I think they should have left "Off the Record"

Started by my_evening_jacket, Oct 21, 2005, 08:58 AM

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QuoteI think the band had a pretty good idea that 'Off The Record' didn't quite fit in with the rest of the songs on this album.

not to pull your quote out of context, but I woudl like to make a point out of it. I ain't railing on ya, but just saying somethign to everyone through your little quote. Just gettin that out of the way, and no hostility intended.

Ok, do you guys even listen to Zeppelin? Okay, remember III? How about IV, or Houses of the  Holy? Remember how these albums sound? There's relatively little stylistic cohesion that happens in them, but as a whole, they become brilliant masterpieces. I won't put in Side 2 of Physical Graffiti unless I can finish it, because a lot of times the songs don't stand so much on themselves as they do as a whole, and when you appreciate them as a whole collective effort, you start to be able to appreciate them singularly.

So, just as Lay Low was "just pretty cool, I guess" at Bonnaroo, hearing it on the album, where it is on the album, followed by Knot Comes Loose and preceeded by Anytime, where it fits, and what it is. I mean good lord, the way the song just locks in at the end when all the harmonies come together and just lay it down. That's where this band is amazing, when they take something rather amazing and a bit chaotic and pull it together to that state of grandiosity where it sounds so frickin huge on five instruments and you realize what a beautiful statements been made with it.

Oh yeah, this is about Off the Record.

Remember Houses of the Holy? Remember D'Yer Mak'er? Ok. Preceded by the Crunge, followed by No Quarter. You may ask, "what the hell does this matter?" Remember how Zeppelin didn't really do singles? This one got sucked in. It's dance-able, likable, and just pretty kickin, and it basically gives the album two halves. I always saw the last three numbers on that album as a separate bit. To tell the truth, everythign on that album was it's own thing, but you know what? It was written by all the same people. That's what's beautiful about a band. If they want to make somehting they like, they damn well can. Regardless of who likes it.

After hearing Off the Record at Bonnaroo, then on the record, then at the other two shows I've been to this fall, I love it. The groove just rocks, its fun to move your head to, and then the bridge comes in and just knocks you on your ass. It's so accessible, and then the people who hear the single and get drawn will get the pop-iness of mmj and also the wierdness of them in one sing (a la backtracked baking instructions thanks to the one and only Two Tone Thomas).

Think about it, this song is great. So what if it's catchy. So what if people who don't "get it" enjoy it. It's not a crap song. It's a great one, and if a ton of people can like it, killer. And the cool thing is, you won't have to worry about the wrong people liking it for the wrong reasons. MTV is too elitist to pick up on these guys (and I think they just plain won't since they aren't marketable like Justin Timberlake is--unless Jim starts sportin bling) and you won't see em making ads any time soon.

And electric drum sets... why not?

I mean, get over it. Nobody likes every song. If you don't like this one, I'm sorry, you're missing out. But I think that, whether you like it or not, it's on the record regardless. Arguing on here ain't gonna do much about that fact.
The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.


QuoteSome members of this forum would flourish in a police state

but loper, you see, I have the right to love every song on the album and defend it. No one's going to be locked up for not liking every song off Z, and no one is going to be locked up for liking every song off Z.

I have just as much right to love every song off of Z as you have to criticize. It's about taste. It has nothing to do with the letter of the law.

Damn man, I have never been accused of wanting to live in a dictatorial state simply because I liked every song off of RUSH's Moving Pictures  :-/

Give me my freedom loper! My freedom to freely and openly love the Jacket and defend their title as the best rock band in the world! Freedom!  FREEDOM!!

Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Jacket
They are trampling out the sell outs where the grapes of wrath are stored,
They have unleashed the fateful lightening of the awesome rock guitar
Rock and Roll is marching on.

Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
Rock and Roll is marching on.

I have seen the Jacket in the halls of a hundred circling fans
They have builded Rock an altar in the evening dews and damps
I have their righteous songs by the dim and flaring lamps
Rock and Roll is marching on.

Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
Rock and Roll is marching on.

EVERYONE NOW! MEET ME AT THE QUAD AT NOON!!! [smiley=rock.gif] [smiley=rock.gif]

peanut butter puddin surprise

wow, great discussion!  i never thought we'd be debating the greatness vs. the blandness of a particular SONG off of any album.  but hey, debate away...

police state?!  nah, we're more like a socialist paradise, with some religious zealtry thrown in for good taste... ;)
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


more like, if you dislike something about this band you are damnned. there is little room for arguing here.


nah, I see 3 pages of arguing and there's room for more argues.
are we arguing about arguing now?
ok, argue on, you guys are entertaining arguers.


Now you've done it, zycartrobz >:( :o

How dare you steal and bastardize my favourite football team's anthem [smiley=wink2.gif]


QuoteJim and the guys generally produce music that stretches musical boundaries, Off The Record and What A Wonderful Man don't do that. In fact they sound repetitious and  could be the product of any number of bland bands.

Of course, I respect your right to voice your opinion & criticise but are you serious?
Off the Record doesn't stretch musical boundaries?!!

Help me out - please name some songs that sound like Off the Record cos I sure as hell haven't heard that many tripped out, guitar led pop/reggae tracks lately...

Let me know what bands are making songs that sound like & are as good as Off The Record cos I'll buy their CD tomorrow...

God will forgive them. He'll forgive them and allow them into Heaven.....I can't live with that.


I'd say Ashlee Simpson's new CD stretches musical boundaries...


QuoteI'd say Ashlee Simpson's new CD stretches musical boundaries...

any standout tracks?   [smiley=smartass.gif]


There's Still Time.........