people who do not listen to the new album

Started by Chills, Jul 14, 2005, 06:12 AM

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Hi, fellow fans who ignore the leaked album!
I'm not even reading the threads about the new one, although I'm curious of course.
Let us all discuss the new tracks we have not yet heard, the silence we enjoy and the entertaining wait for the original product  8)

Wonder how long I will keep this up, let's support each other in this thread!

peanut butter puddin surprise

I'll tell you this:

It's most likely NOT a subtle marketing thing.

I have a long rant I'd post here, but the folks who are going to do this already have and for some reason, can justify their actions and have a canyon sized litany of excuses on how and why it's "okay" to do this.  I politely disagree.  

In addition, I would normally go and follow every thread and insert my comments as to why I think this is wrong, but ulimately I think that's futile.  It's depressing all the way around.
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


Personally, I have no problem with people listening to it already, unless there was some kind of written statement by the band. And hey, reviews will pop up all over the net, that's just reality, to me it makes no sense to stop them here... Maybe the band should make some kind of official statement on this?

For some bands I really love and records I really anticipate I just prefer to go and pick up a copy of the "real thing", see the artwork etc. and then play it.
But maybe this is just romantic old-fashioned bullshit...

Hope the wait will only make it sweeter.


I understand what you are saying Megan.  It's just a fact of life at this point, every bands album is going to get leaked.  Especially when it's finished so long before the actuall release date.  Official release dates really don't mean anything to me anymore, other than that's when I can get the Vinyl and the *Bonus Disc*.  The leak is going to get discussed, people will listen to it.  I'm all for people that want to wait, that's thier choice but trying to stifle it is really just a lost cause.  I can't imagine the band not wanting us to hear the music.  I would think that after finishing an album they would be just as excited for the fans to hear it as the fans themselves are.          
There's Still Time.........


I'm not sure why it's so magical to wait for the official release date.  It's not like the stars are going to align on the second Tuesday in October and some heavenly light will shine down and then and only then will the true meaning of the album be revealed.  I mean I might get hit by a truck next week and die.  
There's Still Time.........


i know this is not groundbreaking, but i'm going to go on record as having said that 1) i will buy the hell out of the new album for myself and others, including the vinyl, and 2) i'm dying to hear it, and unless the band comes around and condemns it, i will check it out without guilt (if they do disapprove, well then i will just have to find ways to deal with my guilt for a couple of months.)


Let's abort this thread and continue (or end) the discussion in the "my take on the leak" thread.


My biggest qualm, is that it's not personal. I don't get the odd art and hand-written liner notes, and I don't get to see what crazy picture is on the CD and what color everyhting is. I mean, AcousticitsuocA is such a red album, and ISM is most definitely brown and gold. It just takes so much away from it to not see the colors and pictures, cuz even Jim has said that he sees different capo positions as different colors, so if he's seeing his music as colors, dont you think it would complement our experience to see what he's seeing?

That said, I'm waiting for vinyl. I've never had the experience of listening to my own personal favorite band on vinyl (though I own ISM and acousticitsuoca) because I get my LP player when I go to college in the fall. This album release is one I am highly looking forward, because I'm sure these guys probably sound at their absolute best on some good hard shiny black vinyl.

I'm practicing Z abstinence.
The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.


i can definitely understand the appeal of listening to it now. for me personally, i just want to wait. it's hard, but i like the idea of buying it the day it comes out and being really excited to get it home and get a nice drink and enjoy it. i've heard some of the new songs already from the live shows, but i think hearing the album versions will be sweet, and i want to wait for that mystery. if i walked into a room and the new album was playing, i wouldn't run out screaming, however, i feel like if it was meant to be released already, it would be. so i'm waitin'.  :)


QuotePersonally, I have no problem with people listening to it already, unless there was some kind of written statement by the band. And hey, reviews will pop up all over the net, that's just reality, to me it makes no sense to stop them here... Maybe the band should make some kind of official statement on this?

For some bands I really love and records I really anticipate I just prefer to go and pick up a copy of the "real thing", see the artwork etc. and then play it.
But maybe this is just romantic old-fashioned bullshit...

Hope the wait will only make it sweeter.

read my mind.  i'll be waiting as well.  


Postponing enlarges the pleasure!

I'm waiting also.


i would never steal from MMJ.  All of us that are waiting will have that special feeling that the downloaders are missing out on.      

and i agree with Eisey about MMJ on vinyl. I need to get down to Grimeys and get the ISM lp. The speakers on my player sucks, but hopefully by the time Z is released, i can somehow hook it up to my stereo speakers.
Hold my life until I'm ready to use it


Hey seriously, let's throw this thread into the firey pits of hell! It's my thread, I can do that.
It is and was never my intention to create a stupid divide between the fans (listen now/not listen). That's not needed.
Oh indeed then I never should have started a thread for people who will not listen to it yet, should've known better.

We can discuss further (those who wish, not me!), but rather not in this thread and please, with respect for each other's opinions, in a slightly civilized manner.
Even if you disagree.
That should be possible.

Peace out


Amen to all the above posts!!  Non-Leak listeners unite!  Woo!