004, 10:00 AM

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Way to go all involved...I haven't been here in a while, and It's nice to see that this actually happened...Can't wait to hear them all.



Yeah, it took us long enough...   ;D
And yeah, I'm glad that I waited and kept extending the deadline 'cause I think we have a nice little project here.


I see the link to the album cover....where are the songs?


the future is Ginger


I am not able to click on the cover...I click on the link that says word...then it takes me to the cover, but I cant click on the album cover to hear them; Must hear these songs. HELP!!!


It took me a couple of goes first time. Try it again and wait a few seconds. If it still doesn't work the technobods will help you.


guys, i'm listening to this right now and it sounds fucking amazing. i am so impressed that i had to pull out the f bomb. but seriously, it's beautiful and i think jj will love it.


Okay, firstly, for otter - it may seem weird because when you move your mouse over the album cover (which is not the "word" picture of my smoke in my backyard) the little hand doesn't come up, so you don't think to click there, but you should.  If it still doesn't work, click on

Okay, and this is really important.  I have uploaded everything to the ftp.  Everything is set, and then they say this:

QuoteI agree that I have all rights to make this recording to the public, and that I am not violating anyone else's copyrights by doing so

Well I don't know!  Do I?  I mean, I know that you guys that made the songs don't care, but do we have the rights to make this public?  They're not our songs...

I think we need to ask Jim if it's okay, and 'wiggum, I know you haven't had the chance to email him, yet because I did this in the middle of the night, and you're at work, and your STUPID BASTARD job won't let you email from their computer.  (just kidding on the stupid bastard thing, I'm sure they're nice people)

Is John around?  Anyone know what's going on with the ftp?  I can't get in...  If anyone has downloaded the songs, if you could upload them to the ftp (if you're able to get in), it would be very much appreciated.  

Word.  Props.

p.s.  greggy, your new picture has made me smile!


QuoteWay to go all involved...I haven't been here in a while, and It's nice to see that this actually happened...Can't wait to hear them all.


Hey otter you picked a good day to come and see us  :D


Well, it probably wouldn't hurt to get permission to have them out there. I thought that it would be OK because I saw a Wesley Willis tribute on once before so I figured it was OK. Also, this isn't for profit so there are no toes being stepped on. I'm at work and will be for several hours so I can't e-mail Jim about putting them on archive.
One more thing, they gave permission for their live stuff to be on the archive site, so don't you think they'd be down for letting us put the tribute up there?


EDIT: I have an e-mail from John in my Yahoo box. It just won't let me open it. I assume it's about the FTP.

peanut butter puddin surprise

yo, i would LOVE to host the tribute album, just as soon as the connection issues here are resolved.  gimme a few days.

yes, that's what the email is about...some ISP's are being blocked for whatever reason.  you asked for the new details as well, so the new address is there.

Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


QuoteWell, it probably wouldn't hurt to get permission to have them out there. I thought that it would be OK because I saw a Wesley Willis tribute on once before so I figured it was OK. Also, this isn't for profit so there are no toes being stepped on. I'm at work and will be for several hours so I can't e-mail Jim about putting them on archive.
One more thing, they gave permission for their live stuff to be on the archive site, so don't you think they'd be down for letting us put the tribute up there?


EDIT: I have an e-mail from John in my Yahoo box. It just won't let me open it. I assume it's about the FTP.

Oh for sure.  I'm sure they wouldn't mind, I just feel weird about doing it without asking...

Do you think that's silly?  Maybe I'm being too cautious...


It's definitely the right thing to ask. Don't feel silly.

Thanks John!


Am listening....and...Iv'e been smiling for the past twenty minutes this is fun. I can't imagine the guys from MMJ would not be flattered and I'm sure they will enjoy this.

I am.


Oh good! I'm glad you got in!!


Very Cool!!Two thumbs up!! Many thanks to all involved.It truly was a labor of love for all you talented fans that performed.Well Done


I think it'll be cool
but i'm in no position to decide so just shoot an email to let em know.


Okay.  I just got an email from my web hosts, who, it seems, are very cool.  They don't penalize for going over bandwidth.

So we're good until we get the okay from the big J, and then we can host it forever at, which, by the way, has one of my favourite things:  the goback machine.


(I need to get the hell away from this computer, now.)


I'll be home (for at least a few minutes) in a couple of hours, so I'll e-mail Jim then.


Word to yer ma!

(that's a new/old one for you, greggy, and I don't know what it means.  But it's fun to say "ma", even though my Mother doesn't like it very much.)