Finally....the Newbie reviews "At Dawn"

Started by Nikkogino, Aug 11, 2005, 11:01 PM

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Okay, I have decided to give my track by track mini-review now after finally getting my copy of At Dawn.  Most of you probably don't give a shit about my review because you all love the album regardless.  I am a newbie (as I have said many times), so take that into consideration--I heard "Z" before I heard "At Dawn."  So I am coming into this having fallen in love with ISM and getting to know Z.  So this is what I think.......please give me feedback as to what is wrong/right about my perception of the song, so I can go back and see what you are saying.  By the way, I have only listened to the album about 3 times now, so some of the songs are not 'soaked in' yet.  Oh is my two cents worth.  Take it or leave it:

Scores out of (10)

1 ) At Dawn:  Great intro track, although it doesn't feel like a complete song for some reason.  The lyrics are cool, the music is cool, and for an opening track, I really liked it.  (8.0)

2 ) Lowdown:  This song has a feel to it that I just love.  I could chill to this song all day long.  "Sure nuff mood for romancin." I just love that line!!!  This is a great song, hands down, no questions asked.  (9.5)

3 ) The Way That He Sings:  This song took a couple of listens to fully absorb.  Another good "chill song."  I like the inaudible singing that sounds to me something like "but he don't run run but he don't run."  The way that he sings "the way that he sings" is very cool.  Although I like this song, I believe that it is easily overshadowed by the song before it and after it.  Shoot me!  (8.0)

4 ) Death Is My Sleazy Pay/Death is the Easy Way:  The reason I like this song so much-> On first listen, I thought to myself "dull song," but when Jim comes in with "Cause nothin gets you high" my ears perked up.  "And alcohol only makes you tiiiiiiiiiiired"  The man is a talented songwriter--this song gives me a lonely/sad feeling and usually I don't get any kind of true feeling from music.  This song has a presence, and I believe that the song succeeds in conveying this lonesome desperado type of mood.  Cheers Jim....great tune.  (10.0)

5 ) Hopefully:  The verse is okay, but sorry kind of bores me.  The chorus is genius though (Jim can write a chorus).  Okay, I just listened to it again....these ditties are so good.  This is another song that is growing on me.  Maybe it will move up on my list in the future.  For now, it belongs in the middle of the pack.  (8.0)

6 ) Bermuda Highway:  I don't want to spend a lot of time talking about this track.  It's quite simply a great song all around.  Great verse and ridiculously great chorus.  This song has been stuck in my head since I got the album.  Let's just drop it.  (9.5)

7 ) Honest Man:  This track is enjoyable and has a great southern twang to it.  I like the guitar.  Not anything special though when compared to the rest of the album.  Other bands have done this kind of thing better.  (6.5)

8 ) X-Mas Curtain:  This song got my attention on first listen.  Definitely one of the top 3 tracks on the album.  The instruments sound top notch on this song.  The melody is there, the vocals sound good, but I love the middle instrumental part (are those steel drums?????) Whatever...great song.  Excellent song.  Stupendous song.  I don't get the whole "christmas curtain" lyric but who gives a fuck?  You're the criminal who never breaks the laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw--->now bring on the sweet guitar solo (10.0)

9 ) Just Because I Do:  I would lump this song in with "Honest Man."  The song is enjoyable, but it is overshadowed by a lot of other songs.  The chorus is good, but it is tough to follow up "X-Mas Curtain" in terms of melody and instrumentation.  The track makes me want to go back and listen to Jim sing about criminals who really aren't criminals....    (7.5)

10 ) If It Smashes Down:  Don't get me wrong..the song is great and I know they werent going for the most precise tune here with all of the mis-picks.  It is a great slow listen, but it won't be one that I listen to all the time.  It's pretty cool though so I won't be too rough.  (7.0)

11 ) I Needed It Most: This song should have been seperated from "If It Smashes Down"  They both slow down the album A LOT.  That doesn't mean its not a good track though.  (7.5)

12 ) Phone Went West:  LOVE THIS SONG!!!!!!!  I like the reggae vibe...I just love the whole song.  Not one thing wrong with it.  The chorus is sweet.  I would have to say that this song and "X-Mas Curtain" are both battling for my top spot at the moment. (10.0)

13 ) Strangulation:  Hmmmm.  Good song, although rather weird.  It has a brooding feeling to it.  It's kind of scary.  I like how it breaks down hard at the end.  (8.5)

Well, there it is.  I didn't comment on the "untitled" last track because it is merely an extra instrumental track or whatever.  It is very neat sounding though.

Give me feedback on how much of an idiot I am.  Tell me what to listen for in some of the slower songs (tracks 10 and 11).  I think I will begin to like these with repeated listens.  Thanks guys.


It's so cool that you wrote a play by play as you listened to it.  I wouldn't dare try to tell you what I think about your thoughts and interpretations - they're yours dude.

That was really cool.


I would definately give the live version of Phone Went West a 10.0 for sure, though. Doesn't MMJ play that live anymore? A fantastic song to wrap up the show.

Anyway, good stuff.


I really enjoyed reading that. It made me want to go and listen to it again. I agree that 'Phone Went West' is amazing and even better live.

I remember when I first heard it taking a while to get into 'At Dawn'. I loved 'Lowdown' and 'The Way That He Sings' so much that I got into the habit of skipping it. I've just realised I didn't appreciate it fully until I heard the cover versions on the tribute album. How weird. Now I never skip it.


(dith, you're getting close to G-Unit status, hey?)


Quote(dith, you're getting close to G-Unit status, hey?)

I'd better pace myself - not sure if I'm ready for all that bling  ;)


Thanks for the recap... and yes, we do give a shit what you think about it. :)

It's been said already, but you really need to hear a live version of "phone went west". The rock out part at the end is fandamntastic.


Good Post.  I would say to really listen to Honest Man and take in the power of that song.  I love the lines "Radar Watches Me From Above" and the screaming is just flat out mind exploding. As for "If It Smashes Down"  Sometimes when I listen to this song I imagine Jim walking into the silo late at night with his banjo and a pocket recorder sitting down in a rocking chair and just letting this one come out.  I love it because the lyrics and emotion are so powerful.
There's Still Time.........


I was surprised at how much I agreed w/ your review Nikko. I love the album but there are about three tracks that I just can't get into no matter how many times I listen to them(just because I do, honest man, if it smashes down). I think they are average songs, but compared to the rest of the album which is flawless those songs just can't compare."death is the easy way" and "phone went west" are probably my two favorites as well. And don't give up on "hopefully" that one tended to grow on me after a few listens...and I also got the acoustic citsuoca EP and that version is great as well.

I remember how I got into MMJ a lil while ago. I heard about MMJ in some article and decided to download some of their shit to see what was up w/ this band...I downloaded the first one I saw: "death is the easy way". Loved the song and decided to check out the band's site...they just released a new album. "It still moves". I said damn, I'm gonna have to buy that. I gave it one listen, thought it was awesome(couldn't believe the FUCKING JAMMING in the songs). I saw that they were coming to pittsburgh pretty soon. Best concert I've ever seen, been a huge fan ever since.

I thought it was going to be a mellow show...damn was I wrong. Jim did start off the show with 3 or 4 acoustic songs pretty much on stage by himself. He also closed the show with 2 songs on his own, I wish they would do that every show. But anyways, what fell in between was balls out rock n roll. The whole band headbanging for what seemed like hours, I thought the lead singer was on speed or something...definitely on live show EVER



I'd better pace myself - not sure if I'm ready for all that bling  ;)

OH You're ready!  I've got some things in mind for you already that I think will really suit you.
There's Still Time.........


Okay guys...I'm listening to the Bonnaroo '04 version of "Phone Went West"---very cool.  This is just a good song period.


Yeah, that's a GREAT version of that song. Great, I say.



OH You're ready!  I've got some things in mind for you already that I think will really suit you.

I trust you implicitly Brian so I'll keep on talking  :D


QuoteYeah, that's a GREAT version of that song. Great, I say.

now I'm listening to the 11/27/03 version from the Headliners music hall in KY....also very good.

The 11/26/03 show at the same venue also has a kickass version of X-Mas.  Okay, and this Phone Went West version is great too.  Damn these are some good songs!

ONE QUESTION-  Why the HELL don't they put out a live album????  Songs like Phone Went West are soooo good live.  They are on Dave "Put out 35 live albums a year" Matthews label still, right????  This needs to happen on this next tour.



now I'm listening to the 11/27/03 version from the Headliners music hall in KY....also very good.

The 11/26/03 show at the same venue also has a kickass version of X-Mas.  Okay, and this Phone Went West version is great too.  Damn these are some good songs!

ONE QUESTION-  Why the HELL don't they put out a live album????  Songs like Phone Went West are soooo good live.  They are on Dave "Put out 35 live albums a year" Matthews label still, right????  This needs to happen on this next tour.

Do you know about Acoustic Citsuoca, yet?  :)



Do you know about Acoustic Citsuoca, yet?  :)

yes, i do.  I bought it on iTunes (is it worth buying the real cd for a booklet or anything?).  I love it.  But I think they need to put out a real live show that includes songs from all of the albums (also Z).  Kind of like a best of live show.


If you got it on Itunes, there's really no reason to buy the CD as well. The packaging is neat, but nothing to write home about.
If you're buying anything soon, buy the performance. That's the closest thing to a live album that we have besides the EP.


Man I am enjoying this quinoa salad that I'm eating.

Okay.  Live albums.  Well, hm.  

I would have to say that I'm pretty happy with the stuff that already exists as far as live recordings.  But that's probably just me.  I like to see live shows live, and I like to listen to the shows that I've been to, but if I'm at home or listening on the go, I prefer a studio album.  

I think.

Not that I don't like live recordings, and I definitely love Acoustic Citsuoca.  I don't know...  


Yeah we have some really good live auido but we really really need an entire show on dvd video.
There's Still Time.........


11 ) I Needed It Most: This song should have been seperated from "If It Smashes Down"  They both slow down the album A LOT.  That doesn't mean its not a good track though.  (7.5)

Nice review. May I suggest revisiting this song a lot? It's one of my favourites, the vocals just sound amazing. Best listened to late at night.
All right, all right I'll ask her. Miss, miss! Do you know where the high school girls hang out around here? What? What? That's right, I'm the asshole! I'm the asshole!