Z [Pre-order]

Started by admin, Sep 13, 2005, 03:32 PM

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this horrible downloader here just pre-ordered!  

how could i know?  fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck!  first of all, no it really wouldnt haven't gone along with the flow of Z too much, but if my allgery medicine wouldnt have dried me out   :'(   but those are good tears.



Well I broke down and did it.  But i got it sent to a friends US address to save on shipping so its about the same price i would have paid in the store.
And How Could I Know is beautiful.
Did anyone else notice if you look at the track info in itunes or such, that it says it is track 15 of 16 from Z?  So does that mean in all we should be able to get about 6 bonus tracks from the album?  This would be one, the vinyl track would be two,  so then where are the other three coming from?


I broke down and did it too - ordered a 2nd CD through Music Today.  Glad I did.
