At Dawn, Amelia's favorite record

Started by johnconaway, Jul 18, 2005, 08:40 AM

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peanut butter puddin surprise

Of all the records we've played in the house, lil Amelia, who is all of 5 months old, really loves At Dawn.  I think it might have to do with the familiarity as it's played a lot  ;)...but isn't that interesting that it's soothing qualities even calm her down?  She could be having an Everest sized fit, and once it comes on, she's cool as a cucumber.  
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


That's rad connaway.  My 6 year old little sister's favorite song is Lowdown.  That's a couple of cool little chicas!


You know...  When I was still inside of my Mother, she used to play all kinds of records for me, apparently.  I was quite keen on Lep Zeppelin.  And there was this one that was specifically designed for those in utero...

Perhaps this could be a new marketing feature?  My Morning Jacket to the womb?  My Morning Jacket - "good for babies?"


Smart kids, by the way.  I'm sure that At Dawn is a HELL of a lot nicer to be forced to put on than, say, Barnie or some of the other really horrible kids albums that I've heard.

peanut butter puddin surprise

There will be no dinosaur frontal nudity in the Conaway household.  That purple idiot's got his junk all hangin' out with NO drawers to speak of.... :)
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there