When and if Z leaks

Started by sweatboard, Jun 29, 2005, 06:27 AM

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Will you listen to it or do you want to wait for the actuall release date and buy it for the first listen.  I for one would like to hear it as soon as possible.  So if anyone finds a copy somewhere let me know. ;D  I would think that sense Billboard has reviewed the entire album already that there are copies floating around out there just waiting to find the internet.
There's Still Time.........


don't get your hopes up.
all review copies have a revolutionary non-conducting leak-resistant jacket.


There's Still Time.........

peanut butter puddin surprise

Quotedon't get your hopes up.
all review copies have a revolutionary non-conducting leak-resistant jacket.

that is the most awesome response, uncle riny!
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


Quotedon't get your hopes up.
all review copies have a revolutionary non-conducting leak-resistant jacket.

Is that anything like a My Morning Jacket?  ;)
I was lucky enough to hear a few tracks of the album but there's no way I'm going to leak anything.  The only thing I can tell you is...the album comes out September 20th!
The Unofficial Official MMJ Guitar Tabs Archive


Of course, I'd listen to it!!!
There is that most excellent website from the netherlands that always has new album previews, recently White Stripes, M. Ward, Kings of Leon. It currently has the new Sufjan Stevens(out July 5) and Warp Records Jamie Lidell's new album on there among others. Of course this is pure speculation but it might be a good bet (Bookmark that mofo):
I'm buying quite a few copies when Z hits.


nah i always prefer to wait. it makes buying the actual disc way more exciting and fresh!!!  i'll listen to the single or see a video though if there is one.


I think that in order to convince people to buy the actuall disc instead of downloading they should include a dvd with the cd.  Studio footage or live stuff, or interviews.
There's Still Time.........

peanut butter puddin surprise

QuoteI think that in order to convince people to buy the actuall disc instead of downloading they should include a dvd with the cd.  Studio footage or live stuff, or interviews.

oh come on now.  it's not enough to be a new MMJ record?
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


i'll wait. it makes the first time through that much better



oh come on now.  it's not enough to be a new MMJ record?

In this day and age.......NO.  I mean, it's quite enough for me but, many casual fans will only download the album.  I will probably download the album and then procede to sink hundreds of dollars into concert tickets, vinyl records, and what not.  I would really enjoy it if the just had some video footage from the studio with the record, leave it to MMJ to come up with something more clever though.  I could see Jim putting out a dvd with them dressed up as Dr. Teeth and The Electric Mayhem while playing the theme to Dukes of Hazzard in the middle of Time Square or something like that.  
There's Still Time.........


mmj is the kind of band that doesnt need gimmicks to sell music.  not that concert footage would be a gimmick, but some bands today use all those "extras" to entice readers to buy new cds.  this isn't to say that i wouldn't love something like that, but ten songs from my favorite band is more than enough to make me happy.  at least with them it's about one thing: the music.


Unfortunatly, for ATO/RCA it's also about selling records.  Which I understand, and why I'm also willing to wait patiently untill the Sep. 20th release date.  Now if someone were to float a copy of an already mixed and mastered album I would have no problem downloading it and enjoying it today.  In addition to holding the release date ATO could also consider providing an incentive to those considering buying the CD in order to sell even more CD's.  I would not have anything against them providing extra material with my store bought CD, in fact I would be excited about it.  It's a Win, Win situation.  I don't believe this strategy by RECORD COMPANIES compramises the bands integrity in any way.    
There's Still Time.........


"mmj is the kind of band that doesnt need gimmicks to sell music. "

MMJ might not need gimicks for thier music to be enjoyed but it has gotten to a point that every band need's to consider how they can sell records instead of (or as well as) having them downloaded for free off the net.  That is a FACT.
There's Still Time.........


Quote"mmj is the kind of band that doesnt need gimmicks to sell music. "

MMJ might not need gimicks for thier music to be enjoyed but it has gotten to a point that every band need's to consider how they can sell records instead of (or as well as) having them downloaded for free off the net.  That is a FACT.

true, but the only people who are really gonna be concerned with live concert footage or interviews with patrick and jim are the type of people who read these boards.  most casual music listeners will be content to steal the cd off limewire.  i don't believe my morning jacket is big enough yet to be able to win fan's purchases through extras. it's not like U2, or a similar big band who can get away with selling bono's image on a dvd or something.  a person is going to buy Z because they KNOW and LIKE the band.  a dude in a record store or on amazon.com is not gonna be swayed into buying Z because it promises interviews with Tommy or clips from the higher ground show.

the way this record could win mmj a bigger fanbase is if it gets more stellar reviews, generates more publicity, gets more people at the shows and converts more people into fans who will buy an album because they support the band.

either way, i'm pumped about the album and i'll buy it however it comes.

peanut butter puddin surprise

Very good points, October.  I'm troubled by the idea that the CD isn't enough-perhaps I'm showing my age here.  I can recall a time when a new record (as in vinyl) would come out.  Shit, I'd spend hours just reading the words all over the sleeves as I was listening.  More often than not, there weren't even pictures of the band on them-so you had no idea what the band even looked like, let alone had footage of them playing live.  And that was way more than enough, but again-perhaps that age has passed. (sob)

Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there

peanut butter puddin surprise

The other side of this is production costs.  If the first 100K pressings don't have these features, are you saying they won't get sold?  Somehow I doubt that...
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


Would you believe that I don't own a single My Morning Jacket CD other than Acoustic Citsuoca.  It's true.
There's Still Time.........


I don't understand what people have against *Bonus* material ???, if a band and a record company decide to throw in an additional disc and you don't believe in it you could always use it as a coster, or a frisbee, or shit on it and light it on fire.  I'll be perfectly happy with just the music on the album but if they were to include some video footage I might like to watch it and I might very well even enjoy it.  
There's Still Time.........


QuoteVery good points, October.  I'm troubled by the idea that the CD isn't enough-perhaps I'm showing my age here.  I can recall a time when a new record (as in vinyl) would come out.  Shit, I'd spend hours just reading the words all over the sleeves as I was listening.  More often than not, there weren't even pictures of the band on them-so you had no idea what the band even looked like, let alone had footage of them playing live.  And that was way more than enough, but again-perhaps that age has passed. (sob)

the other night i took out my copy of at dawn and realized i had never really read the liner notes and stuff and the thank you's.  so i did it, and looked at the little drawings and pictures, and there's just something great about having that, and not just an mp3 file on a computer. granted, there are tons of bands where i'm content just to own their music on mp3 files, but yea, when i was younger i used to love getting a cd and just sitting with the lyrics and listening. it's kind of an experience for me if its a band i really like.

anyway, the cd will sell.  we will buy it, it will be great. and hopefully, like i said, it will get great reviews, get people talkin, get fresh faces to shows and make them believers.