elizabethtown - first look at the boys on film

Started by matthew, Jun 23, 2005, 05:29 AM

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wow, thanks for posting. that movie looks pretty good... i think he has another hit on his hands!!!


Quotewow, thanks for posting. that movie looks pretty good... i think he has another hit on his hands!!!

Word.  I think this might be their "big break" as they say.  Has anyone ever seen Singles (directed by Cameron Crowe)?  The members of Pearl Jam including Eddie Vedder acted in it and had some songs on the soundtrack.  At that point they were relatively unknown.  I wonder what ever happened to that band?
The Unofficial Official MMJ Guitar Tabs Archive


I heard they disappeared after their first album but i haven't heard anything lately!


Word.  I think this might be their "big break" as they say.  Has anyone ever seen Singles (directed by Cameron Crowe)?  The members of Pearl Jam including Eddie Vedder acted in it and had some songs on the soundtrack.  At that point they were relatively unknown.  I wonder what ever happened to that band?



Word.  I think this might be their "big break" as they say.  Has anyone ever seen Singles (directed by Cameron Crowe)?  The members of Pearl Jam including Eddie Vedder acted in it and had some songs on the soundtrack.  At that point they were relatively unknown.  I wonder what ever happened to that band?

I don't buy the whole big break thing. I hope so, but to me the chances are slim. Like Mr. Jeff Teedy said "Every album I did people told me,'this is going to be your big break'.

They eventually got their break, but they needed a lot of press (hype) on YHF (it's a great album, don't get me wrong) and them being fired by Reprise first.

My guess is that the movie, new album will get some more people into them, but nothing in the like of a big break.
It could happen, but there are some many factors outside of the music involved. I predict a slow growing number fans with each album/tour. It would be funny if I was totally wrong on this one... we'll see

And yeah look at Pearl Jam, never heard anything about them again, what do you want with that band name  ;)


October 15th?  I thought it was September.  hm.

Thanks for the link Rrrrrrriny.

(Does everyone know that it is not pronounced rye-knee, like I said in my head from day one?  It's like "tin", Riny.  With a little growl on the r.  :))

(You know, in case anyone else ever cares about phonetics like I do.)


hey guys,

movie looks good, except that it looks a lot like Garden State.

crowe uses great music though, in the mtv trailer he uses Tom Petty's Learning to Fly and one of my all time favorites, Little Martha by the Allman Brothers...the music in this is gonna be great



Did anybody notice that Orlando Bloom is holding a Collector's Derby Glass?  Not that anyone outside of KY cares, but those glasses, even without the mint juleps are worth a pretty penny.


So... is there a Louisville premiere?  And how do I win tix?  This movie looks really good - and I would say that even if Jim, Patrick, and Tommy weren't in it.

I also noticed Orlando sporting an Ale-8-1 shirt!


I was so excited to see your name up there, Mr. tundra!

That's all.  Carry on...



Did you noticed the Ear-X-Tacy bumper sticker in the first trailer?  It takes up half of the screen in one shot.  Louisvillians are going to have a great time watching and rewatching this film trying to find all of local flavor!  I heard they used the Lebowski Fest poster from last year in the movie, too.
The Unofficial Official MMJ Guitar Tabs Archive


QuoteI heard they disappeared after their first album but i haven't heard anything lately!

Ouch!!!!  I love Pearl Jam, they worked damn hard to get out of the limelight.  They are still writting passionate and inteligent rock music but they quit doing videos and promotion because they were so sick with it all.  They can still sell out a venue when ever they want though, they have a very loyal and avid fanbase.  Did anyone notice the big Perl Jam poster in the Elizabethtown trailer?
There's Still Time.........


I think that Pearl Jam and MMJ are similar in a lot of ways.  Singles was a movie directed by Cameron Crowe that thrust Pearl Jam into the limelight through a speaking role in the movie and inclusion on the soundtrack.  Pearl Jam goes on to help change the face of music returning it back to rock n roll and music that was meaningful.  I think Crowe is trying to do it all over again with MMJ and E-town.  I agree that with Sweatboard that Pearl Jam still has a very loyal following dispite their resistence to "sell out" and this is another way that they are similar to the jacket.  If these similarities continue, perhaps we can look forward to MMJ on the MTV awards rockin out with Neil Young.   ;D
The Unofficial Official MMJ Guitar Tabs Archive


I know that Eddie would absoulutly love MMJ.  I actually have two copies of Acoustic Citsuoca on vinyl because I bought one for the soul purpose of throwing it on stage at Eddie's feet when I went to see PJ in Asheville last year.  Eddie is a big fan of Vinyl records and I'm still kicking myself in the ass for not doing it.  I was close enough that it would have been no problem.  Damnit!!!!!  As for rocking out at the MTV awards, I would rather see them rocking out at the Grammys.  Apparently the band has three songs on the soundtrack and one of them we have never heard before and was written somewhat for the movie.  I hope this would qualify it for a possible Grammy nomination. ;D  I'm not excited at the prospect of pop culture status but any legitmate exposure to turn more people on is exciting.  In the end I would love to see MMJ grow the way Wilco did and not Pearl Jam.  I wouldn't wish Pearl Jam type exposure on any legitimate band and neither would Pearl Jam.  As a side note Pearl Jam was actually nominated for an award for a song they wrote for the Tim Burrton film "Big Fish" last year but it really didn't make any splash in the pond at all (I doubt anyone hear even remebers the song), but it really was cool for Pearl Jam fans.        
There's Still Time.........